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women vs men

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hello all,im a new member and have posted a few topics so far,i now have the landy sorted and the parts i need,so i sit back relax into the chair and browse the forum...................and what do i get??? "WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW!!....."WHO ARE YOU EMAILING""I MIGHT AS WELL BE A WIDOW!!" :angry: .....I dont understand it,with eastenders playing miserably in the background i find myself at a loss on what to do,so pick up the lap top and have a look at what you guys are saying much to the displeasure of my dearest,what i think is there is a genetic inheritance......the males inherit castrol gtx whilst the female gene has inherited soaps and the ability to swipe a credit card at twice the speed of sound the moment "sale" is mentioned,our local woolworths is closing down and has reduced everything,7 times ive been down there,and myself and 300 other men stand huddled and depressed looking at the wash and wax and t/cut isle whilst a sea of women with a demonic look in their eyes attack the store,when we arrive home i tinker with the landrover doing a mans thing to replenish my will to live,it seems we do have a lable us gents with the women,we are "tinkerers" to the women....but i feel whilst women frown upon us for our tinkering{unless your blessed } we do have one thing going for us,we are the sensitive,compassionate gender,our pass time does not involve violence or confrontation,we chat on the forum or admire each others landrovers,if a part we bought is faulty we take it back with no fuss,but my wifes passtime??, well all i will say is i have witnessed many a women taking a blowse back to debenhams,a charge to the till that would make the all blacks cower,so we can all be proud us fellas,that when she wants us to stop tinkering and go shopping we can be proud when we reach for the 17mm spanner and say with a firm and determined voice.."yes love im coming" :rolleyes:

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glad im not the only one,moral support and all that,i love my landrover to death but she she said sinful things the other day about it,why is it when the money tree stops blooming for a little while we always have to sell the landy!! i stood me ground their!!! good luck with yours anyway mate :rolleyes:

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I just sold her hot hatch and bought her a range rover, ok twice the work, but at least i dont have to her that stupid eastenders theme tune

think hes cracked it there...ive an even better idea!!!! sell the tv and put a screen in the defender!! brilliant greenlaning and she can still watch eastenders :lol:

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Luckily, whilst my dearest doesn't get involved in my Land Rover, she doesn't hassle me about it either nor does she watch Eastenders :) Quite splendid !

However on the subject of not understanding, we went shopping in the Landy (sorry MOG) and as I fitted the pedal lock, she asked "why do you need that", to which I replied "to stop people nicking it", "who'd want to nick THAT" was her response.

She may be tolerant but she doesn't understand :(


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I've been in the garage all day,paid no attention to any sighs or mumbling from her as she 's been in and out to freezer and washing machine. Put the angle grinder to work when it looked like she was going to ask about who was making tea. Had a really good day, got loads done. Now she's fast asleep, snoring like a V8. Loads of time to explore virtual landy zone. Got away with loads......till morning...then some more dodging to be done. Ill be back at work before she realises i've done nowt in the house..... cunning eh

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I've been in the garage all day,paid no attention to any sighs or mumbling from her as she 's been in and out to freezer and washing machine. Put the angle grinder to work when it looked like she was going to ask about who was making tea. Had a really good day, got loads done. Now she's fast asleep, snoring like a V8. Loads of time to explore virtual landy zone. Got away with loads......till morning...then some more dodging to be done. Ill be back at work before she realises i've done nowt in the house..... cunning eh

ive saved that maxie!!!!! putting it into action as soon as i get chance.....thanks :lol:

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mo ill give you twenty thousand and her friends dvd collection for yours! rolleyes.gif
can i buy her

would you do a trade in?

Well, I was thinking about trading her in for a sex crazed newer model (northern types welcome) and £20k would buy me a lot of goodies ... I'll be in touch :ph34r:

Friends dvds not required, I do have principles you know !

Mo :D

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She says: "so what on Earth have you been up to?"

I say: "checking the tyre pressures on your car - wouldn't want you to have an accident"

She says: "oh. thanks....... how come it's taken you 4 hours? were you working on the land rover?"

I say: "the land rover? no! you have to check each tyre from every angle. Each wheel rotates 360 degrees you know"

She says: "oh. ok, thanks"

[my laptop works off 12v and wireless reaches the driveway]

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<_< Some of the phrases are;

1) "Food is ready"..... Got in, finish eating and....... another question .

2) "Would you like to take a shower with me?"... finished showering and still impatient to jump into garage..

3) "Would you care to serve me some wine?" ... That done too and still ticking fingers like a Solenoid on the table..

