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A bluddy good bunch on here


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Going back a couple of years ago

Jez was running out of time to get ready for Ladoga (nowt unusual) but he needed a few bits and one after another people

were offering all and sundry, he then reciprocated helpingh the forum coffers year on year with fund raising.

more recently I asked if anyone had a Regulator spare

Unclebill sent me one FOC this let me send my old on to SMO as he was in need

then there is AstroAl and his concreting party,

and tonight Mick has offered to send me a gauge to fix the one I foolishly broke (sorry Bill )

Looking over threads I just see that turbocharger has a Cylinder head from someone to help him out of a fix

I have in the past had other things sent/lent or given, there have been so many to numerous to remember all of them but it does make this place what it is

and a decent place to frequent.

Cheers All.

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I'd agree with Tonys sentiments, he has indeed popped a guage in the post for me, Marcus has offered me a bit of tube and plate i need and not so long ago milemarkertypeR lent me a box spanner, i'll always try and help people out in return and went and offered labour til 3am for the petal build and returned the following weekend to continue.

A really good bunch, helpful, knowledgabe and friendly, couldnt really ask for more :)

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i agree,

i just posted up about the need of an alpine light tonight, and within 5 minutes someone has got one i could buy,

how nice lol


^^ that was me!!

i cant drive past a broken down landrover at the side of the road either!! (there are many)!

i always have to stop and lend a hand and have been known to drive home for the parts and tools and go back to mend them!!

the landrover community is great!! and it makes the missus laugh if she spots the broken down one first because she knows what is coming!.. even if we are running late for something ourselves!!

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I do now have an offer of a solid cylinder head at a very good price - I won't embarrass the individual but I am very grateful.

I've helped and had help on here. My dad works on the theory that a favour should be passed on, rather than returned, so I do my best where I can.

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I wish forums like this had been around 25 years ago when I bought my first LR, would have saved a whole lot of heartache and expense :rolleyes: Found a lot of fellow victims locally pretty quckly though :blink:

These forums certainly are freindly places where the those with expensively earned experience are happy pass it on for free and still learn something new themselved at the same time. It is common to find this accross a lot of specialst interest groups, makes you think there is still some hope in human nature. ;)

On that slightly sozzled note, I'm off :lol:

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I wish forums like this had been around 25 years ago when I bought my first LR, would have saved a whole lot of heartache and expense :rolleyes: Found a lot of fellow victims locally pretty quckly though :blink:

These forums certainly are freindly places where the those with expensively earned experience are happy pass it on for free and still learn something new themselved at the same time. It is common to find this accross a lot of specialst interest groups, makes you think there is still some hope in human nature. ;)

On that slightly sozzled note, I'm off :lol:

ah yes sean but we have much the same over here with kev and stock and the boys! still puts a lump in my throat at how many came running after my little mishap.

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I think its fair to say the forum has changed certain aspects of our way of life. Not only through bits for vehicles etc but we entered our first winch challenge through the forum which is now a major pastime for me, Dawn and the lads.

Cant wait for the grandkids to be old enough to take part.

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