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Just read with a slight chuckle but also with a little niggle an article in the LRM that came out just this weekend....

Ir is the one about the fitting of the Max traction kit that refers to 'their new shocks' that are specifically valved for them and brought in to them direct from the States.

So, as in the title, why do companies do this? Is it to make themselves sound more impressive? Is it to hide the origin of their product for fear of the customer going direct? Why do they do it 'cause thay always end up looking silly in the end....

The shocks are my new Rough Country ones. They are valved specifically for Land Rover vehicles at my request not that of any other, and they were delivered direct to them from the States via Mid Wales!!

I openly admit that the suspension bracketry is mainly from Gwyn Lewis, the packers I sell are from Mill Services, etc.

I see no need to hide these facts. I sell at the same price as them so there is no need to go direct to them for a better buy....

Likewise i can tell you the names of all the traders who sell my hoses and now Shock absorbers....

I don't really know why I moan as the sale will come to me anyway but why can;t we ( the trade ) all sort this out? I sell their stuff at their price, they sell my stuff at the same price as me and we live off the profit we give each other as trade discount without all this silly ' exclusive to me' pants which just comes back to bite you on the bum!!

And if Editors were actually aware of their market place and products might they be able to edit these silly calims out of our hobby / job?

Just a pointless rant really but it is a topic that just annoys me!


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This response from an anaesthetist was posted on a motorhome forum with regards to this issue...

In certain parts of europe, and the UK, I would be worried about being robbed during the night if I parked up in a layby, however I'm not convinced that these rumours of gassing are any more than urban legend. I'm sure a bunch of russian thugs could gain access to a caravan and relieve the occupants of their possessions without trouble/expense of gassing the occupants and as anaesthesia is a very fine art it amazing that they have the skill to do it without killing anyone, all stories seem to have the occupants waking up with a headache :rolleyes:

I will lend you my 100 euro caravan for a holiday to Hungary. I guarantee you wouldn't sleep in a layby. My colleague is a Nurse of more that 20 years experience. She says she has never slept in later than 8 am. The only day she has ever slept along with the whole family until 11am, all with a headache, burgled and door swinging free, was not down to to an extra lager at dinner!

Cheers, Paul

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Is it to make themselves sound more impressive? Is it to hide the origin of their product for fear of the customer going direct?

Both I would say.

Or in the case of "some companies" to hide the fact that they ripped it off borrowed the design from, say, some Italian suspension manufacturer :ph34r:

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Anyway the moral of my relatives story is when in Hungary stick to official sites, as it is no longer safe on the highway.

I'll take the caravan Paul :) , Im happy to sleep anywhere in Hungary, having spent 7 years backwards and forwards, sleeping in the Rangie in competitions and just about anywhere when Im tired enough Ive never had a single issue, neither have the in laws or any Hungarians we know, maybe LrFun can comment - as Hungarians they might be able to shed a little light on this "new threat" as Im sure it should have reached the papers or TV by now.

Slovakia the same, even Bosnia right after the war finished was no hassle, Croatia, Poland, Lithuania - I wouldnt sleep in a car in Slough but then thats just common sense.. in fact the only time anyone has tried to rob me was in two Brits in Gibralter :lol:

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Drivers that do 25mph on open roads and then speed up to 40 in 30 zones

I hate that too and

Drivers that slow down to overtake

Drivers that slow down to below 70 on a duel carriageway when they see a speed camera

and drivers that slow down to 60 in the middle or outside lane because a police car's pootling at 58 in the inside lane - i'm sure they do it for a laugh

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You should sell spam David, there's a whiff of it in most of your posts!


People write on these forums what is topical to them.... I suppose as much of my 4x4 is work rather than play this will be reflected in my experiences.

Can I also make clear that I am a LR enthusiast who happens to own a computer. I am not a computer freak who happens to own a LR!! If this means that sometimes I drift away from PC etiquette then I apologise to thoose it offends but maintain it was by the nature of what I write, not an effort to wind up those more concerned with their PC than their LR.

Having re-read the original post I need to make it clear that the one incident I write of specifically was just the push to write, not the whole event. I am not having a go personally at anyone involved with Max traction, more the practice of these silly claims.

The one related reply so far has taken the argument the right way though by expanding it to other incidents involving other businesses.


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Just read with a slight chuckle but also with a little niggle an article in the LRM that came out just this weekend....

Ir is the one about the fitting of the Max traction kit that refers to 'their new shocks' that are specifically valved for them and brought in to them direct from the States.

So, as in the title, why do companies do this? Is it to make themselves sound more impressive? Is it to hide the origin of their product for fear of the customer going direct? Why do they do it 'cause thay always end up looking silly in the end....

The shocks are my new Rough Country ones. They are valved specifically for Land Rover vehicles at my request not that of any other, and they were delivered direct to them from the States via Mid Wales!!

I openly admit that the suspension bracketry is mainly from Gwyn Lewis, the packers I sell are from Mill Services, etc.

I see no need to hide these facts. I sell at the same price as them so there is no need to go direct to them for a better buy....

Likewise i can tell you the names of all the traders who sell my hoses and now Shock absorbers....

I don't really know why I moan as the sale will come to me anyway but why can;t we ( the trade ) all sort this out? I sell their stuff at their price, they sell my stuff at the same price as me and we live off the profit we give each other as trade discount without all this silly ' exclusive to me' pants which just comes back to bite you on the bum!!

And if Editors were actually aware of their market place and products might they be able to edit these silly calims out of our hobby / job?

Just a pointless rant really but it is a topic that just annoys me!


Its called bull****ting which the whole magazine is full off. But we all know this dont we? Can I ask you a question: why do you care? They write about your shocks for free and make them look the bizz. Perfect, everyone who wants them is goint to get them through you. Job done. I wouldn't complain.


