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Everything posted by steve200TDi

  1. I took a few spares with me in July and happened to be quite useful to certain people! Sometimes you can find spares in the trees, but maybe that was just my luck/a one off! Steve
  2. Haha! Unfortunately they only have 4 glow plugs! Steve
  3. Yes please! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-Comp-Safari-Rear-Engined-100-Racer-Not-Tomcat-Wildcat-/171851893368?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item28032bca78 Because Race Car! Steve
  4. Cool! Catch up nearer the time! Steve
  5. I saw Mickeyw only yesterday! I'm sure we can sort something out! Mickeyw - Might see you next Monday at the K2?! Steve
  6. Hi, If they can get it down to Cowfold (or near Cowfold) i'll take it to the pub social! Steve
  7. I think I have that bracket if you want it?! Steve
  8. I think 15P is 2002 on wards, so it will have an NNN ECU and external spill/return rail on the outside of the cylinder head. I understand the build date for early 15P's could be pre 2002 as that's when they were built not sold! Steve
  9. I'm still toying with the idea of going?..... I want to go! Steve
  10. I guess the next step is maybe to remove the ball joint and the two bolts that hold it to the chassis (hopefully they'll come out too!) and take the whole A-frame to a vice, or a press, or someone who can separate them! Steve
  11. Yes, you can buy it if you want! http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=94133#entry816752
  12. I'm nearish to Haywards Heath, but I'm not going to Oxford. I could bring it to the Shire Land Rover Club social next Thursday for someone to move on if that's any help? Steve
  13. Sorry to hi jack the thread, bu t I have a question about the RD56. How does the plastic cage come out when you strip a locker down completely? Should it just fall out? Or is it held in by a secret clip?? As I can't get my cage out and I don't particularly want to break it as it is plastic! Steve
  14. You'll hear the manifold blowing. There will be black deposits around the gasket. Steve
  15. Thanks Scott, that looks close and could well be that. Could do Mike, I'll have a search for local paint shops. Thanks Steve
  16. I only did the Saturday, so I'll definitely be back! Steve
  17. Some piccies from laning! Right, a few lanes me and my parents did on the Friday. And Saturday
  18. I know it's Blue, but what blue!! I need some paint for my Dad's Defender! Answers on a postcard! Thanks Steve
  19. Yes, a good laning trip had by all! I will upload some pictures soon! Will be going back again with Darth so maybe see some others too. James - you fancy popping down again! ;) Steve
  20. Mine took for ever to prime! And I think I had jump leads off another car and was cranking it over it seemed for ages until it fired up! Keep at it. Steve
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