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Did you know you need a licence


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True, although I have no idea who is running challenges outside the MSA this year.

In the South West...

Challenge South West who voted to withdraw from the MSA and run under our own insurance... If and when the MSA can finalise a sensible set of rules specific to challenge then I am sure we will look to return...

Likewise James Trembath (4x4adventures.co.uk) who has always run under his own insurance.


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You're lucky a certain person (no, not me) has had a reply to to say he needs a full medical and it could take up to 6 weeks after they recieve it to make a judgement.

Spoke to my brother in law today (who's a GP) and the last medical he did for an HGV or similar, which did not include full eyesight readings, urine test or a STRESS ECG and he had to charge £200, and that was 5 years ago, before he went into research.

And if you read the form the medical is only valid for 3 months every year to cover the application, so it looks like it needs one annuallyif you fall into that catagory.

My postal one took about 10 days from post, to return, but that was just before the rush.

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Spoke to my brother in law today (who's a GP) and the last medical he did for an HGV or similar, which did not include full eyesight readings, urine test or a STRESS ECG and he had to charge £200, and that was 5 years ago, before he went into research.

I have to have a medical with my GP every year,, (eyesight, urine, blood pressure etc) for my licence (International) so he can fill in the front page of the application form,, charges me £40

Also need a stress related ECG every 2 years as a international ,, £350 :o

5 days after the application , until the mail re its gone to the printers arrived

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You're lucky a certain person (no, not me) has had a reply to to say he needs a full medical and it could take up to 6 weeks after they recieve it to make a judgement.

Spoke to my brother in law today (who's a GP) and the last medical he did for an HGV or similar, which did not include full eyesight readings, urine test or a STRESS ECG and he had to charge £200, and that was 5 years ago, before he went into research.

And if you read the form the medical is only valid for 3 months every year to cover the application, so it looks like it needs one annually if you fall into that catagory.

My postal one took about 10 days from post, to return, but that was just before the rush.

Do dear, tried to apply online and failed.

Probably due to the needing for a medical (I've just done a medical for class C license within the last 3 months, costing £70).

Also probably going to need to have a TUE for the performance enhancing drugs my doctor is prescribing (Salbutamol for asthma) costing another £44.

So the license is going to cost £137 a year and lots of hassle :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

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Just a quick question :

During this coming year i'd like to enter the BADLRC, Howlin Wolf and possibly some of the other northern / midlands events if they don't clash... For any of these organisations, is there a need for the co driver to have a license ?



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The co-driver will only need a license if they are going to drive the vehicle in a competitive 'manner'. I have spoken to Challenger about this in their series and they are going to avoid any instances (special stages or other) where the co-driver will need to drive...

Should bad things happen and the vehicle has to be recovered, the co-driver can drive as this will be deemed to be outside of the competition. I would say that you are pretty safe with just having the driver licenced. There was heated debate last year about the possibility of running a special stage where the co-driver was required to drive and it was pretty clear that it wasn't the way forwards for most teams...

I'd say you are better off discussing it with the organisers as they are the only ones that know what's planned.

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Do dear, tried to apply online and failed.

Probably due to the needing for a medical (I've just done a medical for class C license within the last 3 months, costing £70).

Also probably going to need to have a TUE for the performance enhancing drugs my doctor is prescribing (Salbutamol for asthma) costing another £44.

So the license is going to cost £137 a year and lots of hassle :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


I contacted the license help line and after a long wait I was able to clarify some points.

First point.

That as an asthma sufferer on Doctor prescribed salbutamol I should tick "no" to the question of about taking WADA listed substance, as this does not apply to non race clubman license application.

Second point.

I don't need to complete the medical section 3 because again, this does not apply to non race clubman, but I do need to give details in section 2 of the medicine I'm taking for high blood pressure.

So hopefully not too much of a problem, just the inconvenience of having to do it the old fashioned way with a paper application.

So my advice, if in doubt give the license help line a call.

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Now when my mate did this after few minutes he was then suffering with high blood pressure as well,

he's actually a diabetic, amongst other things

My mates bin refused a licence by the MSA, on the grounds or being DANISH, bin in england over 20 years,has a valid british drivers licence end to all intense and perposes is as english as english can be, except his use of bad language and accent.

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My mates bin refused a licence by the MSA, on the grounds or being DANISH, bin in england over 20 years,has a valid british drivers licence end to all intense and perposes is as english as english can be, except his use of bad language and accent.

If he has a UK address it shouldn't be a problem for a non-race license. There are "issues" regarding international competitors however it shouldn't be a problem at this level. I've been told that there shouldn't be a problem for people without UK addresses either as long as they are a member of a UK MSA recognised club.

I'd be interested in the details if you/he don't mind PMing me with them.

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Zardos........if my experience is anything to go by, you will receive a response from the MSA chief medical type person wanting a letter from your GP stating that they are happy to support your application and that they do not expect any adverse effects......

Still waiting for my GP to do hers!!!

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I have just tried to do an online application and got this :

Your application could not be completed online. Please use the application you were sent to apply, and send, along with the required documentation (shown above), to MSA for manual processing.

Unsure why ? But my nationality is not english. I've got dual nationality from Zimbabwe & Ireland. I hold a zimbabwean drivers license as well as full UK car & bike. I don't have an irish license :lol: The online form doesn't actually ask for details about your UK license.



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I have just tried to do an online application and got this :

Your application could not be completed online. Please use the application you were sent to apply, and send, along with the required documentation (shown above), to MSA for manual processing.

Unsure why ? But my nationality is not english. I've got dual nationality from Zimbabwe & Ireland. I hold a zimbabwean drivers license as well as full UK car & bike. I don't have an irish license :lol: The online form doesn't actually ask for details about your UK license.



I dont know if is this is the problem, but it will only let ONE licence application from a computer, so if there are two applicants wanting a licence them one has to nip off down the libruary and use theres, or post one.

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I have just tried to do an online application and got this :

Your application could not be completed online. Please use the application you were sent to apply, and send, along with the required documentation (shown above), to MSA for manual processing.

Unsure why ? But my nationality is not english. I've got dual nationality from Zimbabwe & Ireland. I hold a zimbabwean drivers license as well as full UK car & bike. I don't have an irish license :lol: The online form doesn't actually ask for details about your UK license.



Gordon Ring the MSA Licencing department on 01753 765000 and select Licencing from the automated system or hold and ask the operator. Answering your other question above on The Clubman Challenge only the driver will require a competition licence unless you want to share the driving with your winch person

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gordon Ring the MSA Licencing department on 01753 765000 and select Licencing from the automated system or hold and ask the operator. Answering your other question above on The Clubman Challenge only the driver will require a competition licence unless you want to share the driving with your winch person

I've been away at work, just got in. I sent off the postal application, and have received an email saying my liecense has been processed and posted :)


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I've been away at work, just got in. I sent off the postal application, and have received an email saying my liecense has been processed and posted :)


Thats Good News Gordon, I was going to email you to see if you had got it resolved, but have got it under control :):)

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