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The Grave yard


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There are very simple rules of this website, they are the foundation of it, There is no need to allow any one individual or section of the membership to be regarded as 'elite', or on any kind of level above anyone else. If anyone isn't happy with this site, and feel that another is better, then sorry, but it's you that is misplaced, and not this website. Equality and fairness is obviously the best way foreward. The moderators and admin spend a great deal of unpaid time making sure that these simple rules are applied.

If there were banners, flags, pop-ups all over the place - would you still be here?

Les. :)

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No-one, AFAIK, wants to pay to advertise.

no-one, AFAIK, wants to 'associate' themselves with the forum.

I never said I only visit because of a few traders, far from it. The content of this forum is the most diverse, most technical and most interesting of the forums i view.

Who said anything about an 'elite'? I'm all for equality and fairness.

Of course, the mod's and admin's considerable efforts are appreciated, by all, i'm sure.

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Accidents will occur in all activities and sports.

Reasonable precautions need to be taken in all sports and activities BUT we have to accept that at times things will go wrong and people will get hurt and sometimes killed.

There is a hill on the Coney site that I would not tackle either uphill or downhill even with a full roll cage on a vehicle. I doubt whether many experienced drivers would tackle it.

We must feel sorry for the deceased family and hope that the injured lad gets better soon.



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i dont see David's posts as spam. to me spam is off topic advertising, Davids posts relate the subject being discussed. he mentions his products sure, but ive always thought his comments are totally fair. if he suggests something he sells he says why & not just 'cause its good'.

to me this thread started with a 'oi i sell them they aint the importers' type comment is no different to Andy T saying synethic rope aint always the plasma he sells.

i can see where your comming from Les, but i dont think you have a problem here. if it wasnt for specialists in various parts of the 4x4 arena like David/Andy T/Ashtrans/etc posting here the forum would be a lot poorer.

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So if I mentioned my specialist techniques as a Maseusse for easing those tired muscles after a hard day working on the LR

- Very good rates

- Would that be bad? Or should I start another post? :moglite:

sounds great - should probably be on adultfriendfinder or something similar though :D

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No-one would be allowed to pay to advertise here. The 'elite' is a turn of phrase Luke, and in no way a dig at you or anyone else.

We set out to make this site unique and free from restrictions, and will we strive to keep it that way.

Les. :)

Sounds cool to me, :)

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Isn't it great that we can have a forum that doen't rely on advertising tho.

If I want to post about a bad experience I had with say Nene Overland, I could, and the post wouldn't get deleted or modified (I haven't had any dealings with them, good or bad). If Nene paid for space, the mods would have to keep them happy.

I agree moderate advertising is OK, cos we get the benefit of their professional opinions, and they get the benefit of publicity. Although it's a fine balance to keep, which I think is what Les was refering to.

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I had some dodery old fool reverse into the 90 today then proceed to push it along the road for 6ft

whilst I was in a shop watching

now luckily his trailer hit the spare wheel on the back door.

the spare wheel carrier is a little distorted but only a little.

should I make him buy me a new one /go through his insurance

or let the old git get off scot free?

Tony i would claim for a new one. After all if it was the other way round they would claim against you.

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Message from LRO 5th Feb 2007

This site is under re-construction and will return to full strength by Feb 23, 2007 at the latest. In the meantime, this blog will keep you up to date on all Land Rover and website developments. A temporary message board is also available. You need to re-register to use it. Our sincere apologies for all inconvenience - caused by circumstances beyond our control.

Quote from a frustrated poster:-

"On the new old site, then at 16.43 it was gone to have this flash before me eyes

Old site closes down

The old Land Rover Owner website (http://www.lro.com/) is no more - due to circumstances beyond our control.

We apologise whole-heartedly to all those people inconvenienced by this in any way; forum users who can no longer access their posts, blog users who were unable to save their content before the site was closed, anyone listing their items for sale in our classified section and of course our advertisers.

We don't under-estimate how annoying this is or the difficulties it may cause you.

The good news is that we are building a replacement - and have a bag full of lessons learned to make sure it serves the LRO community better than ever. This will be ready to go in a very short period of time - by which we mean less than 20 days from today.

In the meantime we have set up temporary message boards (see links, left) as a short-term home for the LRO community.

We will use this blog to keep you up to date with progress on the new site, to hear your comments and suggestions about it, and to keep you up to date with all Land Rover news. So please keep checking back. Sign up to a feed from this site and you're guaranteed to hear the latest the moment we publish it."

What a mess eh!


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Isn't it great that we can have a forum that doen't rely on advertising tho.

If I want to post about a bad experience I had with say Nene Overland, I could, and the post wouldn't get deleted or modified (I haven't had any dealings with them, good or bad). If Nene paid for space, the mods would have to keep them happy.

Check Pirate sometime. It is loaded with advertising and members still bag any vendors whom they feel is not giving good service, or selling products that are not up to standard. I think it ultimately has a positive affect to keep the b*****ds honest.


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I think I am a bit of an old softy. I have lost count of the thousands of dollars I've missed out on and the number of people I have let off the hook after they have used various parts of my LandRover and LandCruiser to write off their tin cans with. Then again, if I owned a Pretender I would probably sue the ar$e of anyone that went near it, just so as I could afford to keep it running.


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I think I am a bit of an old softy. I have lost count of the thousands of dollars I've missed out on and the number of people I have let off the hook after they have used various parts of my LandRover and LandCruiser to write off their tin cans with. Then again, if I owned a Pretender I would probably sue the ar$e of anyone that went near it, just so as I could afford to keep it running.


I have done that so many times in the past, let people of with it , but never seem to get the favour back. So now i just tend to look after myself :)

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This site will remain free from any outside commercial interests, spamming, advertising, sponsorship, or otherwise. The members own it, and that's how it will stay for the forseeable future. If people prefer other sites, then that's their choice.

It would be a big mistake to copy another website.


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