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Anyone used a Britpart Filter Guard?

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Hi All,

I was just shopping around for a complete service kit, and while browsing noticed the Britpart Filter Guard (example here) which appears to be an adapter that fits onto the oil filter specially designed to remove tiny metal fragments. The theory sounds sensible although a) I typically stay away from Britpart things and b) Surely if these were so great there would be much more discussions on the forums - I can't find any threads on it either here or with other 4x4 forums.

Is it worth it? Or is it just a pointless gimmic that doesn't really do much?

Thanks in advance,


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58 quid buys a lot of filters / beer / flowers for the missus / etc.

In fact, go to ebay, go to advanced search, and search for "Land Rover" with Buy Now and a Max Price £58.

There are 79,385 items, most if not all of which are more useful than anything made by Britpart.

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surely the sump magnet does the same job ?

Probably dont get such a consistent flow of ALL of the oil past it though as you would through the filter and i doubt its big enoughto be that effective (i presume you mean the little magnet on the drain plug?). A big magnet clamped to the base of the sump might work ok, but you'd have to remove the sump to clean out the debris.

As Bowie suggests, a magnet on the filter would probably be the best option. There are some made that clamp around the curvature of the filter. Just remove them at filter change time and put them on the new filter. No hassle removing the metal bits from them then either as they are not in direct contact.

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58 quid buys a lot of filters / beer / flowers for the missus / etc.

In fact, go to ebay, go to advanced search, and search for "Land Rover" with Buy Now and a Max Price £58.

There are 79,385 items, most if not all of which are more useful than anything made by Britpart.

Well I totally agree. I don't touch Sh*tpart as a golden rule - I had just never seen something like this. I like your ebay search method!

Probably dont get such a consistent flow of ALL of the oil past it though as you would through the filter and i doubt its big enoughto be that effective (i presume you mean the little magnet on the drain plug?). A big magnet clamped to the base of the sump might work ok, but you'd have to remove the sump to clean out the debris.

As Bowie suggests, a magnet on the filter would probably be the best option. There are some made that clamp around the curvature of the filter. Just remove them at filter change time and put them on the new filter. No hassle removing the metal bits from them then either as they are not in direct contact.

I think I'll just try wacking a load of harddrive magnets that I've got on my filter. Although that said surely the filter removes such fragments anyway? Does anyone know what the minimum particle size the oil filters normally remove?

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If its britpart one they remove anything larger than a 20 pence piece. :lol:

Seriously though i think its about 30 micron about half the width of a human hair. Thats gonna get most things....

I'm sure it depends on the filter make though. I doubt Britpart would buy substandard fiters and they will be made in a factory that has QA and testing.

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In fact, go to ebay, go to advanced search, and search for "Land Rover" with Buy Now and a Max Price £58.

There are 79,385 items, most if not all of which are more useful than anything made by Britpart.

made me laugh! - thanks for brightening up this day

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You would think that when Land Rover designed this engine they fitted/designed a suitable filter to meet there requirements, so why change it?

It's like the 'magnet on your fuel pipe' All of these things will only collect the 'magnetic stuff' so what about all of the ali and stainless and bearing material?!


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That device just looks like an extra filter, as in making your filter bigger/last longer between service intervals! Maybe it has a finer element than the one beneath it. I would have said just using a decent brand filter would have been OK, and oil changes as stipulated by the manufacturer, or more often if you choose. I've used gen LR and Coopers filters for years.

My other thought is that you only need this device if you use blue box branded filters :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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It's not a new idea and I'm sure you can get a pair of the magnets for the outside of you oilfilter for less money. It can't do any harm and probably will help.

I've sene in the past kits for bypass filters, these filter about 1/4 of the oil flowing to the engine but filter if far far better so thst they get so much muck out the oil stays almost clean. kits were over £100 though.

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"Britpart Filter Guard removes potential engine damaging metal particles from your oil.

Clean oil works better than dirty oil with reduced friction and less wear.

Britpart's Filter Guard is an inexpensive way of removing the harmful contaminants that conventional oil filters can miss. The contaminants are fine metal particles which act like an abrasive on the fast moving parts in your vehicle's engine - dramatically shortening engine life.

Filter Guard works by magnetic filtration technology resulting in cleaner oil which your engine will thank you for by running better now and in years to come. The Filter Guard will never clog or restrict the all important oil flow.

> Improves fuel economy

> Extends engine life

> No vehicle modification needed

> Added protection for stop & go driving and towing

> Cleans engine oil for 50,000 miles/80,000kms

> Does not effect your Land Rover's warranty

Added protection for your engine! "

Hmmm, coming from Britpart thats like saying

"Peter Sutcliffe is good with a hammer, ....have him round to put a shelf up for your wife"



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Hmmm, coming from Britpart thats like saying

"Peter Sutcliffe is good with a hammer, ....have him round to put a shelf up for your wife"



BRILLIANT - Cheers Nige. I love the way any thread that loosely is based around Britpart ends up being full of laughs and jokes. :)

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