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Superwinch Huskey


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anybody on here know anything about Huskey's?

I've just ploncked one on the front of my Camel 110 but have found that the thread has been stripped in the motor casing where the earth lead bolts on. I've also got oil leakin out of it! :huh::blink:

Surely there shouldn't be oil in the motor?

Has anybody ever stripped on down before? is there an oil seal between the motor and the gearbox?

If there shouldn't be oil in the motor, then I'll probably weld a short bit of stud bar in instead of using the fine threaded bolt... Or is this a really bad idea??? :rolleyes:

Cheers dudes/dudettes

D B)

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Not wanting to sound like a cracked record (or a "big CD" as my niece calls them :lol: ), but give Phil Gordon at PG Winches a call. He will diagnose over the phone and source any bits you may need.

No affiliation you understand, just a satisfied customer ;)

BTW, hows the re-bob coming along? Any news to report.....?

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anybody on here know anything about Huskey's?

I've just ploncked one on the front of my Camel 110 but have found that the thread has been stripped in the motor casing where the earth lead bolts on. I've also got oil leakin out of it! :huh::blink:

Surely there shouldn't be oil in the motor?

Has anybody ever stripped on down before? is there an oil seal between the motor and the gearbox?

If there shouldn't be oil in the motor, then I'll probably weld a short bit of stud bar in instead of using the fine threaded bolt... Or is this a really bad idea??? :rolleyes:

Cheers dudes/dudettes

D B)

Ok, so we talking of an electric Husky here? I'll let you into a secret, they work on wiggly amps and not the black stuff that 200TDi's work on :lol:

Sounds like you got a blown seal ("ooh ooh ooh!") and if it's an alloy casing, get a helicoil of a course metric thread done now while your thinking about it, saves peeing about when you least want to

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the gearbox on the husky has a heavy grease in it not oil

tthe worm box has oil IIRC 140weight.

are you sure it is oil and not water mixed with grease/carbon?

you can retap a thread into the motor body.

the motor shaft runs in a bearing into the gearbox and I do not recall seeing a seal in there.

Phil will put you staight though.

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No it don't, flippin lekkricians :wacko: don't you know it uses Straight amps [DC] not wiggly [AC] :lol::rolleyes:

The hole for them to go through into the Husky is too small so they have to wiggle through and this causes them to loose most of their energy while doing so, so they have a break and that's why a Husky is so god damn slow :lol:

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the gearbox on the husky has a heavy grease in it not oil

tthe worm box has oil IIRC 140weight.

are you sure it is oil and not water mixed with grease/carbon?

you can retap a thread into the motor body.

the motor shaft runs in a bearing into the gearbox and I do not recall seeing a seal in there.

Phil will put you staight though.

Well, according to this parts sheet, if the unit has a P in the serial number, there should be a seal (43) on the motor end (edited)opp 43 is a bearing carrier !!doh)

Sorry a bit big !! but hopefully, the parts numbers are readable !!


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Blimey... a wealth of information! :lol:

I've dealt with Phil at PG before, thoroughly nice chap... will give him a ring :)

Tim.... taaaaaaa for diagram. Am tempted to strip the whole thing down now and have a poke about in there :huh: (it'll never work again!!)

Bish... no news on the bobbed bob yet.... seems like there is always something else to do. Got up this mornin and Jen promptly announced that we were going shopping for a new bed!! :blink: So no playing today :(:rolleyes:

Rob... yeah, electric... the clue was in the question !! :lol:;) But thanks for the explanation of wiggly and straight bits!

cheers for the info guys

Dan :D

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[ brief thread hyjack ]

Jen promptly announced that we were going shopping for a new bed!! So no playing today

Just to clarify;

a. It's raining and you can't weld outside in the rain (camel doesn't fit in the garage) :huh:

b. We spent all yesterday playing with vehicles (as my very muddy trousers and 1 3/4 hours in the bath in the evening will testify! :lol: )

c. the 2 sleeping bags under the sheet on the bed really aren't doing it anymore and we *need* a new matress!

...Oh! and I suggested picking up the 'spare rangie' on the way back from the shops so we could start stripping it in the garage ... honestly, he makes me out to be so evil! :rolleyes:;):D

Blokes. Who'd have 'em. :blink:

[ / brief thread hyjack ]

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Dan if you intend pulling it apart don't touch the worm section.

it is ok to look in the gearbox, tip th ewinch up to do this as the grease will leak out, you'll need replacment grease for the rebuild and don't overfill on rebuild half way up the casing when stood upright is the correct amount otherwise it will leak out into the motor.

but in all honesty there isn't much you can do with the winch without the spares/knowledge.

I would bet someone has overfilled the gearbox and that has leaked into the motor through the bearing.

this shows whats inside


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if you want slow buy a MM and a pillow to sleep on whilst you watch it work. :)

[winding up Tony mode]

Buy a MM and have a good nap, secure in the knowledge it will still be operating perfectly when you wake up. Buy an electric and wake up all grumpy after only 3 minutes with the room full of smoke and horrid burning smells :P:lol: oh except you won't get to sleep in the first place because of the racket it's making :P:P:P:P

[/winding up Tony mode]

here we go again.... :ph34r:

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[winding up Tony mode]

Buy a MM and have a good nap, secure in the knowledge it will still be operating perfectly when you wake up. Buy an electric and wake up all grumpy after only 3 minutes with the room full of smoke and horrid burning smells :P:lol: oh except you won't get to sleep in the first place because of the racket it's making :P:P:P:P

[/winding up Tony mode]

here we go again.... :ph34r:


buy a MM press the remote then hit the remote then try stamping on the remote to no avail then notice it is actually moving.

then notice it has stopped again as you've lost all feeling in your hand under the pressure being applied to the remote.

alternative pull the toggle switch recover vehicle stow away rope and continue onwards.

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Dan, sounds like an overfilled gearbox to me. Also, what colour's the motor? If its 'gold' (well zinc passivated) then its going to pull a little better than the old 'black' ones. If you've got the latter I'd think about changing it too as they're not great even when new.

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buy a MM press the remote then hit the remote then try stamping on the remote to no avail then notice it is actually moving.

then notice it has stopped again as you've lost all feeling in your hand under the pressure being applied to the remote.

Nick had quite the opposite trouble with his 8274 at the MWWWCE. I saw him and Guido hitting the remote on several occasions as the buttons were stuck in due to mud ingress and the winch would not stop.


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