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Bush?!?! opinions please

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I will be replacing all of the bushes on the 90 gradually so was thinking of buying a kit as it will most probs be cheaper...what have people used?? I have heard people saying the poly bushes crack...is this as they are using to hard a compound???

Any links would be ace :)


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has anyone tried these?? as brit part are usually pretty good:


i had some that came with a disco i bought, (spares box) and they felt really hard , at the moment i have got floflex ones one (got them from paddocks) they seem alright, fitted alright, ride was ok but was running old tired springs and shocks.

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Yes............. I had the blue ones in an effort to keep the ride soft and the suspension flexible. Mission failed! They gave a harsh ride which some people like (i don't) and IK'll say yea the car was tight and drove well for 3 months. They however only lasted 3 months before they began to become ovaled and the handling suffered described as really pants. I also have some polybushes in the garage that came from another motor which are also knackared. Me personally you cant beat genuine bushes however you do need a press and or a means to replace them THE only reason I'd go for poly be it expensive ones or cheapies over a metalistic bush would be if I had no access to a press and resign myself to changing them every few months. Alot of people say they are great and some may be. I have never driven one thats still nice to drive. A mate said that his was great but when I drove said motor it was more like piloting a ocean liner.

I don't fit genuine to my own motor, I fit paddocks cheap Metalistic bushes WHY after me praising genuine.... Simple I change them each and every year before the MOT so the motor is all re bushed ready for another years trouble free tight service. I use it a part of a service schedule but if I were to fit new ones to a paying customer or suggest bushes then Genuine ones all the way.

Pitty your not closer because I wouldn't mind pressing them in for you for a few beer tokens. My money is on metalistic bushes all day every day.

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My old man just knocked us "The family" a couple of press tools for panhard rod and suspension arms. I removed and refitted a pair of front radius arms in less than 10 minutes no faffing with the usual suitably sized sockets. Must say I have about 14 arms ranging from old narrow early RRC to defender narrow and disco wide kicking about here to re bush for the family motors will paint up re bush and keep to swap out as and when. I'll probably offer the local guys from our pub meet an exchange for some beer tokens if they want std bushes but the bling fashion and easy of changing themselves poly will always be a favourite option for sure. Horses for courses Me i like my metalistic bushes!!

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Agree no silly lift and std motor the genuine bushes should last 5 or even 8 years As a guide rough guide cheaper paddocks ones on the same motor will last half of the genuine and with a lifted motor depending on how much then theyre usually good for 2 3 years sorta 2 inch lift ish.

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Sounds like a sexist comment Vulcan (any connections to RAF Cottesmore?) anyway I replaced all the bushes in my Disco with a Neoprene kit purchased on EBa, as I never drove it much with the standard rubber bushes I'm not able to really comment other than it goes, and handles very well on blacktop and on rough roads.

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