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Everything posted by steve200TDi

  1. So last week I finally gathered all the parts I needed to revise the fuel system. One shiny swirl pot Fitted with a low pressure Facet pump (Thanks Jon!) and Bosch 044, albeit non genuine, but I thought the 'high flow' unit I previously had, may have indeed been to high a flow! All plumbed in as per Jon's and usual convention. After priming the system it seem to start ok, with the standard Lucas 10 second fuel pump prime system. So took it to Slindon at the weekend......... And it ran all day! here's a video: Things I found out... The Facet pump got very hot to start with, so hot I almost burnt myself checking the temperature! It did seem to cool down and by the afternoon it was fine. So maybe it just needed some running in time. I notice the end cap uncrews, so maybe worth a look see and a rebuild! the pattern Bosch 044 was quite noisy by the end of the day, so tempted to swap it for the high flow unit which was quieter or something else. The car got up to temperature and warmer as it was a hot day. This is normally the time it cuts out, but it didn't! The fuel tamp is still hot, but the pumps are cool. The air flow around the back of the vehicle isn't idea, so I have some ideas: - A small scoop on the boot to divert air down over the swirl pot and pumps, easy to do and may help. - A heat shield in front of the fuel tank (engine side) as because the vehicle has under body skid plates, all the hot air from the engine hasn't got anywhere to go and just sits behind the tank, so maybe some hole to try and get rid of some of the hot air is needed. This has definitely helped, so I'm going to keep trying to improve it and get it prepared for Summer Sisters! Steve
  2. Well I took it for another outing to Slindon at the weekend, but sadly the issue is still there, so it's not the fuel pressure regulator! The fuel is getting hot, so it could be vaporising or staving the fuel pump of fuel. The inline fuel pump I have may be to highly rated for the engine and so pumping most of the fuel back into the tank which wont help with aeration. So my next plan is to: - fit a facet fuel pump to suck the fuel out of the tank (Thanks John!) - Fit a fuel swirl pot - reroute the fuel lines somewhere cooler - Maybe even make the return line larger so as not to make a restriction I was also thinking of fitting an in tank fuel pump, as that could alleviate some of the problems too, but it's a lot of effort cutting a hole in the tank if I don't know for certain it will work, this could be an improvement in the future though. Steve
  3. Also the handbrake is attached to the rear propshaft hence no rotational movement. Steve
  4. Or one of Davids budget ropes: http://www.goodwinch.com/shop/budget-bowrope/budget-bowrope-10mm-x-27-5m90-or-30-5m/ You can't go wrong with his products! Steve
  5. I did see this. I know a lot of people now use the synthetic, but there are still people who only use there winch occasional/now and again or who still want to use steel cable, so I don't know where people stand with that! Steve
  6. Haha, ok. Yes, it doesn't help having the spark plug hole at an angle otherwise it would be straight forward to use a dial test indicator (dti) http://www.mini-lathe.com/Measurement/Dial_indicators/Dial_indicators.htm Steve
  7. If you have a DTi and steel disc (ideally with degrees on it) you can find the exact TDC. If you have the kit, then why not do it! If you had a cable tie with graduated marks on you could then work out a set piston height each side of TDC and then you can work out exact TDC. Hopefully this is making sense! Steve
  8. Now this looks handy! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Emco-Star-Band-Saw-Rip-Saw-Disk-Sander-Belt-Sander-Multi-Machine-/182064788074?hash=item2a63e8326a:g:rREAAOSwZtJW8vKk
  9. It appears so! Hot water, preferably boiling to leave to soak for a bit and then once finished (or cold) throw it away! Steve
  10. I've just cleaned all my diff centres and ARBs with this stuff!: https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/5-litre-parts-washer-concentrated/ I have one of the small parts washers, but last time I used it I ditched the mezzanine level and didn't use the 10 or so litres it recommends because of the following: - I put 0.5 litre or so of the fluid in the tank and topped up with boiling water with the parts in. - Didn't use the parts washer pump! - just used a small paint brush/toothbrush. It seems to work a lot better the hotter the water is! Ok, it's not the best and I use parafin at work, but it stinks! So for a quick wash at home this is ideal. As I said it works best with boiling water and then wash the parts quickly after as when the water cools off it's useless. A couple of times I've topped up with another kettle full of water so you can use the same stuff again. Also I've tried reheating it too - that didn't work either and is more hassle than it's worth! Steve And it smells nice too! Orangy I think!
  11. Mmm... Different, it's certainly different and in some peoples eye, it may be horrible.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-110-project-build-/121934849024?hash=item1c63e22400:g:vHcAAOSwKtlWjpKO Steve
  12. As I've been replacing my transfer box myself, I thought I'd take a few photos for you. It was a bit dark as you can see! No diff lock: Difflock (you can see the bit you arrowed in red does move a little): But also there's an arm that rotates to engage and disengage the diff lock. This may be sticking or may need the vehicle to roll slightly for it to engage. No diff lock: Diff lock: Hope this helps and there is also adjustment on the pivot. You can move it in or out with the lock nut to gain more throw. Steve
  13. You may need the car slightly rolling to get it in difflock. Steve
  14. I think it varies depending on time of year, so Yes, I'm afraid there maybe Midges, but don't let that put you off! Steve
  15. Hmmmm, I don't think that's right Chris! Steve
  16. Thanks Dave, they sound like good events, just a shame I working on the first two dates, but I might try the Trojan Trophy later in the year. Thanks Dave (Another Dave!) Sounds also like a good event, but just a shame that Yorkshire (for me) is so far away! Steve
  17. Yes, I have heard of stories like that. I think that maybe what happened to the Mud Monsters series this year! It is very difficult to organise an event if you don't know how many people are coming as it's a big commitment! In that case i'll try and go to event already on this year and support them. Come on people! You too! Steve
  18. I've heard of terratagging, but what exactly is it? Steve
  19. Do you get 12v down the signal wire when you put the ignition on? I had heavy corrosion in one of the wires which causing a huge resistance down the wire. I take it that the vehicle was working fine before you had pump problems. Steve
  20. Well at this rate it'll be my own event! Steve
  21. This thread could be used to stock pile all the events for this year, but the main reason for starting this was to ask where are all the winch challenges! I know of the big ones! Welsh Extreme last weekend. The Wooldridge Trophy The Decider The severn Valley Trojan Trophy - which I may enter! But there doesn't seem to be any for Land Rovers if you get my drift! The only fun one I know of it The Scott Williams Memorial Winch Challenge. So if you know of any other challenges please add them! Also there's: Driven to the Edge King of Wales Scotia Steve
  22. I should hopefully have the 4.11 diffs in by then! Steve
  23. Cool! I'll bring The Racer! I'm going to love driving up the steep bit of road just before Seven Sisters, can't wait! Steve
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