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I'm sure you are an enthusiast David, you are also the most prolific 'close to the knuckle ' spammer on this entire website by a long shot.

Les. :)

he might well be but the information often given is usefull in arriving at an informed decision.

Please do not stop "spamming" Dave as i find your posts informative.

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same here - and doesn't David offer a forum discount too ;)

[bIG WOODEN SPOON] However, I do find Les's useless tech archive articles constantly referring to his mobile mechanic services one of the most blatant form of spamming ever! [/bIG WOODEN SPOON]


Steve :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(running off to hide for a while ;) ;) )

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Does anyone know anything more about this incident?

The driver of a 4x4 vehicle has died after it rolled while he was using an off-road course in Worcestershire.

The vehicle was being driven along a dirt track near Coney Green Farm off Ribbesford Road, Stourport-on-Severn, on Sunday afternoon.

People tried to resuscitate the driver at the scene before ambulance crews arrived but he was pronounced dead.

A 15-year-old boy from Bromsgrove suffered head injuries and was taken to hospital as a precaution.

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: "The field where the accident happened was about a mile down a dirt track from the main road.

"There appeared to be a sort of course that the vehicle had been following when the accident happened."

Taken from here.

Thoughts go out to those involved and their family.

However I hope this isn't another nail in the coffin for our hobby.

(please excuse the unintentional bad taste pun).

Edit: more detailed news report here.

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Does anyone know anything more about this incident?

Taken from here.

However I hope this isn't another nail in the coffin for our hobby.

(please excuse the unintentional bad taste pun).

Edit: more detailed news report here.

Very sad news. I echo "Thoughts go out to those involved and their family". did he leave wife/kids? and if so; is there a whip-round for him? does anyone know the site/organiser?

not knowing the site cant comment on rules and regs or if marshalled or not but would be useful to know if harness and roll cage were fitted and being used.

I will now get one! and a harness.

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I wouldn't put him anywhere near the top of the spamming retailers list.

He is, and I can prove it too. :)

The fact that a retailer gives tech advice doesn't exempt him from forum rules - there are other traders on this site that do that, and are a perfect example of sticking to the rules of this website. Regardless of what you say, a trader that spikes his posts with 'my products', or 'I can supply' - or phrases very similar, and on a regular basis - are spamming. Or perhaps one of you would like to define what is and what isn't spamming. I'm sure a long list of parts or services with a bit of techinical advice at the end would be ok, perhaps any company might be happy for the free advertising based on those simple rules.


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having vendors here is great as they tend to know more about certain products that we do- David, SimonR (who does mention his products as david does), Jim M, Andy T, among others all contribute to this board- i recently asked some faintly techy questions regarding winch lines and Andy T wrote a veritable essay on the subject! We aren't beholden to them in anyway, and neither are the mentiones of their products detrimental to this board.

I think a star system would work very well- it works for many many other boards (just have a look at LS1 tech which is a pretty huge LS1 USA site. They are independant and traders agree to give forumeers a discount as opposed to paying up front- the website stays free from influence and everyone on the board benefits. This gives the traders the right to point people in the direction of their products without hinderence- if there is a complaint from a regular board user (someone with over 50 points) then the trader goes on a watch list and any more complaints mean they are no longer board supporters. If a trader doesn't agree to give discounts then they are not allowed to make any reference to the fact that they flog things nor that they have a website. Also (and it might be a bit much here) LS1tech has a trader rating page which lists all the board supporters and users reviews of them- a very useful tool for keeping traders in line i reckon.

there will be the odd odditity, like Jez (who isn't in the trade, but just overbuys sometimes and flogs a couple of specialist items now and then), but otherwise the system is pretty fair and foolproof. I know that some of the traders on LS1 tech have two logins, a "trade" login and a "punter" login, the latter solely for "private" use.

We are growing as a board, but we are also staying pretty focussed - there are a large number of people on here who are constantly modding (higher than difflock, LRAddict, ORRP, mud-club etc etc), and everyone would benefit to have traders give forumeers discounts. A trader system would also allow us to police trading fairly and consistently.

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There ok. We had one for about 18 months.

As a road car it's great, good ride, comfy, but not actually very good on fuel, my 200tdi gets better mpg. Nice cruiser though.

wings & bumpers are plastic, paint finish not great (look at the roof). Interior is very soft plastic. When you scratch it it comes up as a white scratch so it looks carp. Various catched snapped on ours. Upholstery stains really easily with water (yes, water!)

Alloys - paint fell of them & blistered in 5 months.

Service cost - usual dealer joke...

pulling power.....hmmm.....not a landy. The 200tdi would have dragged it up the street backwards without trying. But it is a compromise. Landy may be slower with a weighty trailer on the back, but the x-trail didn't like some of the loads I hitched up to it.... If your horse ain't fat, it'll be ok though.

all in all, there ok. My wife liked it better than I did.


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Hm interesting..... I never heard from these. But it can be possible this is middle europe.

I think this technik was typical in the communism time, before 89 . Today the hungarian barbars don't rob out your caravan.

In Hungary next to the motorway you can find lot of hotel or safety parking place or petrol station with camera you can sleep there.

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Talking to a colleague who has had one for about a year now, and he loves it. He did mention however that the hyundai offering had been rated as the best buy when he got his, but was a little out of his budget. Noone had mentioned it so far, so thought I would...


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stars and traders sections are for other sites IMHO

as this site is independent with no paymasters to suck up to.

people blatantly advertising their wares isn't on either.

the deleted section of his website is loaded with freeloaders trying to

do you all favours so to speak.

David does offer a discount as do a fair few other traders.

but there is nothing on here to stop people telling the truth abount

shoddy service/crappy products

that's what makes it different.

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