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Capel This sunday ? - who went ?

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Kin Cold, Kin VVV Cold, ended up in the Mud Monster tent buying a fleece, Jon W

was laughing his head off, more so when I asked for a "Sponsors discount" (whilst shivering.)

So, with my new Fleece a wander round saw me buy 4 iffy diffs from one puzzled bloke, 2 x dizzys

for dinky dizzy conversions and some chips and a coffee to warm me up :lol:

Smaller than we rememebed, but good for me non the less ?

Anyone else grab a billy bargain ?


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I went, I saw, I went home!

It was another triumph of poor advertising. I only found out it was on Yesterday. I suspect (judging by the poor attendance) that most people didn't find out at all.

It could be a great 'show' but each time it seems to get smaller.


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I went but, missed it last year due to bad advertising..

Used to go as a seller in the past but,this year just took a S3 that I had restored on my truck.

Found 70% of the sellers were selling ex-mil tat at crazy prices!!1

Penthouse Lamp for £40 :hysterical:

Shame really as this used to be a good day out.....

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