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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Yep, My disco looked a lot like that when I bought it - a 91 model... i have done the rear floor, the sills, and the drivers side inner wing/footwell. Still to do are the rear body mounts, the other inner wing, the bottom of the d-piilars.... the list goes on.... enjoy, don't you just love land rover ownership? Cheers Mark
  2. OK, finally got some pictures uploaded! I spent the weekend paired up with my brother Adrian (Orange) in his silver rangie, so the pictures feature a silver rangie and a white disco rather heavily.... Adrian had Chris biatching for him, and I had brought the Mrs, Sam, on her very first Off roading trip - something of a baptism of fire! All of the Photos are hers, so all credit must go in that direction! Got upto site on friday around half 3-ish, just in time to meet up with Chris Watts and some of the Shires crew after they finished setting out punches. Since we sill had a couple of hours of daylight left, we decided a few lanes were in order, so proceeded to do Sarn Helen, and then the Gap Road which gave Sam a gentle intorduction to Laning. All was going well untill we started deceding the rocky steps down to the river on Sarn helen - seemigly we were very attractive to the cows, and they started to surround us... so we deployed our cow scarer... We then progressed along the rest of the route with no problems, but the cow incident was definately a highlight! Saturday started slightly forboding... But the weather was tollerable.. and we spent the day trundling round and collecting punches. including a particulalry muddy/slidey/deep rutted one set by Mr Lang and a silly one set by Mr Watts as well as some other damp ones occasionally we would seem some other people... but not often! We got to 7 of the 10 groups of punches by the end of the day, and whilst we did not get all the punches in each group we had a good go! Sunday saw the rain really set in, and us get to the last three groups of punches... first one involved a little bit of winching Then next was at the waterfall, so already being wet, I decided to investigate further before attacking the punches this took a fair bit of enthusiasm to get out of, which Adrian mangaged to achieve getting the back wheels to leave the ground some were more adventurous than us however (damned trailler queens... ) By the last group, with some nice axle twisting acion going on, our intrepid photographer had retired to the car - the rain and a nasty cold bug having got the better of her... so no pix i am afraid. Anyway, it was a superb, if damp weekend. We spent all out time doing punches, so our thanks really must go to Chris (GBMUD) Dave (landrover598) and Mike (miketomcat) for taking the time to set them out. By the end we had got 38 of the 52 set out, which we were more than happy with. As ever, the site is brilliant - this was our second time there, and I am pretty sure there are still areas we havn't visited. Hope you like the photos - I have a bucket load more, all of which fridgefreezer has should he decided to use them... Enjoy Mark
  3. All looks very familiar! knowing that you have repaired the rot to better than it was when it left the factory is very satisfying though.. You have probably seen these but here's how we did my brothers range rover (having done my discovery as practice).. Rangie Sills and here's the inner wings thread... And just to keep you on your toes, make sure you check your footwells, and your rear body mounts.... enjoy Mark
  4. On the disco, I did it because I caught the rear box on a steep descent, and bent it almost flat. I just brought the exit out above the level of the rear bumper to keep it out of the way. Not exactly bling - made out of a bit of scrap pipe I blagged from kwik fit, but it works well, and I havn't caught it since:
  5. fyi, roguevogue = nick Mark
  6. Ged, Do you mean the flat tabs along the top edge at the back of the cross member, or the upsidedown 'U' shaped bits that the floor cross members sit on? Mark
  7. That looks cool don't suppose you are planning a port to windows Mobile, or PocketPC are you? sorry, don't have any genuine challenge co-ordinates, but I do have the list from seven sisters last weekend if it helps at all? Cheers Mark
  8. Only beach I know of is Black Rock Sands, near Porthmadog in north wales. went there to do some kite boarding, but the lack of wind saw us utilising a mates mondeo for motive power. was great fun till we got told to stop by the wardens! hth Mark
  9. Don't discount the coil either.... Orange spent most of thursday night and friday morning before 7S assuming that cos he had a spark, the coil was OK, but it still wouldn't start. The coil had pretty much died overnight so the car went from running fine to not running at all. After tearing the car apart and spending about 10 hours trying to find the fault, he swapped out the coil, and low and behold it roared into life... just about in time for us to go to 7S for a weekends damp offroading... My 200 TDI never has that sort of problem... :P
  10. That was a rather excellenbt weekend wasn't it.. Spent most of the time doing punches and generally trundling around the site. Somehow we managed to not break anything major which must be a first! Thanks to all the shires crew for organising the event, and also for the burger incinerator that we made use of on saturday night... John, The Mrs took loads of pictures, although I am afraid a certain white disco, and a silver range rover figure quite heavily in them... will upload them or stick them on a cD or something and get them over to you. Cheers Mark
  11. Still not found the leak (if it even exits... ) but thanks for the tips, particulalry templ4r... Jon, a borrow of your pressure test kit might prove very useful... will pm you Cheers Mark
  12. Not on your list nige, but my disco has a 65mm od pipe at the rear - can't see why it would be any smaller for a defender...
