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Not my best day :(


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I hate to say it, but I told you so.... :rolleyes:

You must like holland a lot!


well, actually its alright'ish, best thing around here is the cops! They have their little control stops and anything with white colour plates or known gets a tug, none of that unlicenced untaxed and uninsured drivers to give you a whack and run off, you have nice road surfaces and green lanes, and can modify the older vehicles without problems.

Thing is, I'm in too deep to stop with it and run a Smart car :(

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.... but is not 1/2 it for having a diesel?

time to get rid of the oil burner and cut 1/2 the cost?

thin end of the wedge here it'll be a short while before motorway charging comes in, lets face it the argument will be that it will be zero cost given the ANPR infrastructure is already in place. (the cynical may say pay'd for on account given the return will be in a few years when the charging network goes live), but don't worry we'll omit the road tax and then its just pay as you go which is fairer for the motorist (yeah right cui bono?)

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well, actually its alright'ish, best thing around here is the cops!

That's the most sarcastic comment I have heard from you ever! I got pulled by customs on the motorway once with my car on english plates, saying he pulled me because I drive with english plates and I dont look english...

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Well, no not sarcasm at all, my best friend has been hit twice now by Polish plated cars and it turned out neither had safety test or insurance! How do you claim on that? You can try personal claims but they just go back and you get shafted!

I got pulled into the services once along with a couple of other vans and 4x4s and promptly sent back out on the motorway by the CaE boys dipping diesel, local copper said they were really not interested due to the paper work and the fact that once you went back over the water, nothing they can do, that was in the Irish plated Isuzu Trooper!

Admittedly they can be a ball ache but I have invested heavily in this in both time and money, why be happy with a lack of police control to get unlicenced, uninsured and unroadworthy cars and drivers away from you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the most sarcastic comment I have heard from you ever! I got pulled by customs on the motorway once with my car on english plates, saying he pulled me because I drive with english plates and I dont look english...

But you don't look English so he was right ok ok I'm going now.


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That's the most sarcastic comment I have heard from you ever! I got pulled by customs on the motorway once with my car on english plates, saying he pulled me because I drive with english plates and I dont look english...

Thought about this and know exactly why, LHD series on UK plates, unless you know the background as to why they would be suspicious then it comes from RHD serries and fenders being imported for parts and unscrupulous idiots putting the UK plates on their cars to avoid paying any of the tax, insurance and getting round the safety tests, it's a bigger problem here than you might think! I do feel for you having gone to the lengths that you have to make your truck legal in every respect but I do see both sides of the coin too.

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No I was in my daily driver just an ordinary rhd car on English plates. I cant explain to you why, but I can also spot a Dutchman from a mile, without speaking to him, so that's why he pulled me. And for a dutch citizen it is a criminal offence to drive a foreign car full stop, so that's the reason. Many dutch have tried to run cars on german plates in the past to dodge tax (well you would, wouldn't you?), so this rule pretty much stopped that. There are (or were) also loads of classic cars with lpg or diesel conversions, that were debatedly tax free (or at least the age of the registration plates were...), but tax free has been stopped also. Then we had the low emission car tax free thing: so 95 gr of c02 or less scored you tax freedom, so half the country ran out to buy a new polo bluemotion or similar. That has been stopped also, you now pay £800 again for one of these. Another loophole was campervan, but that was also stopped. Now virtual all ways of tax avoidance have been tried, a large amount of people has reverted to the ultimate dodge: number plate cloning; it's wrong, but the tax morale has been dented so much that people just stop caring.

Also did you notice that the fuel price is lower near the border? This is because there is variable duty; the further you go to Germany or Belgium, the cheaper fuel gets. This is to stop fuel stations going out of business, because everyone fills up over the border.


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You know, I did notice the fuel pricing at the weekend when we tramped over to walloon Brabant for a day off road, I live virtually on the border with Belgium, 15kms from my door step and it was the same price here as the first 50kms int Belgium, but in the French speaking part at Waterloo it was even cheaper still! €1.07/ltr!!!

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