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Everything posted by LandyManLuke

  1. Intelligently? not really. they've just got a voltage controlled relay in them. They're a huge rip off if you ask me. A VSR does exactly the same job, and costs about £50.Proper battery managment systems cost a lot more than £200, but then they do actually manage the batteries, by controlling the alternator.
  2. Had a look on my way past today, sorry, none there.
  3. As Roger said, there's one almost at the end of my road, though he's been in there more recently than I have, and their stock of things like this turns over pretty quickly. That said, i can go and have a look for you.
  4. Sorry, these look different, happy to stick some in the post if you want to try them.
  5. I think i've got a bag of those in the garage!
  6. Sorry, it doesn't work like that. If a switch is rated at 250A at 24V, it's still rated at 250A at 12V. The laws of Power don't apply, as the switch has no (negligable) resistance, and thus uses no power. With a switch or similar with a rating like 250A at 24V, the current rating is with respect to the size of the conductors,contacts etc. the voltage rating is with respect to the insulation (air) between the contacts when they're open, and between seperate conductors. Regards Luke
  7. I had some calliper bolts that needed the 90 jacking up and being let down onto the breaker bar. made some interesting noises and we were hiding round the other side of the vehicle, letting the jack down ever-so slowly...
  8. Having just done some research, I've answered my own question. Uncovered Dynema as used for winch lines is spliced as i've seen, with the stitching:Uncovered Marine ropes, with a protective outer sheath are spliced differently: Covered So, urm, that's solved that one then....
  9. Having seen a few pictures of spliced eyes in ropes on different websites, I'd be interested to hear how people have spliced ropes themselves, or had ropes spliced for them. The reason being, I have seen a fair few splices with the rope passed through it's self a couple of times. This goes against everything i've seen, done and been told about, in the Marine world. I'd be interested in anyone else's perspective. Cheers Luke
  10. that's fine until you start spending time on the continent! also a mate's got a LHD 90 here, and that confuses things. Another vote for Port and Starboard, make life a lot easier!
  11. Presumably that simplifies things significantly as you don't need to find/buy/import an EDIS8 controller, though if MS dies, you've not got any limp-home capability. do you just use 2 4cylinder coil packs off any old EDIS-running ford in the scrappy?
  12. Just being a numpty, and to confirm, The above pin-outs are for a V3 MS directly driving the coil packs i.e. no EDIS controller?
  13. http://www.safari-equip.co.uk/index.php
  14. OK, i thought they did, indeed i looked at a website for Safariquip (i think), perhaps they're not one and the same, or it's no longer up.
  15. Does anyone have the web addy for WV Bradford (safariquip??) Ta
  16. You can add your own feed for a tach, you need to take it from one of the three windings, before the diode pack.
  17. Alternator tach ouput is labelled W if that's any help. fwiw, my alternator has only one surpressor, and the W is the only spade connection on the back (although the spade is bolted to a stud about the same size as the warning light stud) any help?
  18. A hi-lift just to change a wheel? I've got a bottle jack in the back, about 10 times smaller, cheaper, lighter AND safer! I reckon it's quicker too, you only need to lift the axle an inch or two, rather than lifting the chassis almost a foot. of course, i have no bling bolted to the back door/spare tyre/bulkhead
  19. You don't want to measure voltage here, but current, as Fridge said. switch the settings over (and usually change the probes to different sockets) and measure the current draw, with the probes connected to the +ve of the battery, and the +ve battery lead.
  20. Definite thumbs up, their own brand stuff seems to be sourced decently - ie it's not ****e, the old man has quite a few (is it 'white') own branded tools and they've performed well for his use. I've got a lovely bench vice christmas pressie sitting here that came from them, as well as an air nibbler. pleased with both.
  21. AFAIK, If it's supposed to have a cat, it'll be tested according to cat emission regulations, as long as it passes, it doesn't matter if it has a cat or not.
  22. 'piston contact head' size has nothing to do with it, you need the cross-sectional area of the piston.
  23. Nigel, that'd be great, if you would. all with the engine nicely warm. resistance between sender and block, with gauge disconnected temperature on thermostat outlet - just near where pipe goes off to rad. temperature on water pump inlet - where pipe comes back from rad. temperature of head, thermostat housing end. Thanks very much indeed. Luke
  24. nice bench vice from the other half, as well as a bluetooth headset, and instructions not to wear it in public. Nice 3/8 ratchet set from the in-laws. A set of chisels and punches Plus about 10 pairs of socks, and a bottle of scotch!
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