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Draughty B pillar - grommet missing?

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The source of a cold draught whistling up my earhole has been driving me nuts for a while - with the aid of an airline I tracked it down to the slot in the bottom of the b pillar (110) which is then open to the road below. 

Blocked with a dish sponge for now, I'm sure I've seen a grommet of some kind over these slots in the dim past but can't see anything in the parts manual - anyone have a grommet on thiers?


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59 minutes ago, Mutley said:

Can't help on the grommet front, but i am guessing that the hole is there to fit something as an optional extra if and when required, any ideas what?.....Just interested 


From memory the holes are to access the hinge bolts. Can't help with the grommets but you could use some closed cell foam cut slightly oversized and push it in.


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When I welded in this area last winter I found there are round grommets in the drain holes at the bottom of the B pillars.

Alas these tend to trap water and rust, which is why the bottom of the pillars fall apart. Probably best to leave them open and mask the long slot you've pictured.

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