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Dyna beads

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Hi all,

Didn't know where to put this so I thought i would put it here!

Looking at changing my tyres next month or preferably sooner, want to use dyna beads instead of weighting the wheels

Im looking at fitting 285/75 R16's however I dont know how many/much dyna beads i need in weight

Any one able to help me out on that one?



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Lovely, thanks :D

Any one had experience with them?

Good or bad?

Worth it or not?



Yes, Devon 4x4 ones.

Good, do work. Not foolproof though. In about last 12 months I've had to pull over a couple of times due to excessive wobble. Had to bash the sidewalls to release them, and then drive off again for them to be ok. You still get some wobble at about 45mph

Yes, worth it. If wheels will conventionally balance though go for that.

I've also tried the ceramic airsoft bb's. They work but not aswell. They are moving all the time, so you need to get up to speed for them to start to balance.



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I put them in my Mudzillas and they improved but did not completely cure the wobble - they are bearable here but would be unusable at UK main road speeds. Having said that, half a kilo of conventional lead weights had previously failed to cure the wobble - I think they need cannonballs in :)

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Put them in my BFG muds after an incompetent fitter tried to put 5lb of lead sustitute on each rim :rolleyes: Got them from a guy in Scotland, about 5 oz per tyre. Work well most of the time until as Steve says you hit a pothole at speed (all too common here!) and it suddenly gets very wobbly until you stop and the beads sort themselves out. I'd still recomend them though.

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I have run them in Swamper LTB tyres for a while now.

They do work and have the benifit of ajusting to lumps of rubber missing , mud in the tyre /rim etc automatically. You can feel them adjust some times as mud comes off the tyres, you get a wobble for a while then sorts it self out.

They are not perfect however, my understanding is they provide a "static" balance not a "dynamic" balance, effectively although the wheel would balance level if it was placed horizontally with a pivot through the centre of the hub (you can't actually do this with beads as the tyre needs to be driven for them to work!) it may not balance vertically, if you have an inbalance on one side of the tyre only it will not fully compensate for that. This is why the tyre balance machines tell the operator which side of the rimm to put the weights on.

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I've got plastic BBs in my Superswampers - about 250g in each tyre. Generally work very well, adjusting the balance as you get mud in the tyres, particularily with Beadlocks on. The whole lot cost £16 from a country fair.

I can second what others say about momentary problems, such as massize wobble when running over a port hole until the BBs re-distribute and occaisional problems with side-to-side balance.

Would recommend though compared to lead weights.

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I now have them in my 33"s, happy with the balancing, very good, though as above you do get a little wobble at 45 or so, but I think that may be my front swivel pins needing adjusting again....

One major drawback I have found, is if you air your tyres down for of road, you get the beads stuck in the valves, meaning they leak.

Also had this when airing back up, what a PITFA, first time it happened I went and bought 4 new valves as I thought they were part of a dodgy batch....

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