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MIG Welding Advice

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Hi everybody,

I'm after some advice. I learnt how to use the MIG today, something that i have wanted to do for a long time! (pictures Below), and had a fiddle with feed rates and the power. I have got some nice looking welds with some good penetration that have stuck things together :D i have also practised a bit with just laying the weld onto the top of the workpiece.

With 99% of the welds, when finished they look like volcanic rock with lots of tiny holes/bubbles. how can i not get these?

Also having looked at the pictures below, any other tips for a good weld?









Lastly, sorry for the Phone Quality pictures ;)

Thanks in advance! :)

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Right going to stick my neck out here..... :)

My first thought was as Jez said, no gas....other than that I'd say turn the wire speed down and/or the amps up. Looks like little or no penetration to me....judging by the lack of 'blueing' around the welds.

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Another vote for no gas or too much. Too much gas will cause the same problems as it will swirl and draw Oxygen into the weld area! Should be a gentle hiss. I have seen people using a small gauge thingy to set gas flow which is apparently quite cheap but with some trial and error and more practise you'll get to know what sounds right.

Get the gas sorted and its all trial and error from there. Power, wire speed, distance and angle of torch from welding surface are the biggest things to concentrate on. Make sure the surface is clean.

There are some useful hints and tips on the Miller welding website which are worth a read.

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If you pull the trigger slightly you should be able to hear the gas hissing without the wire feed- pull harder and there will be gas hiss and wire feed.

Only if you've got a gas valve in the torch, as I believe cheaper/hobby sets do. All the big sets I've used have a gas solenoid in the unit which only opens when you pull the trigger.

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Right going to stick my neck out here..... :)

My first thought was as Jez said, no gas....other than that I'd say turn the wire speed down and/or the amps up. Looks like little or no penetration to me....judging by the lack of 'blueing' around the welds.

Wire feed is high and the amps look to be low, on the pictures. Gas difuser maybe shot or blocked, or the torch has a leak somewhere. Maybe the torch could do with once over?

Which way were you running the weld, pushing or pulling? I have always been led to believe pulling the weld on Mig is acceptable up to about 3mm as the penetration can will suffer at and above that sort of thickness?

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I have been pulling the torch towards me as i go.

And i will clean the torch tip right up, it's not mine as its at school, and probably isnt as cared for by everyone :(

I wish i had left one of the welds from the top two photos as it was before grinding... to show what it was like when i had the settings about right. As all the welds on the top are, and i was expecting to be, carp! i was experimenting to see what happened when i turned the feed up considerably, of turned the amps down.

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I have been pulling the torch towards me as i go.

And i will clean the torch tip right up, it's not mine as its at school, and probably isnt as cared for by everyone :(

Try going left to right (Pushing) and take a little bit more time on the runs.

As the plant isnt your own, then like you said its probably been abused abit :blink:

Hope that helps?


Some nice video clips on the link above

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i'll add my bit. It is without doubt a gas sheilding problem you have. I suggest you check the following

1. is the tip inside the copper shroud on the torch ? if not you wont be getting the gas to shield the weld. The tip needs to be inside the shroud

2. Are you sure you have an argon mix as a shielding gas, or have you topped up with, or are using pub CO2. If its CO2 you need a pre heater on the bottle neck otherwise CO2 will liqify resulting in litte or no gas at the torch

3. Are you holding the torch to far away from the workpiece? You can assess that by listening to the arc. It should be constant crackle sound. If it is an intermittent sound you are to far away, resulting in no gas shrouding the weld

4. If the above fails either give up or get some flux cored wire

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i'll add my bit. It is without doubt a gas sheilding problem you have. I suggest you check the following

1. is the tip inside the copper shroud on the torch ? if not you wont be getting the gas to shield the weld. The tip needs to be inside the shroud

2. Are you sure you have an argon mix as a shielding gas, or have you topped up with, or are using pub CO2. If its CO2 you need a pre heater on the bottle neck otherwise CO2 will liqify resulting in litte or no gas at the torch

3. Are you holding the torch to far away from the workpiece? You can assess that by listening to the arc. It should be constant crackle sound. If it is an intermittent sound you are to far away, resulting in no gas shrouding the weld

4. If the above fails either give up or get some flux cored wire

1) tip sorry?

2) i have no idea what the gas is as it isnt mine.

3) torch is about 10mm from the work piece

4)i will not give up! or buy fluz cored wire as it isnt my welder ;)

I will be having another go tomorrow :) i have made a note of things to check/do! and i should hopefully post up some better pictures, having not grinded off the nice welds! (i'll grind off the bad ones instead :P)

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I got some beautys today! :D but i left my phone/camera at home today so i couldnt get any pictures :( I will get them tomorrow :D and they look half decent i think too! with lots of penetration.

Tried a tip one of the Technicians at school said, to go in tiny little circles, it makes the pattern on the bead much nicer... and seems to get more penetration too :)

The gas is Argo shield - whats actually in it?

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