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Anyone know of a really small (dimensionally) alternator...? Output doesn't have to be huge, just 12v tho...

I've considered the permanent magnet motor idea, but its a non starter due to the carp needed to control it etc

It has to be suitable for attaching to a bike engine, as the old one has got to come out to make way for a 35 tooth wheel... :ph34r:;)



Depends how you want it mounted and how driven, most modern sportsbikes and BMW's have a small can alternator like a baby version of a car alternator, with it being mounted above the gearbox and the input shaft fed into the crankcases, or on the BMW on top of the engine where it then goes through to a pulley for the front belt drive. Good thing with the BMW is that you can get a big alternator output as they have one for the ABS, heated grips et cetera for the likes of my bike (R1100S)

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Do accept my sincere apologese for not having the knowledge to dispense to the masses on such subjects as what is deemed On Topic for this forum, since not having the tools to slap winches in and go do challenges I seem to be lacking in this forum and my posts regularly being called "****e".

It's quite funny to think that such people as Rogue Trooper have been pushing me to do a tech write-up on fitting a V8 into a Series as there seems to be a lot of miss-conceptions out there on this subject, and with the adapters and bits that I have measured up and put into CAD production drawings, could be quite a valuable resource. Even this morning I measured and CAD-ed a spigot flange adapter ready for posting today, to also complement the RRV8 fly-wheel drilling diagram I have previously produced et cetera.

But then, maybe it's all "****e", maybe I should post some videos of helicopters, boats or mountain bikes which seem to be on topic these days.

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why not do a write up then?

or is your pencil sharpener more intresting?

this thread is just pefect for the *****e as you call it

otherwise the site descends to a lowest level of rubbish.

just have a look over the carp in this post

lots of it merged from other threads that were all about nothing.

the videos you mentiion are where they belong in the video shack not littering the forums.

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So let me get this right, speed boats causing helicopters to plunge into the water and mountain bikes are ok and "on topic" in the video section, not forgetting land speed records in the International forum, which, being run by JCB can only be considered being on topic due to the tendency of a JCB to go off road.

Seems to be all in the eye's of the moderators and whether it's acceptable to then happily slagg off people within the considered off-topic subjects, that is what I find the lowest part of this subject

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So let me get this right, speed boats causing helicopters to plunge into the water and mountain bikes are ok and "on topic" in the video section, not forgetting land speed records in the International forum, which, being run by JCB can only be considered being on topic due to the tendency of a JCB to go off road.

Seems to be all in the eye's of the moderators and whether it's acceptable to then happily slagg off people within the considered off-topic subjects, that is what I find the lowest part of this subject

Do you feel victimised here? Think people are getting at you personally? Always getting the blame for posting rubbish? I wonder why? If you (and by you I mean one of course, not you personally) spend your life posting nonsense you must expect to get some flak for it. We all post some tripe from time to time, just some post more than others.

Don't get your knickers in a twist.


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Do you feel victimised here? Think people are getting at you personally? Always getting the blame for posting rubbish? I wonder why? If you (and by you I mean one of course, not you personally) spend your life posting nonsense you must expect to get some flak for it. We all post some tripe from time to time, just some post more than others.

Don't get your knickers in a twist.


no, because I see other people's topics in here as well, but then your text above reads that you are perfectly happy with your point of view and not worth discussing it any further, so many questions <tish>

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How many serious topics on this forum are permitted to degrade and go off topic into irrelevant inter personal banter ? I personally dont see a lot wrong with it as most of the technical aspects of each topic eventually gets covered fairly thoroughly. And I personally don't see too much wrong with this thread either. From someone who enjoys and tries to contribute as much as possible to technical discussions.an OT thread with a bit of meaningless and lighthearted bull**** and banter sometimes makes a refreshing break.


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Posting a thread re a V8 conversion is exactly what this forum is IMHO about, and you should do it, it would be useful, it would be On Topic, it would be valued by many and it may end up in the Tech forum

Posts re a pencil sharpener are "None of the Above", and hurling teddies about won't ever change that fact

Is not a F chat room FFS, if people wnat that there are exactly those available, its a matter of sense and control and not TTP too much maybe ?

Some posts go "Off" Topic and then back on, some worse then others, you can't have a forum with 100% On Topic posts 100% of the time, but I would maybe suggest that OT Posts from the start actaully undermine the value of the forum generally, esp in the main forum.

pointing to a helicopter video and using as an excuse is a bit like the SS on triual where a guy says in his defence I didn't shoot him I only stabbed him :huh:

Theres a difference between clever bantery amusing answers bordering on a topic going OT - which in moderation are I think a good thing, but the reason I for 1 am here is the fact that the other forums are very difference to this one - you often have to hunt through the OT nonsense to find a post worth reading - as such that forum IMHO becomes worthless in terms of time to gems found ratio.

There are a number of "Ohhh sorry" type posts that go up, but often it the same commnets from the same posters ?, switch on brain pre posting maybe, or find a site that gives them what they wnat rather than to try to hijack a forum and mould it to what they want it to be ?

I have avioded commenting so far but I do think that Teddies need to be picked up and actons and attitudes considered by many


PS Sorry having been all grown up and sensible I will now have to go and have a sit down :lol:

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At least Mel Gibson has been dropped from directing and acting in it, there would have been some anti-British bullpoop if he'd have been involved, something along the lines of a blood thirsty wing commander wanting to flood the valleys and sweep those nasty German's and their fluffy bunnies to their demise

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and while they're at it, they could have a remake of the Longest Day with Stephen Segal piloting in a glider on his own, giving the ol' gerry's a good seeing to with some kung fu and cunning, finishing off with raising the stars and strips above pegasus bridge with all the french maidens swooning below him

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