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Anyone know this site?


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I am interested to know if anyone knows anything about this off-road site http://www.xtremeoffroad.co.uk/. Not so much interested in the company behind it but in the site itself. Is there plenty to do there? What is the terrain like? Is there water? etc. Just been asked by a friend who is planning something - since I am "local" I have been nominated to go along and take a look. :)



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Even though it's local ish to me I've never been so dunno what the site is but a few mates went a while back and had a go in the alfa buggies and a LR based trailer.

When you going for a look Chris? Need any company? ;)

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I am interested to know if anyone knows anything about this off-road site http://www.xtremeoffroad.co.uk/. Not so much interested in the company behind it but in the site itself. Is there plenty to do there? What is the terrain like? Is there water? etc. Just been asked by a friend who is planning something - since I am "local" I have been nominated to go along and take a look. :)



It's a cracking site - about 250 acres or so, including a quarry and a safari style course in woodland - very tight and slippery when wet. Plenty of side slopes and lots of steep sections which will keep you on your toes.

It's on the edge of the Mendips - no water as it's on the top of a hill running down into a disused quarry. Still being developed with new routes being cut/opened. I've been there a couple of times now - very well organised and professional.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks guys. The plan is to rent the site for a private weekend gathering, mainly quads and 4x4s and camping over the weekend. There has been dissapointment in the past so I have been nominated to check out this potential venue in advance.



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Have a look in June's Total Offroad, page 70. There's a 3 page write up about the centre.

Anyone got a scanner? ;) Is it an unbiased account? IMHO they very rarely are totally objective.


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Do I know Julian? Not the guy at Tony's brithday bash with the Suzuki was he?


No, thats souunds like Julian Vardy !! at TC bash,, would not have though so, last time i saw him was at the SR4x4 AGM, back feb time

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Site is run by Matt and Julian and is behind the dry Ski Slope at Churchill. It has an enormouse potential if it is developed correctly.

The quarry area is huge fun as are the woods on the south side. There is a small problem on the north side with the odd collapased mine shaft (a la West Harptree) but they are dealing with that. There is not water as such on site but the thousands of tonnes of ballast washings in the quarry make up for that!

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Most of the ones near the airport are were RUPP's, but as you get east of Chew the lanes are mainly byways, and a couple of nice (single status) UCR's.

Oh and a couple of the byways on the map are not passable in a 4x4 only a 2x1, they are just too narrow.

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behind the dry Ski Slope at Churchill.

Blimey, small world! We had a small archery course that our club used to run on the slopes beside the ski run when I lived in Bristol in the early 90s.

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As Luvvers says - will be good if developed sensibly.

I haven't been recently, but Matt has been up there a couple of times cutting trails.

It's right on my doorstep so I am watching developments with interest....

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It's a cracking site - about 250 acres or so, including a quarry and a safari style course in woodland - very tight and slippery when wet.

I concurr. Nice site managed by genuine, discerning chaps. There's a couple of photos on our website (links below) but I had to leave with the camera before we got a chance to play in the quarry.










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