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I do hereby promise and affirm, that on purchasing a Land Rover Defender I shall instigate a wave at the driver of another Land Rover Defender. Should the other driver instigate the wave, I also promise and affirm to reciprocate the wave. Both the instigation and reciprocation of a wave shall be done to the best of my ability and ensuring that at all times I am in proper control of my vehicle. Should I fail in my duty, one individual, nominated by the Defender Forum, shall be entitled to thwack me about the head with a blunt object.

Edited to add: I think I might be a little bit sad... :lol:

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Very interesting Thread.

I recall a discussion about this very subject about 18 months back, en route to the Forest of Dean with a friend alongside me in the little green XD

He said "wow, you sure know enough people.." I asked what he meant by that comment, he replied about how many people with Land Rovers I wave to, and wave back at. I then informed him that "it's a Land Rover thing" He was amazed

I still wave at Defender owners and most do wave back. I tend not to wave at women Defender drivers as they never return the gesture

Series and Defender owners are by far the friendliest and warmest people in the Land Rover fraternity

Discovery classic /Disco 2 drivers tend to reply with a nod of acknowledgement if you make eye contact

Freelander drivers, well they're a bit of a lost generation, they gaze back suspiciously if you wave at them, after all they just bought cars with a little more ground clearance to cover thier poor parking skills, with ample space for the kids and of course, the golf clubs in a colour that will match the wife's outfits.

Disco 3 drivers are mainly uptight businessmen who try to compliment the underperformance of their natural assets' stature in the urinals by buying something big and menacing that will make the country club members look up to them by default

RR and RR classic drivers are also quite warm and friendly as they understand the long term relationships that Land Rover owners are fortunate enough to enjoy

RR Sport drivers either consist of dizzy women who take any form of wave or nod as an insult or overpaid, snobbish executives who are in too much of a hurry to return the gesture.

I think I may hurt some people's feelings here, but as the owner and lover of a real Land Rover, I've had my fair share of encounters of real people in real Landies and the plastic personality brigade clad in air conditioned, leather upholstered oval badged vehicles.

That's a mighty BIG brush to generally slop tar over everyone else.

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Can the horse drive ?

Depends, he is slowly being broken in to pull a trap (when I say slowly, the progress seems to be going in reverse). He is not allowed to drive my Discovery - the horse hair is a right PITA to get off the upholstery.

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...Its the blue defender thing i don't get. Why don't blue defenders wave.

We DO!!!! Even my 5 year-old son waves enthusiastically from the back seat.

And pity the miserable sod in a black-ish 110 near the Madjeski Stadium on Saturday who ignored him as we inched past in traffic.

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I used to think women didn't wave, but I see two almost every day and they do!

I find the Defenders being driven by cool dudes with shaved heads and sunglasses don't wave much, especially if they are driving a game lodge vehicle, especially of the 'toast rack' kind. Just a job, I guess.

Series vehicle drivers usually wave back, unless they are having too much trouble staying on the road anyway :lol:

I accidentally wave at Defenders from my Audi sometimes, and they usually wave back.

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Why don't blue defenders wave.

I wave from my mostly blue truck.

I confuse the local electricity defenders by flashing the lights at them;

I get odd looks from the constructions workers on the M50 in their commercial 110s;

I get scowls from the heads in their brand new defenders who don't know what I'm on about;

But I keep doing it. :lol: Every now and then, someone waves back.

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I wave from my mostly blue truck.

I confuse the local electricity defenders by flashing the lights at them;

I get odd looks from the constructions workers on the M50 in their commercial 110s;

I get scowls from the heads in their brand new defenders who don't know what I'm on about;

But I keep doing it. :lol: Every now and then, someone waves back.

Thats exactly why I do it, every so often I'm surprised and quite happy when someone does wave back, sort of makes my day :D


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Depends, he is slowly being broken in to pull a trap (when I say slowly, the progress seems to be going in reverse). He is not allowed to drive my Discovery - the horse hair is a right PITA to get off the upholstery.

How ya doing it ?

Trap straight on and pray or pulling a sideways log ?

I'm breaking a fell that got way too friendly. He's only 3 and will do anything i ask of him...

It will lay down on request, give a paw forwards like a dog and normally to get picked out, all on command. It will walk and trot by command (without a whip) when lungeing. But as soon as i get on its back it goes looking for me and wont walk forwards. Even tried getting someone to lead it whilst i'm on but it won't follow well stubborn hoss.

I'm now training it by having a carrott dangling on a stick. Tell it what to do and dangle the carrott on the stick. Works every time.

Hosses are funny animals and all very different.

TBH i wouldn't be too suprised by the hoss trying to drive the landy..

I got home one day and found 2 sheep on my sofa. One was asleep with my lad and the other was watching coronation street.

Needless to say i kicked em oot the door. Any sheep of mine should be watching stuff like Top Gear and not be wasting their life away on the soaps.

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My wife was not happy to start with, kept taking the mickey out of me.

I wave to all older landy's, but not the new ones(not real land rover driver's).

I drive a fairly new one, I always wave and always get a wave back! :D

It's a great feeling...

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I always wave at defender drivers round here. Must have been a new thing for them as after a few goes they have started waving back. At first only the modified off-roaders returned the gesture.

Sometimes you have to train people. :lol:

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I always wave at defender drivers round here. Must have been a new thing for them as after a few goes they have started waving back. At first only the modified off-roaders returned the gesture.

Sometimes you have to train people. :lol:

Either that or y'all get a whole load of people start turning up on ya door thinking your their best mate cos u wave every day un want to borrow summat in ur garage for eternity

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I drive a 1991 Red Defender so I always wave an usually get waves back. My girlfriend now waves franticly as other defenders pass too. I also have to admit to driving round Morrisons car park looking for another defender to park next to, there are a fair few round here so I usually get lucky.

My Dad now owns a Disco 3 but hes had Land Rovers (of the Discovery type) for many years so understands the need to wave at other Landy divers. The Defenders usually seem to be quite surprised to find themselves having a Disco 3 waving at them. I never personally like the Disco 3 until I drove one, then I could understand why they're popular. Its just a shame they go to too many of the non-Landy folk now. I'd still prefer a Defender anyday though. So much road presence...

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My wife was not happy to start with, kept taking the mickey out of me.

I wave to all older landy's, but not the new ones(not real land rover driver's).

Glad to see that blind inverted snobbery is alive and well.


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