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NFu insurance


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I have been with the NFU for a while and have always rated them with their open mind to modifications etc. Just had this years renewal through and a 22% increase in prenium - the reason

All insurance has gone up

anyone else got similar?

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Sounds like bull to me James. Get them to justify the increase, if (when) they can't and if they then won't reduce the price then tell them where to stick it.

I found my insurance company suprisingly more willing to accept a modification when I told them I would be cancelling the policy because of it.

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I am with Adrain flux and got all my mods covered no problem. I got a quote of the NFU and they were nearly twice as expensive as adrian flux. It also depends how old you are with the NFU as they dont want young drivers so tend to charge them alot more. Also from my experience the NFU will give you a good price if you do alot of business with them ie insure your business with them as well. It all depends what you want your insurance for at the end of the day i.e. if you just want that bit of paper to say you are insured or you want them to pay out if your vehicle is damaged or stolen


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It all depends what you want your insurance for at the end of the day i.e. if you just want that bit of paper to say you are insured or you want them to pay out if your vehicle is damaged or stolen


exactly the reason why I moved from Adrian Flux to NFU

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The nfu were £138 cheaper than af when I insured my truck plus I had an agreed value and they also covered my two winches the only thing I had to do was provide reciepts for all new parts fitted. They were not bothered at all with the suspension changes or wheel/tyres sizes they were just added to the policy at no cost

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Just renewed mine on the 90 and it's the same price as last year, even after declaring a few additional modifications that have been carried out over the past year...

Admiral tried to explain the same to me when I renewed for the other 2 cars, but after quoting them their cheaper prices for new policies found through a comparison site, they soon saw the light and made the whole lot about £90 cheaper than last year...

Definitely worth a phone call and some probing questions....

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Well have just sent them an email asking why the 22% increase on one of the vehicles with no change to any vehicle or personal details - will see what comes back. have been with them 12/13yrs and they have always been good in the past so its a tad annoying now!

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I have been with the NFU for a while and have always rated them with their open mind to modifications etc. Just had this years renewal through and a 22% increase in prenium - the reason

All insurance has gone up

anyone else got similar?quote;I'm wondering if they have reassesed some aspect of your insurance profile?..head office directive??...or {just me museing} do the local offices run as agents???..if so {& I think they do?}they might just be trying it on? ;)

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Admiral tried to explain the same to me when I renewed for the other 2 cars, but after quoting them their cheaper prices for new policies found through a comparison site, they soon saw the light and made the whole lot about £90 cheaper than last year...

And yet I phoned Admiral yesterday and was told "We do NOT price match!". :unsure:

NFU we 3 times more just for my Disco than I managed to get for BOTH my 90 & Disco.

I am convinced insurance is a black art - either that or it is just someopne sitting at a desk with a random number generator!!

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NFU have increased their rates dramatically over the past year, almost doubling my father's car insurance yet nothing has changed in that time other than another claim free year of motoring. The quotes they have given me have almost doubled as well.

A few months back they told me that their underwriters had recently changed, so that may have something to do with it.

Whatever it may be, we won't be using them until they start giving more realistic quotes to us.

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NFU have increased their rates dramatically over the past year, almost doubling my father's car insurance yet nothing has changed in that time other than another claim free year of motoring. The quotes they have given me have almost doubled as well.

A few months back they told me that their underwriters had recently changed, so that may have something to do with it.

Whatever it may be, we won't be using them until they start giving more realistic quotes to us.

I think that years ago they did most business with farmers.....under writers saw this as a pretty safe bet....but then as word got round{including on the forums}more & more city bound LR owners signed up with a subsequent rise in claims due to thieving pikeys seeing our motors as easy uneaned income :angry:

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And yet I phoned Admiral yesterday and was told "We do NOT price match!". :unsure:

They were price matching their own prices...

I 'compared' the prices for the two cars and got 2 prices. Add them together and take away the approx. 10% discount for multicar policy and it was cheaper to accept the 2 new policies through the comparison site than it was to renew my current multicar policy... (this is for a standard Disco 2 and a Seat Leon, so no modifications...) They saw the error of their ways and made it worth my while not even considering the other companies that came up...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i asked around and priced things up, RAC etc came in cheaper as did alot of tin pot companies but in the end i went with the NFU (again!) they pointed out that last year my premium was wrong as they had done it on the wrong truck!! (glad i didn't need to claim!) anyway all sorted now and it came down £80 from their first quote!! it made sense to stay with them going on past experience with their claims payouts and approach to 'extras' ie £50 to add a TGV with autobox - i thought that was pretty good. no extra charge for winches etc etc.

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I read above in one of the posts that NFU did an agreed valuation.

I've just insured a Camel Trophy 110 (new toy) with them and they said they don't do an agreed value... :huh:

That was with the Chelmsford Office, which office did people get an agreed value with please?

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they never used to do agreed prices although i write and inform them what mine is valued at and they amend the policy to reflect that so at least i have a starting benchmark rather than starting at book price!

the latest schedule i had from them now says upto £75k but again nothing agreed.

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