4) "We should soon ble planning for the holidays"..... And I say in my head " Holly Sh&%, I NEED THE DAMN STEERING BOX IN PLACE ELSE NO CAR FOR TOMORROW"

5)"I am seeing so many landy part covers in the paper bin lately. Still up to purchasing parts?" .. Blimey,,,, Me.. NO!! Got the boxes from Mojo to check part Nr

6) " YOU GOT MOJO ON THE PHONE".. Holy Evanders!!!! I exclaimed.. Forgot cell phone indoors!!! And at this moment I was "Snaking" to get Starter in place and if you know what I mean u will never wink to her shouts since that damn 15mm bolt is simply impossible to get into place.

Constant bloody disturbances.......

The funny thing -once I was indoors when she went out for a walk with a friend. And guess where I went... I shot like NASA space ship right into the garage. Kept my timing intact when I heard her car outside. I jumped right out of the garage.. into the garden with a shovel and hoe... dug frantically.. studied every soil around me... The sediments,, the porous,,, the molten magma... the muddy.. the rocky.. the sandy ...and she never noticed me as she shot into the garage to load her woeful complaints on my GARAGING and SWIMMING TOURS into Dexron III hydraulic oil and Swivel house GREESE :angry: ..." Darling , there is always time for the garden" I said... " I got my bet wrong this time" she said... :unsure: I chucked and gave her a ;) look.... :P

WHat a life of CAT and MOUSE

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She says: "so what on Earth have you been up to?"

I say: "checking the tyre pressures on your car - wouldn't want you to have an accident"

She says: "oh. thanks....... how come it's taken you 4 hours? were you working on the land rover?"

I say: "the land rover? no! you have to check each tyre from every angle. Each wheel rotates 360 degrees you know"

She says: "oh. ok, thanks"

[my laptop works off 12v and wireless reaches the driveway]


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I am very, very, very lucky. My other half loves the land rover and wants a series one for herself. Given a choice between the normal everyday commute car and the landie she will always take the landie. Even better is that she likes working on it. Last night she was the one lying underneath it reconnecting wires whilst I made the tea! :huh::lol:

Then again got home monday night to find she had one of her model steam loco's spread across the living room! :lol::ph34r::lol:


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<_< Some of the phrases are;

1) "Food is ready"..... Got in, finish eating and....... another question .

2) "Would you like to take a shower with me?"... finished showering and still impatient to jump into garage..

3) "Would you care to serve me some wine?" ... That done too and still ticking fingers like a Solenoid on the table..

4) "We should soon ble planning for the holidays"..... And I say in my head " Holly Sh&%, I NEED THE DAMN STEERING BOX IN PLACE ELSE NO CAR FOR TOMORROW"

5)"I am seeing so many landy part covers in the paper bin lately. Still up to purchasing parts?" .. Blimey,,,, Me.. NO!! Got the boxes from Mojo to check part Nr

6) " YOU GOT MOJO ON THE PHONE".. Holy Evanders!!!! I exclaimed.. Forgot cell phone indoors!!! And at this moment I was "Snaking" to get Starter in place and if you know what I mean u will never wink to her shouts since that damn 15mm bolt is simply impossible to get into place.

Constant bloody disturbances.......

The funny thing -once I was indoors when she went out for a walk with a friend. And guess where I went... I shot like NASA space ship right into the garage. Kept my timing intact when I heard her car outside. I jumped right out of the garage.. into the garden with a shovel and hoe... dug frantically.. studied every soil around me... The sediments,, the porous,,, the molten magma... the muddy.. the rocky.. the sandy ...and she never noticed me as she shot into the garage to load her woeful complaints on my GARAGING and SWIMMING TOURS into Dexron III hydraulic oil and Swivel house GREESE :angry: ..." Darling , there is always time for the garden" I said... " I got my bet wrong this time" she said... :unsure: I chucked and gave her a ;) look.... :P

WHat a life of CAT and MOUSE

Theres nothing like venting some frustration,and how true it is that they want you in so you go in,but when you go in they go out!!!! fat club or somethin she says,she lost a pound last week............i know where it is,i can hear it rattling under her seat!!!!! gotta go fellas...shes up!!! the floor boards are creaking :ph34r:
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my wife calls my landy a jeep and god how i hate that !!!!!

Oh, how I hate that too.. "where are the Jeep keys?" I remain silent.

Again: "where are the Jeep keys I need to move it!" I reply, we don't have a Jeep it's a Land Rover.

Her reply: "Same cr@p different name, so please stop being pedantic"

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