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Gang steals nine Range Rovers from outside homes in Brighton and Hove


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seems to be a quicly growing issue with the higher end cars as there become easier to steal. im sure either bmw or RR did a serurity recall as theives could with some cheap gadget clone your key frequencey and just walk up and it unlocks.. there was on on facebook awhile ago, from the theives pulling up to driving away in under 1 minute....


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You never had that issue with the P38 RR, you'd be lucky if you were able to unlock it and get it going with the right keys..... :blush: . As for ordering up a replacement set for the P38 from the dealer...... been there, tried that, even they couldn't order the right set for the vehicle. Then you had the "fun" of it all becoming unsynced.

I've spotted a business opportunity though............. just off to price up a boat load of old crusty BECM's, locks and fobs from P38's and a decade or two to retrofit to the new RR/Disco's.

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