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Flushing out the cooling system 200tdi

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Oxalic acid is what is in the small bottles of radflush, but you can buy it in bigger bags cheaply on Ebay, also sold as wood bleach.

Four heaped desert spoonfuls into the radiator should do you well, run it up to temperature, a good hard drive for 20 minutes, or maybe a bit more. You could remove the thermostat, which will help get the stuff round the system.

Then, when cool enough to drain (i.e. it won't melt the skin off your face when you open the rad cap), drain (it will look ugly), and flush as well as you can. Take all the hoses off at one end, remove the thermostat if you left it in, and flush with a hose repeatedly until the water runs nice and clear. Don't forget the heater core, as this acts as a trap for sludge.

If not too much trouble, remove the rad, and back flush it after this, and no-doubt you will get more out as well.

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Also, when you drain the radiator don't forget to also drain the block by undoing the block drain screw near the dipsick tube on the block. It holds quite a bit of additional liquid that otherwise would just be recirculated when you filled the system back up. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, but I think that you may regret following that procedure.  Adding oxalic acid crystals into your radiator, already filled with water, will result in a VERY concentrated solution locally, and it could cause problems.  I think you'll be far safer by filling the cooling system with cold water and then draining a couple of litres out into a plastic bucket.  Dissolve the acid crystals in the water drained and slowly add this into the header tank just after you have started the engine from cold.  This will ensure that the acid is well distributed and you'll quickly have a full cooling system and can then make the drive recommended above.


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Just don't leave it in, I've done this recently, life has got very busy, I forgot to drain it, when I started it up to recirculate before flushing after 10 mins about 1500-2000rpm to warm up (its on axle stands) the top of the heater matrix let go, seems the matrix has blocked up, yet to investigate anything else as I just turned it off and left it.

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