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Purchasing From Foreign Vendors


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Decided to start a thread on this in the appropriate section.

Is purchasing products from foreign shores advisable? Even if the store is reputable?

Shops like Equipe 4x4 might be ok seeing as they are within the EU, but I've seen some interesting products from a shop in Russia.

However the site doesn't have an English option and trying to decipher the site is nigh on impossible as Google Translate is really struggling. Maybe it's because I'm using mobile version?

Maybe I need to find someone who speaks Russian.. :)

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I buy stuff from everywhere, only thing to watch is the status of Russia and sanctions over Ukraine at the moment there does not appear to be an embargo but I have wondered if stuff would be slower to come in at the moment.

stuff just takes a long time sometimes unless you go fedex / tnt / DHL etc which is eyewatering sometimes. (allow for a month window, usually 2 weeks at best and around 3 average)

Given the GBP is not doing very well against the USD at the moment it may be worth considering checking out the sometimes other currency conversions, the reason being is sometimes their sites have not allowed for current conversion rates to be applied (sometimes happens when they list their goods in GBP/USD/AUD/CHF, etc etc, and they sometimes do not correct the costs for currency variations (hence searching ebay.co.uk + .com + .com/au, etc etc to see if the same goods are available on other sites in other currencies but with worldwide shipping + amazon and some of the other ones too).

The GBP -> usd is sitting about 1.48 at the moment (which is low) and is probably there because of uncertainty over the elections plus the EU question being posed by some of the parties plus the EU with its own problems (as that is sitting even lower at present), so the rates may improve after the elections, historically my marker is it sits in the early to mid 1.60's hence it's not where if should be. hence I'm not buying much in usd at the moment.

Likewise check the currency conversion fees on your card + any loading fees and paypals rates on conversion for the best options (sometimes it can make a small difference, and a little larger when you get hit with duty and VAT too [and sometimes a handling charge] on the cost of the goods plus shipping (if buying external to the EU over prescribed limits)

hope this helps

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Although I don't think it works (yet?) with Russia, I use transferwise.com to make and receive payments around Europe - it's a kinda peer-to-peer payment service. I was a little wary at first, but have never had any issues and I have used it for business as well as private payments (to me and from me): fast, reliable and the rates are way better than with banks.

I'm not promoting anything here, just passing on a tip about something I've found that does exactly what it says on the tin

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Similar thing, hunting the web for engines and exact engine an gearbox combo I am looking for but it's in Bucharest, how do you trust that type of transaction? English vendors especially private eBay ers are the worst I ever encountered! !!

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I have enough trouble getting UK ebayers to even ship around the UK to my brother's house let alone to here in Switzerland.

The one thing I find I have to watch for is to make sure that VAT is applied by the correct country. I don't think this is a huge problem in the EU but it makes a difference for me as UK VAT is 20% (AT least that's what some have tried to add) while Swiss import tax is 8%. It makes a big difference on a big order. Even some of the big names in LR parts are prone to forget until given a polite reminder.

Some customs brokers will also try and take you for a ride on the cost of filling out some forms so it is worth noting the potential hidden costs which at times appear to be applied at random.

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