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GearBox Woes - My Hobbies are begining to blend


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The LT85 in the 90 is really reaaly reaaaaally now noisey :huh:

A drain last weekend of the oil saw much glitter, and no not in a happy christmas

stylee, more in a stinky oiley messy oil, with larger lumps to make you go Oooooo :unsure:

when looking in it, and rummaging through it :(

1st - crunches when going into it from standstill sometimes, 2nd too

as you change up, 3rd whines a bit, 4th, ah, a joy silent :D and then

5th (when you can time the syncho :lol:) and as you release the clutch

the whining grateing nosies are so bad I'm temped to wear my Clay Shooting

ear defenders :(

So, DIY was a thought, with a knowledgeable mate doing the magic, but

when you price up the bits, it sort of doesn't bode well, and a exchange

unit from Dave at Ashcrofts looks a whole load more sensible, with his

reputation, quality and pricing being not a huge amount more £s and the time

saving huge, and the 90 off the road for not long as I can an exvahnge spare box

to give him :)

So, a unit from Dave is 99% on the cards, the other 1% is a LT85 or something else ?

No, I don't want to go auto, if things go horribly wrong gearbox wise autos just normally

die and stop working, whereas there is normally a gear left somewhere in a manual, autos

do NOT like water being sucked in, and with the Megasquirt....... :ph34r: and with a V8

can't be tow started if the starter fails, plus a load of fab work to fit make work

and look tidy and not as tho a grenade has gone off in your truck :lol:

BUT, I could go for the LR380 vs the LT85, :

  • aparently about as strong,
  • has taper bearings which makes it last longer than LT85 bearings
  • which aren't tapered and are often the cause (Dave says at Ashctoft) of the probs with these,
  • but in fairness it would be some time before on one of his boxes this would ever be an issue,
  • LT85 poss stonmger box than R380,
  • R380 is more refined and smoother (does that really matter ? me thinks)
  • and the other big change is R380 is £50 of oil change to flush through as its MTF and the LT85 at £10 as its 20/50

So, I'm leaning very heavily to an Ashcroft LT85, vs a R380,

Auto is out of the picture, and was wondering has anyone experience of R380s vs LT85s,

or even changed on these from LT85 to a R380 and what mods additionally are involved ??



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aparently about as strong

Well, mine has lasted this far :ph34r:

and the other big change is R380 is £50 of oil change to flush through as its MTF and the LT85 at £10 as its 20/50

Dunno where you buy your oil or how often you're changing it, I pay about £20-£30 for a gallon of genuine prats MTF94 and that lasts at least 2 oil changes on the box.

If you want to wave a tape measure over my R380 any time, feel free.

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and the other big change is R380 is £50 of oil change to flush through as its MTF and the LT85 at £10 as its 20/50

They saw you coming last time you wanted MTF94......We had some in today with an RRP of 25 beer tokens.

As for the comparison, the R380 in the tdi i have got now feels a lot smoother and nicer to shift than the LT77 did in the V8. Before i got rid of the V8 i had to move it around the car park at home a few times, and the difference between the two was gargantuan. The LT felt very "positive" in it's shift, although it didn't feel anywhere near as nice as the R380 that i have now.

Personally i would go for an Ashcroft R380, and even go so far as to talk to Dave down there about what you want from it, and see if he can accommodate you accordingly with stronger bearings etc where required.

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I'd say R380.

I spoke to Ashcrofts via email about my Audi motor, and the recommendation was a later "L" suffix box (ie from a TD5) should be able to handle the 300lbft the ABZ kicks out.

I know your motors tuned lots, but i'm not sure if its going to be putting out that much more than 300lbft?

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You can use Dexron ATF quite happily in an R380 with no problems, that's what they used to have in them from the factory before everybody started getting into these whizzy expensive oils. A full oil change on a D3 now is heart-stopping!

I'd still get an auto, having a nice responsive V8 and being in a hurry makes you realise just how long it takes to change gear properly with a Land Rover gearbox :) I converted my old Discovery to an auto and never looked back. Used to confuse the hell out of people driving it though, as it still had 3 pedals :lol:

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I was told by a friend who races with a nice V8 and R380 he stays with the R380 because gear changes are quicker. Although he hasn't killed a gearbox for a few years, he still believes the LT85 to be stronger...

Shaving a few seconds a day on Comp Safari is a big enough attraction for him though.


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I would say stick with the Lt 85. I doubt the length of an r380 is exactly the same, in which case your into different mounts on the transfer box, different props and god knows what.

The main thing I dont like about the r380 is the fact that reverse is oposite to 1st and 2nd, making quick changes hard, which in offroad situations can be vital.

The lt 85 is also lighter (although that is probably a downside for you :rolleyes: ). It would be interesting to know how much though. Maybe dave ashcroft can tell us this fact.


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Mines a solid case LT85, apareently the better of the 2 versions of LT85 :)

Alright smarty pants :) TBH of only seen/rebuilt the split case type, so didn't know of the other version.

...obviously not LR geek enough for this thread :)

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