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LR4x4 takes over TOR


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Nick (tangoman)- great job- car looks totally fantastic on the front page- powering up that hill- nice to see that you have half the countryside on the bumper. Great stuff and makes me want to see another project finished!

Dave - landrover598- love the letter of the week- it's the bit where it says it's a hybrid- then says it's also totally standard- course it is!

SimonR- finally your magic "banana" makes it into the mag- as promised i'm not giving the game away, although i reckon a few people should guess.

well done chaps- and apologies to anyone who missed out.

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ooooooo :D

I'll have to pick up a copy tommorow when i'm in the parts shop :D

i do have a question that needs answering- you spend a whole paragraph saying that it is a hybrid made up of all sorts of bits.

and then say it's completely standard :blink:

so which bits are standard then :D

is it the rangie axles on a defender chassis?

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Magic banana indeed!

It's called an X-Zag.

Has the mag got the competition right? Both the best and silliest answer to what it is getting one?

The best so far is "An IUD for Elephants" - but it might be a bit of a squeeze even for an Elephant! (not that I have any direct experience of this you understand!)

I'll look forward to getting my copy!


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yeah they've got the competition right- not sure about the name though

they call it the x-eng thingy, but i reckon the X-banana is much more fun (admittely the X-zag is far more professional and will probably sell more units but you can't be serious all the time!).

there's no need to be embarrassed if you have had intimate knowledge with an elephant- we're all quite open around here. although i reckon an IUD for a blue whale might be closer.

if you painted it yellow it could be a mobile Macdonalds sign- you could ask them for a royalty for every unit you sell!

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The point i was trying to make about it being standard, is that all the parts are standard specification, no fancy axle / suspension parts, standard tdi lump, no fancy bits such as winch/cage etc etc.

Also standard as comparied to for example Mark Evan's all singing, all dancing, every accesories possible 100" hybrid ;)

It was a few months ago anyway :ph34r: slowly modifying things such as suspension, and i've added a winch.

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That pic is in pretty much every month Jules, how much are you paying them? :D

Good pic though.

I have it on my wall at home as well along with the one before and after as the three part thing take off, fly and landing.

My sponsers love it :D

Well PTP,Beamach do the others can't be seen from that angle :rolleyes:

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The point i was trying to make about it being standard, is that all the parts are standard specification, no fancy axle / suspension parts, standard tdi lump, no fancy bits such as winch/cage etc etc.

Also standard as comparied to for example Mark Evan's all singing, all dancing, every accesories possible 100" hybrid ;)

It was a few months ago anyway :ph34r: slowly modifying things such as suspension, and i've added a winch.

Does that mean you've won yourself a pair of scrapiron winching gloves???

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mrs picked me up a copy at swansea LR parts. nice feature dave .i sent one in thnis month but it wasnt featured , however mine started " im 34 have no formal qualifications except a cse in art and i own 27 hammers " received the nicest get f**ked letter ever though :D

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