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Rear Brake Issues

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I have a recurring issue with the OSR outside brake pad rubbing the centre of the disc. I am using a 1996 Disco rear axle with the correct calipers and pads for that model/age. I thought I had solved it with new pads but it's come back.


It's pretty much what's described in this thread and I expect the result will be the same, to buy a new caliper, but I thought it was worth exploring options here.

I am confident I have the pads set up properly - excuse the copius amount of woodland in there, hopefully anything wrong in the installation can be seen.


Looking into the caliper, there is nothing obviously missing/worn but it's still happening.


So, is my only option to replace the caliper after 3,300 miles or is there more at play?

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I've had this, maybe even still do slightly have this with new, cheap, calipers on the rear, I'm more suspicious of the pads, I will try a different brand should it become worse. 

I hope you're not having a third bad thing.... I've had one today, I left the locking wheel nut tool on the Audi wheel bolt and went for a drive.... Doh. 

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I've always fitted the spring plates with the longer tabs inbetween the pins, the shorter tabs are designed to stop the pad trying to rotate . Have you tried a different brand of pad? 

Another fix would be to stick a feeler gauge into the gap between the pad edge and the locating face to get an idea of how much bigger it needs to be to seat at the right height , then make a wrap around shim for one edge (trailing would be my choice)


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1 hour ago, Bowie69 said:

I've had this, maybe even still do slightly have this with new, cheap, calipers on the rear, I'm more suspicious of the pads, I will try a different brand should it become worse. 

I hope you're not having a third bad thing.... I've had one today, I left the locking wheel nut tool on the Audi wheel bolt and went for a drive.... Doh. 

The third thing is an Audi locking wheel nut through my windscreen....


I hope there's no more, but it's turning out to be that way. On the plus side, the steering box makes everything else seem trivial.



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Could the bolt holes in the callipers be elongated or the wrong spec for the vehicle (Imperial hole on metric car) so the callipers sit too close the hub?

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It's just a common problem with LR calipers or pads not made right. 

I'd try and get something reputable and not from the usual suspects, e.g. EBC, even avoiding Lockheed. 

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12 hours ago, Bowie69 said:

I find EBC to be excellent, Lockheed always not so much, pagid can be terrible. 

I read somewhere thst pagid is now owned by eurocrapparts so this would make sense. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This didn't go as planned. Bought new pads and it was obvious what's been going on.

You can't see it in photos but the front inside edge of the caliper has worn away near the disc side. Meaning, a brand new pad starts off fine as it sits properly but as the friction material wears away, the backplate gets closer to the disc and eventually falls off the caliper "shelf" area that has worn and drops through. Not sure that makes sense but, like I said, I can't show it clearly in photos.


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Should have posted this above:


20 minutes ago, Bowie69 said:

Why would the caliper have worn away? Not machined badly? 

That was what I asked, but louder and sweary-er. I can only assume that as the pad grabs, it's pulled down at the front edge. When let off, it rebounds slighly. Repeat enough times under what is quite a small contact patch and it wears off.

In 3500 miles though? Hard to believe. These were reconditioned calipers so I assume high mileage and QC failed to detect it.

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3500 miles? 

No, not enough. 

My audi is on over 250K and is almost as old as your truck, and has it original factory calipers on the front, even the original seals. 

I'd be trying to contact the supplier.

I suppose you could relieve the pads slightly, but you shouldn't have to.... 

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Hmm, I had EBC greenstuff once. The braking was great, but on 2 pads out of 8 the lining and backing separated after a while. We don't do many miles, so age might well be a factor, but I'm wary of that now. Have had Ferodo and LOF since without that issue. Greenstuff needs fading in btw 

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So confession time... after I placed my order, I started googling to see if the Greenstuff pads were a declarable mod for insurance. What came up was many, many car forum threads on how the pads had crumbled and left the user with zero braking. I cancelled my order.

I would have gone for a different EBC product as it's only Greenstuff that seems to be effected, but they are all higher performance. I have purchased some Brembo pads instead as they're not considered a performance pad but are a reputable brand.

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11 hours ago, Bowie69 said:

I'd be trying to contact the supplier.


I have a photo of the axles built up using these calipers from 2011... I think I might have exceeded any reasonable warranty period. :(

Pro tip: finish your build before all your parts go out of date.

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