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Everything posted by zim

  1. You say that the spots on are more use than the main beam.... but what's the disadvantage of having both on ? Meaning you wire the spots relay from the main beam, so they go off when you go to dipped beam. This is a law back home that they have to switch off when going off main. G
  2. About 3.30pm from manchester... i think the logistics woman has kinda fallen out with me so not being very helpful, cos i whinged at her for making me sit around for 10hours in schipol last week !
  3. Matt - i'm having issues with my work getting me to catch a flight at 3.30pm so far they won't change it, so i might come along for the morning only :( G
  4. What do yo mean by wings not allowed to be welded to cage ? Can you expand further ? Where will you stand with regards to a tubular chassis and cage all in one ? Who are we best off contacting to run some designs past ? Cheers Gordon
  5. I'll throw some ep80/90 in it, that should sort the job hehe G
  6. Cheers for the reply... i wasn't quite thinking last night I'm unsure as to why my dipstick has been showing low despite it having oil ? I've refilled it with one container (so about 5 litres, less what's on the floor ). Got some more engine work to do on it today, then i can go for a drive. Isn't the dip stick hole a bit too low on the hp22 to use as a fill up ? I know some of the hp24's (as Dan's is) have the fill hole. My early p38 hp24 has a dipstick. G
  7. Took the sump off today to find 4.5 litres of oil left in it (takes about 9 normal). Oil looked fine - really clean and no water, it's only had about 24 hours use anyway. Fitted a new filter, a temperature gauge to the sump and put a new filter on it... So i'll see what happens now. G
  8. Depends on the trailer / wheels. They'll be written on the sidewall. G
  9. Regardless of which caliper are in the picture... find yourself a set from a 110 (or some 90's can't remember which ones). So the calipers have 46mm pistons and not the smaller type. Interesting setup there, i was planning on using 320mm discs on my mog's similar to tibus's setup. Gordon
  10. Morning, An odometer is no good to me as my truck is only used offroad. So to save me fitting an hour counter gauge like a boat...can megasquirt keep a track of how many hours the engine has been running ? I've had a look...but can't find an overall used time. Cheers Gordon
  11. The problem with doing it as suggested above (both rockers into the catch tank, then a natural vent to atmosphere from the top) is that gasses do not circulate around the engine. If you have a search around v8forum.co.uk you'll see they advise to keep a flow going round.... that's why on the standard efi v8 there is a mushroom on the top of one of the rocker covers and the other rocker goes back into the suction in the plenum / inlet. on the carb'd models there is a pipe from each rocker back into the plenum but then they also had a breather at the back of the engine in the valley. I've heard of people running small vacume pumps on catch tanks to get it to circulate and then having an "inlet" somewhere on the engine. It was also suggested above that you put "splash" guards below the ports on your rocker covers. If you use the older style rocker covers (carb'd ones, stage 1's etc), it's easy to get a pipe on and those engines came with little splash plates that bolt onto the rocker bolts for this very purpose. Again, it depends on if your rockers allow this if they're different ???? (I may have a spare pair knocking about). Don't forget to put flame traps in line HTH G
  12. Ok, i'm off to work for a week now but when i'm back i'll reroute my pipes, so that my cooler is at the front of the vehicle and i can get a decent fan on it. I'll also do a filter change on it and whilst i've got the sump off i'll fit a temperature gauge (think it'll have to be electrical as a mechanical won't reach). G
  13. Just to ditto the above comments, you don't need to remove anything to re run p38 rear lines. Just remember to mark which one goes to which side , and remember to make enough of a bend to allow for the suspension moving up and down G
  14. Somethings gone wrong inside, take the plate off and have a look. G
  15. We've taken 2 salisbury diff's out....and not had to use a spreader bar yet. Maybe we've just been lucky As i've heard of others having to make some 'adjustments' LOL G
  16. A lot of ours at work are norbar or britool. But as said above, calibrated fairly often. G
  17. Circulation is required on the rv8's hence me asking about the vacuum pump. As standard they go back into the air inlet which sucks. Nige - speak to JE about what to do regarding engine breathers. G
  18. Does it have a small vacume pump that connects to it as well ? And does one of the rocker covers have an inlet breather so as to let the fumes / air circulate ? G
  19. With the engine off (and cold) the oil level in the box is below minimum... When you start it up, and check the level whilst idling it's extremely low. The thing that confuses me, is it wasn't just dribbling out the breather...it was actually spraying out. G
  20. This was our first event and we enjoyed it despite not being able to finish the day properly due to breaking a few things Thanks to all. Gordon
  21. Morning, This weekend i had trouble with my offroader. It's got a zf4hp22 out of a RRC LSE. Basically, when after a little bit of use, when you back off the accelerator it was spraying auto fluid out of the breather (which is in the cab). Anyone have any idea why it would do this ? I thought it was possibly too full.... but it's pretty empty now The gear changes are still fine. Cheers Gordon
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