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Everything posted by steve200TDi

  1. The clutch release bearing could have collapsed, as they are only plastic. That's what happen on mine when I lost the clutch. I then replaced the clutch as well and nought a stainless steel clutch release bearing from Megasquirt V8 https://www.megasquirt-v8.co.uk/diff_offroad.php Steve
  2. We have a drill press like that at work. Very useful! Steve
  3. I'm one step closer now! With the cable plugged in and the ignition on I was able to see it in the device manager and reinstall the driver and now it displays as comm port 5and I'm seeing live data for temps etc, so will have a play with the engine running! Thanks for the help Jon and Ed! Steve
  4. I have an ftdi thing on my ecu, but am struggling to get my laptop and ecu to communicate! I'm a bit out of my depth and don't know enough about all the setting you may need. Does it need a driver? I could try reinstalling it? I have tried to find com port locations, but the two I have found both say com1 and com2, not usb..... Some guidance needed please! Steve
  5. Oh yes, don't worry I have removed the old antenna! And Yes I understood about doing the checks on each setting on the SWR, I just didn't realise that it had polarity going through it! Steve
  6. So.... I have a confession! I plugged in the SWR the wrong way round. I did not realise that a) that it had polarity and b) it has Ant and Tx on the front corresponding to the rear connections! Anyway, I fitted a new antenna mount and even fitted a new antenna too as I had a spare! And I trimmed 35mm off of it to reduce the SWR to 1.5 - 2.5. So we'll see how it performs this weekend! Oh and out of interesting I tested the existing antenna and mount the SWR was over 3! Thanks for all the help. Steve P.S. Sorry, the forum moved the picture round like that - It wasn't me!
  7. Exactly! This is going to be mk2 for the Racer! Steve
  8. I left the back on and opened out the top (to get the arch) so that the spindle wouldn't fall out! I've been looking at the newer type too as they have a nut on the end to secure the wiper arm too thus deleting the horrible little splined adapter that causes all the play! I was half tempted to put a wanted add for knackered later style wiper spindles as we will only chop them up! Good progress! Steve
  9. Well this post does mention that the bracket does cover different engines. So it looks like ERC8854 could be what you need. This looks the same, but then this might fit but is a different part number?! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-ERC6974-Power-Steering-Mounting-Bracket-2-5-2-5-Turbo-Diesel-200tdi/192694898392?hash=item2cdd82ced8:g:mS0AAOSw~2hbsywM:rk:23:pf:0 Steve
  10. Have you googled it? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=defender+2.5+na+power+steering+bracket&rlz=1C1GCEU_enGB819GB819&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqg_DGxbreAhVJQ8AKHQeADZoQ_AUIDigB&biw=1680&bih=939 And and LR4x4 post here: Steve
  11. Another great event held at Plurenden farm over the weekend. I was nice and dry and warm(ish) in the timing caravan. The weather changed through out the day from dry and sunny to cold and wet! So did the course making it very slippery in places! Scores for the last round: Overall scores for the series: A great year, some great tracks and now its tinkering time for next year! Steve
  12. It's a side mount and I have put rubber insulation around the roll cage tube that sits in front of it. When I unplug the PL259 from the cb radio I don't get continuity. Steve
  13. I'll do that next week when I'm off again! Thanks Steve
  14. Ok, but I did attach a wire from the antenna ground to my chassis with no change. Do I need to check continuity from antenna connection on the bracket to antenna tip? More investigation needed! Steve
  15. Ok.....Holy thread res-erection blah blah...yeah yeah yeah!!! Right, I have done all the continuity checking which is all good. Admittedly I could sand some paint off on the inside, but I have SWR of infinate/off the scale! Please help! Do I just start chopping the antenna down or could there be another issue?? Thanks Steve
  16. Thanks Bowie for finding out, that is interesting. The downside is that I'll have to swap back to a defender drop arm, but that's not the end of the world! Steve
  17. It's the last round on the 28th of October. Details here: http://www.scor4x4.co.uk/events.php?id=E5A32938A6E855 See you there as I'll be helping out in the time keeping caravan. Steve
  18. I would also be interested if the price was lower.....hypothetically! Steve
  19. Yes, I had considered that, but as Ross rightly says the kick back wouldn't be nice......but after a steering damper and pump tweak etc it could be better, but I like to have two hands on the wheel! Also I think I may have tightened up the steering box a little too much in my quest to remove all the slack before the last race as I've normally found it ok! Steve
  20. Yes, it's certainly worth a bit of measuring to see what 20mm does to the lock to lock count.
  21. Yes, the Corsa steering would help with assistance and wouldn't make it quicker. Regarding the quickener, yes its another thing to go wrong, but that is what they are designed to do (steer quicker!) so it shouldn't brake! But I would be more annoyed if I broke a £600 steering box! At least the quickener is not exposed to trees, but it could see a bit of shock loading, but it should handle that! Steve
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