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Everything posted by Mark

  1. You need to remove the last '/' from your link.... some good photos though! Mark
  2. Thanks for the suggestins chaps - I will do some more investigation... to answer a couple of questions though - No castor corrected radius arms, although it could probably do with them. TREs, trackrod and draglink are all new. Damper is also new, so not bent. Havn't checked the UJs but I certainly will do, and the pump might be a good call - could it just be a slack belt? cheers Mark
  3. I seem to be getting a problem with the steering on the Disco. Driving straight is no problem, but turning from straight ahead to either left or right is really quite a struggle. Once the whole lot is moving it is fine, but it is the intial start of turning that is a problem, as if there is no power assistance for that bit of the travel. Turning from lock to lock has some'lumpy' bits in it in places, and seems to be difficult to start moving. Is this a common issue? Is my steering box shagged? Now, a while ago, I modded the disco to have the steering damper in the same position as a defender. (here) Could this have anything to do with my problem? Any help much appreciated. Cheers Mark
  4. 115 are pd - much noisier! We havn't even got into the five cylinder VAG diesels yet - 2.5l nonpd (same as the 110 but with an extra cylinder, and bigger bored injectors,etc) is what is currently used in the production pinzgauers. Anything with a blue D and I are bigger pd based 5 cyclinder engines and should have plenty of torque on tap! The pinz uaes a ZF 4 speed auto mated to the 2.5 VAG TDI engine - put that in a landy and it would be quite something!
  5. The 115 is the first of the pd engines, and imho wasn't as good or tunable as the 110 non pd. The 150 is a nice lump, but the tuners favorite seems to be the 130. I was thinking of what I could make out of the A3 should it ever get stuffed. Mid mounting the engine could be good, but I was trying to utilise the existing haldex diff... I am however, fairly sure this wouldn't qualify for the under 1k category though, just something I have been thinking about...
  6. Got the number, it's an EW8****. So does the 8 mean anything? or should I just ring up superwinch and ask them?
  7. OK, couple of people have mentioned the Audi A2 (1.4 TDI?) and the Audi 2.5 TDI (ancient) lump, but what about the VAG 1.9 TDI (the old, non-pd versions) - I hade a 110BhP one in my golf and it was uber reliable. I was also the engine VW started racing with - and is apparently good for 220 brake +.... There is a guy on pirate who put a td lump in his series - will see if I can find the link. Currently I have an audi A3 TDI quattro 130bhp out of the box, and 4wd. I have been trying to work out a way of getting this system to work the wrong way round - engine in the back, 90% rwd, 10% fwd but biasing as and when required. Problem I have at the moment is propshaft rotation - maybe portal boxes are the answer... Incidentally, the clutch doesn't last long in a 130 pd TDI when you chip it up to 180.. :D Sorry, my VW and Land Rover worlds appear to have collided in a strange way... Mark
  8. Sorry Graham, gonna have to wait till tomorrow now, cos I forgot to go and get the serial number off the side last night.... Ooooh the suspense...
  9. Cheers Ralph, I'll check it out tomorrow. ta Mark
  10. I aquired a husky at sodbury yesterday, and was playing with it a bit today... the motor runs, which is a good start, but the freespool does not want to disengage at the moment... However, can someone tell me how to tell the difference between a 8000lb husky and a 10000lb one? My unit is a bit tatty, and missing most of the labels, and the plastic housings, so they are not giving me any clues... from previous threads on the old place, there dosn't appear to be much difference, but I thought It would be good to know... Ta Mark
  11. As it happens so could I... Mark
  12. If there is any of the old cable left, the usual trick is to attach some string or wire to one end, before pulling on the other end to remove it. It sounds like you don't have access to the other end though. I have to admit that I cheated, but buying an aeriel that attaches to the inside of the windscreen. This means it is well out of the way of marauding flora. It has a small amplifier for the signal, so it also needs a 12V power, but is pretty simple to wire up. It cam from Halfords, in case you go down that route. Cheers Mark
  13. Graham, looks like it might go on a disco ARB bumper - they stick far enough....
  14. Well I had a good day, although ended up spending too much money as per usual! Didn't get too wet - the torential downpour around mid day I went and hid under the gazeebo at the back of the x-eng stand, and waited for it to ease off. Buyingwise I managed to aquire a double cardan propshaft for 15 quid (thought I was doing well, but it seems to be the going rate according to ciderman's post ) - we have yet to see if it is 1) any good or 2) any use to me... Also got a husky winch for a keen price, which may advance the rear winch plans, or it may just get added to the pile of winches in the garage... picked up a couple of other random bits for various projects in the offing, and generally had a really good wander round. Didn't see many forumers though - possibly cos I spent most of the day with my head down shopping! particularly upset that we missed fi's cake delivery to the x-eng stand. Lewis - next time you see us, come and say hi, we don't bite (that costs extra....) Cheers Mark
  15. I will be there representing the leccy machines, although it is as much out of my interest as anythng else, as I don't think there will be many others with the same setup as me! I would like to compare against a standard 8274-50 though as that is the motor I am running. I am not going to be drawn into the electric/hydraulic/pto debate though.... someone want to tell me who I need to talk to about shires membership??? ta Mark
  16. 0-2mm toe out overall on my disco.
  17. Orange and I will also be in that particular convoy leaving Horsham at half past stupid.... [just in case graham forgets about us.... ] Mark
  18. Adrian, I dropped tony pm this morning about that very subject.... Mark
  19. We managed to pull a bull bar from a Land Cruiser at woodlands last time we were there. Bloke was marginally unhappy, but happier when he got out of the big hole! Moslty he was intereste in where to get a NATO hitch from, so people can learn...
  20. The sills were the first thing I did on this car - they were pretty much non-existent! Hmmmmm, the panel gaps the holes in the body are far enough out already withou adding the distortion that goes with galvanising! Would be an impressive tank to fit an entire shell in though! Personally, I am looking foreward to the plastic disco shells! Mark
  21. like the winch mount, but dosn't it reduce the already carp departure angle? I am trying to devise some way of mounting a rear winch which dosn't increase the departure angle, or encraoch on loadspace..... Mark
  22. I still like 'because I can' as an argument...
  23. Ooh, got any more pictures of the winch mount? ta Mark
  24. It is likely that the 30th is no good for me either I'm afraid... Mark
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