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Interclub Challenge - 24th Sept


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Spoke to Paul B last night and finalised a couple of things about the Interclub Challenge and thought you'd better know. (i'm sending this as his Tinternet at the workshop is down!)

As well as prizes for 1st place Driver/Co-driver and 1st place Team, He's going to supply the LR4x4.com Team with "Team LR4x4.com Interclub Challenge" Polo shirts!

Any color you like as long as its blue!

He's also going to bring along a few crates for Saturday night if anyone is staying over on site.

We are taking lots of photos on the day as well as video footage and if there is enough interest, we would like to sell the results after the event and send the profits to the charity.

Looking forward to a good event.

Kev. BE.

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Spoke to Paul B last night and finalised a couple of things about the Interclub Challenge and thought you'd better know. (i'm sending this as his Tinternet at the workshop is down!)

As well as prizes for 1st place Driver/Co-driver and 1st place Team, He's going to supply the LR4x4.com Team with "Team LR4x4.com Interclub Challenge" Polo shirts!

Any color you like as long as its blue!

He's also going to bring along a few crates for Saturday night if anyone is staying over on site.

We are taking lots of photos on the day as well as video footage and if there is enough interest, we would like to sell the results after the event and send the profits to the charity.

Looking forward to a good event.

Kev. BE.

Kev, thats brill. Thanks go out to Paul. Will definately be arriving at site at some point Saturday evening and staying on site. Looking forward to it.

Adrian/ Pigster - Are you staying on site for a change or B+B'ing it ( you girls)?? :lol::lol:

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the last thoughts we had were neither actually...

we were going to leave at approx 5am on sunday morning.. so there... I like my bed at home.. its a shame I (sorry) have to leave it at all..

it only takes a few hours to get there so things should be ok. depending on when kick off is.

besides we want to keep the banter down to a minimum before we get there.. :o) wouldn't want to use up all of our ammo before we start the event now would we. :D

Kev, thats brill. Thanks go out to Paul. Will definately be arriving at site at some point Saturday evening and staying on site. Looking forward to it.

Adrian/ Pigster - Are you staying on site for a change or B+B'ing it ( you girls)?? :lol::lol:

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I like my bed at home.. its a shame we have to leave it at all..

Wha'd you mean WE :o ..... we may live in the same road :( but that's as far as it go's :lol::lol:

May come down saturday, save's all that driving in one day ;)

Plus i can try on my new t/shirt XL please Paul.

Paul B thats tip top mate. :) thanks :)

Get those forms back to me asap, please ;)

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So we got the Challenge Southwest team , The Bristol and west off road club team , The LR4x4 team, The AWDC team , the Midland off road club team, And the Chaps From Essex ,

As a member of CSW whos in this team or is it all code 9 Come on Nige lets see your list.

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Peter ,I thought you chaps were coming over Sat night , We were planning to meet up for a quite drink and then a few loud ones . :lol:

Some still might, it a case of them working on 23rd, and others not wanting to camp or pay out for hotels it's the yorkshire blood in them :lol:


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So we got the Challenge Southwest team , The Bristol and west off road club team , The LR4x4 team, The AWDC team , the Midland off road club team, And the Chaps From Essex ,

As a member of CSW whos in this team or is it all code 9 Come on Nige lets see your list.

BWORC Entries received this morning - Thank You

Peter - I have your entry too :)

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Well i didn't break it much :P

So i'll be well up for it.

Dick welcome on board........

How tall are you anyway, anything under 6 foot and you'll need to bring a step ladder to get in and out :D

6ft-ish but I can jump if necessary :lol:

Do you or Adrian need any details from me?


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according to the list... however I have a sneeky suspision that I know who has filled the seat for Chris , but I am not alloud to say yet just incase things change a little..

Rich (darth) - give adrian a shout and find out whats actually happening.. because I don't have a clue.

Doesn't Chris still need a co-driver?
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No change there then :hysterical:

I'm coming down to watch :blink:

Watch :o<_< don't think so....I'll put you down to marshall :lol: .. neil :) put Les on the list, as he's coming down anyway.... it would be rude not to ;):lol:

Mark from horsham are you still up to marshall? I've sent you a pm....dam now it's on here....sorry B)

All have paid bar 1, will be sorted in morning. WON'T IT. I've got a list of reserve's if needed.

So it go's ahead :) yipeeeeee :lol:

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