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landy's should be ok


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Found this on the web the other day....

Made me realize that my lovely sedate LR may be an advantage

Average speed cameras to get a wider reach

Speed cameras which can track drivers for up to 30 miles are to be deployed on roads next year. The device is to stop motorists dodging tickets by braking suddenly before a camera and speeding up immediately afterwards.The cameras will work together in a network, and can be positioned more than 15 miles apart, automatically reading number plates and transmiting data instantly to a penalty processing centre.

Existing average-speed cameras can only cover a maximum of six miles, and are costly and difficult to set up as they have to be connected directly by a cable.Trials of the new cameras have been concluded successfully in London and a second set of trials are set to finish in Northern Ireland.The Home Office is expected to approve the technology by the end of January and the first fines are likely to be issued next summer.Transport minister Jim Fitzpatrick told a road safety conference on Wednesday that the latest cameras would be key in reducing road casualties.He said: "When the Home Office approves the equipment, I think there will be great interest among the safety-camera partnerships. They will give a more sophisticated edge to cameras than the blunt instrument we have at the moment."He added: "Trials have shown very good results. Wherever there are average speed camera signs, traffic moves at a uniform speed and crashes reduce."On the M1 the number of casualties halved after average-speed cameras were introduced on a contraflow between junctions 6a and 10.


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big brother is watching, the money would be better spent on more police traffic cars on the road, not dumb camera's.

Disagree with that Ralph. A police car can only deal with one motorist at a time realistically. These cameras will get everyone who speeds.

It will be interesting to see how long they last before they get torched though. hopefully the powers that be will learn from their mistakes with GATSO's and locate the new ones in accident blackspots or near schools etc.

We shall see......

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Problem with relying on cameras is that people who drive like fools, but within the speed limit never get picked up.

I'm sure since more and more cameras were commisioned the number of police on the road has decreased and the number of idiot drivers increased.

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Problem with relying on cameras is that people who drive like fools, but within the speed limit never get picked up.

I'm sure since more and more cameras were commisioned the number of police on the road has decreased and the number of idiot drivers increased.

Very true - what would really help, particularly on motorways , would be a tail gating camera.

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So, if they link up all the black spots, and calculate the minimum time to travel from point A to point B using map software and shortest route possible, can't they have a nationwide network to detect any speeding eventually ?

I know it's our safety they are considering here of course, but if they can get this moving, we might as well all have cars limited to a max of 70MPH and then move to maximise speeds in controlled zones....

Sounds like time to emigrate.. Navada looks good presently... Or Emirates, or Wales maybe!!!!


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Some LGV/HGVs have a GPS speed restrictor fitted now. The max speeds drops depending on the type of road it is on.


yeah and they work really well!!.... NOT!

ive been traveling along some 50limits and wondered why the hell the lorry in front is going so slow, and then looked at sat nav and it says its a 30 limit but it is actually a 50 limit.

oh and another thing wrong with GPS my house is actually about a mile away from where it says it is!

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Disagree with that Ralph. A police car can only deal with one motorist at a time realistically. These cameras will get everyone who speeds.

It will be interesting to see how long they last before they get torched though. hopefully the powers that be will learn from their mistakes with GATSO's and locate the new ones in accident blackspots or near schools etc.

We shall see......

my thinking was that the visual deterrent of a very visible traffic car is more effective than a grey or yellow painted camera, how many drivers slow down on the motorway when they spot the police or highways traffic vehicle all highly visible in the battenburg liveries.

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my thinking was that the visual deterrent of a very visible traffic car is more effective than a grey or yellow painted camera, how many drivers slow down on the motorway when they spot the police or highways traffic vehicle all highly visible in the battenburg liveries.

Plus the ability to apply common sense of course.

It only shows how much money there is in these things if they can afford to spend so much on R&D knowing that the powers that be are happy cause they will earn it back pronto.


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Very true - what would really help, particularly on motorways , would be a tail gating camera.

I remember seeing a program on telly about speed cameras and how we waste money on them in this country. It talked about the gatso's and how at the time the government had the choice of Gatso's which seemed impressive and costs lots each, or a simple version which consisted of the camera unit (very similar to the gatso) and a couple of bits of wire across the road.

The government choose the Gatso's but this program was questioning why as the other camera was a fraction of the cost, it was more accurate and it could deal with tailgating.

It did have it's downsides though with every trailer being photographed for tailgating!

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Yeah.. Swindon local aithority was sick of paying a mainetnance bill of over £300k (if I remember rightly) for the cameras while the revenue went to central government.

Basically they decided to use the money on more police officers and not feed the central coffers.

Not everyone agrees though !! (Just to keep a balance on the conversation ! ) :)

Fleet News clicky

I for one would like to see the country rid of them....


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Personnaly I don't have a problem with them as long as they are sited sensibly. There is a need to curb this speed culture we have. If they were sited with a bit more thought and used for their original purpose, to slow traffic at accident hotspots then more people would be happy with them.

At the end of the day if you don't speed you won't get caught. In the same vein as ID cards. The only people moaning are the 1's with something to hide. And those civil liberty idiots

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Personnaly I don't have a problem with them as long as they are sited sensibly.

At the end of the day if you don't speed you won't get caught.

What is the speed limit on the A303 Walfy?? :ph34r::ph34r:

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Guest diesel_jim
In the same vein as ID cards. The only people moaning are the 1's with something to hide. And those civil liberty idiots

I've got nothing to hide (And don't class myself as a civil liberty idiot.... just an idiot!) but i don't want an ID card.

I have a passport, I know who i am. stuff the gestapo police/gov't

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Just an observation I made a few weeks back , Motorway speeds seemed to have slowed down some what from years ago , I guess with the price of fuel over these last months people are preserving it and driving to preserve it .

Well nearly everyone , WVM still hits 3 figures , But then he aint paying for the stuff :lol:

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I would rather have a speed camara than these bl**dy humps all over the place. The transits and 7,5 tonners go over them without noticing they are there but the chippers bounce all over the place no matter which line you take.

We also seem to have give and take springing up in the villages in Staffordshire, some of them create as many problems as they solve, if they actually solve anything :( .

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When I lived in Germany, I was surprised that they have ID cards from the age of 16. It is a way of life over there. It sems to speed up certain aspects of life. On the card it held a few vital details and a piccy. I see no reason to fear it. Most of us have some form of ID for work so why not hold a few more details and use it for everyday life.

This is taking this thread O/T and I don't want to get told off again ;) . So behave you lot and stay on topic :P

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