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Yee gods... what utter rubbish

Guest MJG

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*Expletives removed for the masses * Tony

Which expletive was that then???

And how do you manage to do it within seconds of posting??????

BB is watching............

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Nice to see it reported as gas guzzlers and not 4x4s for once. It will also seem very anti UK as the 'average' cars coming out of here are often larger than those from European manufacturers such as fiat, renault, citreon, ... who all tend to be known for their small cars.

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The one that was removed from the title and text.

and yes BB (not the cheap trash TV type) is watching :D

just looking after your moral well being

Just great ....good to know you are there, a bit like one of those Community support Officers.......

I now feel totally reassured.

PS my Moral well being is just fine thanks.....

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I see someone's complaining that it will make new cars more expensive - boo hoo, so you might have to actually hang on to it for a bit longer rather than chucking it away every few years :rolleyes: cars are so disposable now there's stuff in scrapyards that you could drive away yet is "uneconomical" to repair, no-one seems to care about the environmental impact of THAT <_<

I'm sticking with my 100% recycled RR and my 109 which, by now, is about 500% recycled :lol:

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If only the government would co-operate, I could (and would) reduce my LRs carbon emissions to zero. Trouble is that all the tax they get from mineral fuel sales is propping up the country so thay have no incentive. :( Remember that they will add VAT to the price of new cars AND to any taxation imposed by Europe (to the gross price) so they will be a winner once again.


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any ideas they come up with will be wiped out by China's coal fired power stations anyway.

I heard somewhere that China's CO2 output per person is only a fraction of ours - and minute compared to the States...

Not trying to make a point - just comment.


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I heard somewhere that China's CO2 output per person is only a fraction of ours - and minute compared to the States...

Not trying to make a point - just comment.


you might be right there, of course the main driving force behind pollution is population growth - more people / more pollution. Between 1926 and 1997 the world population has doubled and it's still increasing at an alarming rate :wacko:



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They get so incensed when private industry misses a voluntary target.

How come they don't get annoyed when politicians and governments miss targets that they promised they would reach to get elected? Like promises on education, child poverty and healthcare? Or when the EU fails by miles to reach its own targets on waste, corruption (within it's own organisation) and idiotic misspend of our taxes????

What's that bit in the Bible about splinters and planks in eyes?


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So what would you do? Tell them to stop building things and becoming a developed nation, or lead the way and reduce our own emissions so that when their population (many times the size of ours) catches up with us, they're not belching out the same per capita emissions that we are?

I have no issue with low-emission vehicles, and I'd like to drive one. It's not the tailpipe that attracts me to LR, it's the off-road ability. The future is for lightweight vehicles with hybrid or fuel-cell powertrains, and I'm looking forward to it. Electric motors in each wheel - no more ARBs, locking diffs, broken halfshafts, and an ECU that you can reprogram with your own traction control or difflock. Lightweight, so better performance, hillclimbing and soft-ground ability.

Why whinge about incentives to make the world better? You can only do it through producing alternatives and taxing the incumbent, and sadly the stick has to come first to drive the demand to create the carrot.

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So what would you do? Tell them to stop building things and becoming a developed nation, or lead the way and reduce our own emissions so that when their population (many times the size of ours) catches up with us, they're not belching out the same per capita emissions that we are?

I have no issue with low-emission vehicles, and I'd like to drive one. It's not the tailpipe that attracts me to LR, it's the off-road ability. The future is for lightweight vehicles with hybrid or fuel-cell powertrains, and I'm looking forward to it. Electric motors in each wheel - no more ARBs, locking diffs, broken halfshafts, and an ECU that you can reprogram with your own traction control or difflock. Lightweight, so better performance, hillclimbing and soft-ground ability.

Why whinge about incentives to make the world better? You can only do it through producing alternatives and taxing the incumbent, and sadly the stick has to come first to drive the demand to create the carrot.

Turbocharger is 100% correct. :lol:

sorry couldn't resist.. ;)

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