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I appreciate I'm probably in a minority here - but my number plates already have an EU flag - and I'm proud to be a part of the EU. They are much maligned by the Daily Mail & UKIP etc, but I think it's the best chance of Europe cooperating and avoiding another war.

Sure the EU does stuff that is daft - but it's not as if the UK Government has not had it's own streak of daftness from time to time!


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I appreciate I'm probably in a minority here - but my number plates already have an EU flag - and I'm proud to be a part of the EU. They are much maligned by the Daily Mail & UKIP etc, but I think it's the best chance of Europe cooperating and avoiding another war.

Sure the EU does stuff that is daft - but it's not as if the UK Government has not had it's own streak of daftness from time to time!


Avoiding a war , dont think being in the EU will have much if any bearing on that , in fact it could well drag us into another war , eg eastern EU .

ive got enough politicians interfereing in my life with the British Gov , dont need another lot as well.

This number plate thing could be one of many "ideas" that suddenly become law , the amount of "consultations" etc that the EU pump out is considerable, all those people have to justify their seat on the gravy train somehow !!

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You would not believe the amount of hassle I had getting plates on my Rusty!!!

When you buy a car you don't get plates here, those have to be issued by the DIV, but in order to get them you have to insure it and then the broker registers it in your name and has plates issued, you cannot get it registered in your name until it has been and passed a safety test, in order to get it insured you have to provide your driving licence to the broker, the tax is paid annually and the insurance as you wish, monthly, quarterly, annually what ever, I had about a 3 week wait to actually get my papers and stuff sorted before my plates were issued, a totally different system to what I was used to in the UK!!!

Will it make things safer? No, will it prevent crime? No, Will insurance premiums actually go down when it's in place? No.

They want to bring around a harmonization of member states, safety testing etc, so that where ever you are in Europe you can have a valid safety test for the whole of Europe, nice idea, but it does mean the loss of privileges that some states have now, if it goes anything like here and Deutschland then you lot are in trouble in the UK, they allow F'kall mods and are getting hotter on them all time, one guy locally got a red card at the safety test for not having anti-roll bars on his 200Tdi Disco, they were never fitted as standard, but that bit of info never stopped them from getting red card happy, everything has to be factory spec as they want, even converting a car to commercial is a ball ache and expensive here!!!

You will get what they are proposing and sooner or later our little culture of modding will be resigned to the history books.

Just remember this, the wheels of big business and need greasing and it needs money, they need your money so get creative in dreaming up ways of taking it off you in taxes.

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You will get what they are proposing and sooner or later our little culture of modding will be resigned to the history books.

Just remember this, the wheels of big business and need greasing and it needs money, they need your money so get creative in dreaming up ways of taking it off you in taxes.

Sadly I fear you are right. Its just a matter of time. And this one of the many, many reasons why I think we should get out of the EU.

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Unfortunately, the EU has a system where they make a proposal and it will automatically be accepted unless voted down. They did that with aircrew duty time regulations last year - the proposals were opposed by all the experts (CAA and a few other national Authorities, Qinetiq, every aircrew union and numerous other independent experts) because they were downright dangerous, and were voted down by the EU Transport Committee, but the second vote to the general assembly was deliberately timetabled late in the evening on the Friday of a public holiday weekend to make sure that most of the members were absent, so the proposals have passed and are now EU law. It is a completely cynical and corrupt method and is a perfect example of why the entire EU should be broken up - they will kill people through their arrogance and corruption.

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i have always wondered, if the UK were to split from the EU and once again become Great Britian.. would the stupid EU laws we currently adhere to be scrapped? somehow i think we would still be stuck with them even if we left. Our government is too scared to actually make any changes to the system for better or for worse.

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