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Looked like a good event! Did much winching get done? Most importantly, will you run one of these again????

No there was no winching, to be honest in order to appeal to the broadest possible audience I would not envisage introducing any either.

We hope to organise a follow-up, just need to find the right date so as not to clash with anything else before we get into more inclement weather.

Looks like 18 Oct may be the only option

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No there was no winching, to be honest in order to appeal to the broadest possible audience I would not envisage introducing any either.

We hope to organise a follow-up, just need to find the right date so as not to clash with anything else before we get into more inclement weather.

Looks like 18 Oct may be the only option

Date's good for me- count me in(really! not just one of those who says so and doesn't do)

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No there was no winching, to be honest in order to appeal to the broadest possible audience I would not envisage introducing any either.

We hope to organise a follow-up, just need to find the right date so as not to clash with anything else before we get into more inclement weather.

Looks like 18 Oct may be the only option

Good to hear - October will be tight fo me. Maybe just about possible....

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Going slightly off-topic...

Are you suggesting that it costs more than a small house to be competitive on Hillrallies and Comps these days?

I'm not convinced, although it helps if you can drive!

We've done pretty well on Hillrallies in the last 5 years (including 5th O/A Scottish Borders 2008 and 3rd O/A Baja National 2007 with regular class wins) in my Discovery, of which you could build an equivalent for approx £5000, possibly less.

I don't suppose there are many full-on challenge trucks that have had much less than that spent on them.


Could not agree with you more. My comments were highlighting the trend in comps and challenge to use cheque book engineering to gain an advantage, which then others have to follow. XTC relies on the savvy of the human element to outperform the rest more than any bolt on to a vehicle!

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as there is no winching (in the sense of a challenge event) and from looking at the photos that have been posted - appears that a pretty standard 90 on normal size muds with a cheap recovery winch could complete the course.

Obviously without fancy strengthened stuff the driver would need to be extremely savvy to prevent destroying his truck... but it does look like something i would fancy having a go at.

A competition that doesnt require mega bucks and engineering and massive winches! About time :D

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Could not agree with you more. My comments were highlighting the trend in comps and challenge to use cheque book engineering to gain an advantage, which then others have to follow. XTC relies on the savvy of the human element to outperform the rest more than any bolt on to a vehicle!

Well, case proven by the fact the fastest time was posted by a truck with standard drivetrain and powered by a Tdi. However, I think things may change once some of the new builds take off as they will have superior suspension and a lot more power. Of course, if the driver and navigator are essential as the best car in the world won't help you if you can't pick a decent route!

I do agree that a lot of money is being spent by some (I'm one of the offenders but have little to show yet) but all motorsport goes this way. The important thing is to try and keep the more standard cars competitive and in their own class while the super silly stuff is still challenged - it's nice when a wide variety of machinery can compete at the same time. I think Neil has done a great job of this at Howling Wolf and long may it continue.

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Why are you all looking at challenge cars for this <_< just use a comp car there built for speed, lighter, stronger and faster! ;):P

Just what I was thinking looking at the vids, there didn't seem much that you couldn't tackle with a comp car. I reckon you could do very well with something that is properly damped for speed and doesn't have to deal with huge tyres bouncing around!

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there didn't seem much that you couldn't tackle with a comp car.

And there you have it, just refer back to my original post some 6 months ago...

I envisage this appealing to Challenge, Safari and Modified trials drivers, although a winch is likely to be required for the purposes of self recovery.

The severity of the course would be somewhere between current Challenge and Comp Safari events.

In the end we took out the winching element which, to be fair, probably put off all but the Challenge drivers, but the aim from the start was to appeal across the board to those who wanted something a little different to the current Comp Safari courses.

Maybe next time...

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And there you have it, just refer back to my original post some 6 months ago...

I envisage this appealing to Challenge, Safari and Modified trials drivers, although a winch is likely to be required for the purposes of self recovery.

The severity of the course would be somewhere between current Challenge and Comp Safari events.

In the end we took out the winching element which, to be fair, probably put off all but the Challenge drivers, but the aim from the start was to appeal across the board to those who wanted something a little different to the current Comp Safari courses.

Maybe next time...

To be fair, if the weather had been nasty, punch 16 might have needed a winch, it could depend a lot on conditions.

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And there you have it, just refer back to my original post some 6 months ago...

I envisage this appealing to Challenge, Safari and Modified trials drivers, although a winch is likely to be required for the purposes of self recovery.

The severity of the course would be somewhere between current Challenge and Comp Safari events.

In the end we took out the winching element which, to be fair, probably put off all but the Challenge drivers, but the aim from the start was to appeal across the board to those who wanted something a little different to the current Comp Safari courses.

Maybe next time...

you know i think there might be a lot of mileage in this type of event from all around the country if you got local offroad clubs involved. The Yorkshire offroad club hold mini clubman challenge events once or twice a year (instead of the usual monthly RTV) and most of the motors are pretty standard with just the odd winch here and there. Something like this would go down a storm i reckon. Most of us in the club - me for sure - enjoy competitive offroading and want to do more than jsut trialling, but getting funds to turn the daily driver/toy into something capable of reliably surviving a challenge event (even in standard class) is beyond most of us. I really dont see many regular rtv/ccv competitors turning their nose up at the chance to go to their local offroad site and do a relatively damage free point to point for a days fun instead of trials sections.

Our local site, Frickley4x4, would be fantastic for this style of event i reckon.

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The course was extremely different depending on which route you took to your next check point... you could go the long way round (smoothish comp safari type route)... or you could go in a straight line (rock crawler type route)... So there is no right or wrong vehicle for the event...

I would say that a fast, lightweight buggy/trialer would be best for this event... i.e., US rock racer type vehicle, they are fast, they handle, and they can also handle huge bolders and such like... I couldn't see many Comp safari type vehicles taking the "straight line" route through the bolder fields across the middle of Kirton...

Winch wise, I'd say a 9.5xp is all you'd want, small, light, and reasonably fast for the odd occasion you might need to winch...


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Depending on the layout, could a Comp safari car could compete level(ish) with a challenge truck? The Challenge truck goes the slower straight, and the comp car goes fast round it?

You said it, depending on the layout...

From the videos I have seen on You Tube there didn't seem to be much that a comp car would need to go round, and it could do most of it faster!

Neil - I remember your post and I hope you get some comp drivers at the next one. I'm probably a little unusual, but I remember just about when the AWDC and others last ran Point-to-Points.

I think its a great format, if you can lick the safety concerns (which it looks like you have done!), but unfortunately not something that me or my current car are going to be tempted by at the moment. I will however watch with interest and encourage others!

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Around the course, there was a lot of very rough/rocky terrain that people didn't take photo's off... probably because not everyone took those routes... all these pics are at gates and across the fast bits...

During the half a lap we did, we covered some pretty rought/rocky ground, not the sort of ground a comp vehicle would cover fast... shame we have no pics of it... :(

Roll on the next event!... now the truck is up to spec, that means we can spend a bit more time on things like filming from in the vehicle and such like...

As someone said already, this even would have been very different if it were raining... there defiantly would have been some winching happening then... + this was just the first event, who's to say that they won't set the course out of even more rough terrain next time??? :)

Great event though... has all the makings for an epic event!

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Hello every one. Just thought youd all like to look at some photographs taken at the xtc challenge. I have posted about 30 or so pics on my website which is www.flashphotography.webeden.co.uk or you can go straight to the image gallery with www.flashphotography.webeden.co.uk/#/xtcchallengeapril2009/4533546317 . There are a few pics of the "rocky stuff" in there too. Like I said there are about 30 pics but have more that ive not posted.

hope you all enjoy



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