  13. Alistair, I think the stuff you are after is called 'dum dum'. I have seen it for sale in a factor near me, but I couldn't guarantee that everywhere will have it. Mark
  14. Well, i have taken the engine tray off, and spent about 2 hours looking for leaks or signs of water escaping the water pump, and I just can't see anything at all. Not even a hint of a leak - whilst running, or otherwise. this means either I imagined the leak, and it was just low on coolant, and had an air lock or it is a head gasket... I am going to leave it over night to see if the level drops again, and take a view in the morning... Any clues as to the head gasket state? Cheers Mark
  15. OK, So how bigger job is changing the water pump on a k-series then? Is it buried behind the timing chest, or stuck in front like a conventional LR engine? Suppose I should check for a les hayneson how too...
  16. Had a good poke around, albeit in the dark, last night. The oil filler cap was clan as a whistle, as was the oil on the dipstick - first thing I checked! It is also losing coolant whilst stood rather than just while running... There was no obvious leaks on the pipes, but a pressure test sounds like a good idea - any suggestions of a good way to do this? I also had a very quick look underneath in the light this morning to see if I could see any puddles. Not much to report, but there was a very slight damp patch on the inside of the drivers side front tyre, which seems to tie up nicely with the water pump suggestion... Cheers Mark
  17. Thanks Les, I need to have a really good investigate then.
  18. I don't know, 'Interesting' works too... it's definitely interesting...
  19. I was driving our freelander around on saturday, and it seemed to get very hot, and the fans stayed on. On investigation, the header tank was somewhat devoid of coolant, so I filled it up. The feeling of impending doom fell over me, as I thought the headgasket might have gone, but I don't think it has - there is no sign of water in the oil, and the car didn't feel down on power at all. Having left it to cool down a bit, I forgot about it and proceeded to play with my disco.... However Sam has phoned me and said that the header tank is empty again - It hasn't moved for a couple of days, so I can only assume it has leaked out.... So, I am hoping this is just an issue with a split hose. Are there any common places for the hoses to split or perrish? It is an '03 plate 1.8 pre-facelift freelander with just over 25k miles on the clock if that makes any difference... Cheers Mark
  20. It does have a sort of charm about it , although sticking the engine at the back must make handling a bit special....
  21. Most probably part of the oil seal from the input shaft (or from the output shaft on the gearbox) - I guess if it's missing, you need a new seal... There are some good pix of the seal on one of les' how to change a t-box threads in the tech archive..
  22. Mo, Mine is already spoken for in all honesty, so if you had one, that would be dead useful Cheers Mark
  23. Adrian, I have one kicking around at home...
  24. As Luke pointed out, the disco and rangie inner wings are pretty much the same job... You may find with a rangie though that the inner wing bolts to the footwell rather than being welded. Special tools? I don't count a welder as a special tool when it comes to Land Rover repair, but I suppose it is... Mark
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