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Modded vehicles in France / IVA in UK

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So i need the advice of some of our French brothers or UK IVA experts.

So my project vehicle has moved around with me, Finland, Switzerland, and now France. I have not yet registered it since the modifications (Diesel replacement and a few body bits). My initial plan for france was to register it as a classic vehicle (>30 years old) but checking a bit more it seems mods are not allowed. They are also not allowed for the standard French registration so i'm told.

So unless anyone can tell me a way around the french regs, i may need to bring it back to the UK and do an IVA.

Its seems i qualify for the basic IVA as its LHD and on other counts.

I can get a letter from Volvo stating that the engine is a authorised mod.

But how quick can i do an IVA? I would need to import it, organise an IVA and then eventually export again.

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Bon Soir.

Getting a UK IVA is useless for France as JLR France must issue a CoC (Cert. of Conformity) for a vehicle to be immaticulated.

No, it is not easy, no it is even more difficult if you do not speak the language and no, the CT man (French MOT) will tell you not everything. Yes, more is possible than you think. You will be told that it is not possible to change fuel type in France - yet I have a fully legal fuel type changed vehicle on French plates. It is far more complicated and waay less black / white than most, esp. the French, say.


What vehicle are we talking about ?

What has been modified ?

What does the chassisnumber say the vehicle should be ?

PM me if you want but I'll be in the UK next week so be a bit patient...

Bon Courage !

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You can ask him to contact me here directly : www.thegreenlanecompany.com

Please mentione "Modified vehicle for France" in subject line.

Otherwise Mr. SPAM Eater could get him....

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Its my Volvo C303. You can see my build thread here http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=89457

But basically all thats been changed that matters is that a Mercedes Om606 diesel and autobox have been dropped in place of the original engine. Chassis and brakes, suspension, driveline etc are all authentic and original. Some other additions have been made but i dont see those affecting the approval.

I'm not in a major rush, i'm 2 years into the build and it wont be ready to register for a while yet, but i wanted to start thinking about the details.

Thanks for the contacts both of you, i'll call in any help that i can ;)

I do speak French but not well enough to do the really subtle stuff. And i'm well aware after living here 10 years of the secret routes and rules that exist, but i'm still an outsider ;)

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In fact, do i even need to do an IVA if its just a change of motor (fuel type)?

Can i not just declare that to DVLA like we used to?

Its already registered as a Diesel on the Finnish registration documents.

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I will modify the mid crossmember, taking a half cut out of it and welding a plate. Other than that i have only added new engine mounts and a few supports. Its original axles, suspension and steering.

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*Technically* (but probably not actually), if a vehicle has been registered in an EU country, another EU country is obligated to allow it to be imported and registered. Might not be easy, but if Volvo is willing to supply you with a new CoC, it should be possible.

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Volvo wont supply a CofC on a vehicle this old, but they will supply a letter authorizing the engine change, and stating that it meets standards in terms of braking capability. Others in Sweden, Finland and Denmark have used this to get registration on the same conversion.

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Hi Arjan, was this meant for me or Lifted? I didnt quite understand.

You can ask him to contact me here directly : www.thegreenlanecompany.com

Please mentione "Modified vehicle for France" in subject line.

Otherwise Mr. SPAM Eater could get him....

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I will modify the mid crossmember, taking a half cut out of it and welding a plate. Other than that i have only added new engine mounts and a few supports. Its original axles, suspension and steering.

If the crossmember is bolt on that won't be a problem either. To be honest if it's done to look like it always was no ones likely to spot it let alone know it's not original.


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I'm confused, what's the ultimate goal here, registering it in France?

If you want to register it in the UK, you should be able to. You won't need an IVA and you don't have to bother with any European Type approval CofC nonsense like our Gallic cousins have to.

But I doubt you will be able to import an IVA'd vehicle into France? At least not without considerable paperwork headaches.

But would you have to? Can you not drive the vehicle back to blighty once or twice a year? Or is running around France on English plates asking to be pulled over by the 'Jam domes'?

Could be worse, you could still live in Switzerland!!

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I currently live in France, so ideally would register it there. I asked about the UK as a plan B.

I have run other UK vehicles for extended periods over here, thats not really a problem, but paying UK road tax and insurance is not ideal.

Switzerland actually seems to be easier that France for doing something like this. They regard the vehicle as an old model, and require less stringent checks.

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Whoever wants to talk to me, please feel free to contact me... :unsure:

Excuse my ignorance, but whjat vehicle are we talking about ?

... and eh "

*Technically* (but probably not actually), if a vehicle has been registered in an EU country, another EU country is obligated to allow it to be imported and registered. Might not be easy, but if Volvo is willing to supply you with a new CoC, it should be possible.


No - this is not what the EU law says. There is a Guideline - and that is not law - to accept one's immatriculations. But no country must accept the other country's vehicle, other than for temp. use. like visiting on holidays.

And vehicle's taken out of the UK with the intention of a duration of 6 month is regarded as "permentantly exported"

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Excuse my ignorance, but what vehicle are we talking about ?

Its my Volvo C303. You can see my build thread here http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=89457

But basically all thats been changed that matters is that a Mercedes Om606 diesel and autobox have been dropped in place of the original engine. Chassis and brakes, suspension, driveline etc are all authentic and original.

So he's replaced a diesel with a diesel. I wonder if the CT man would even know it wasn't original?

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Classic situation. Diesel for diesel should not have been a problem. Now you informed Volvo France about the change, you're in trouble. Visite to Drire / Le Mine for some tests and parting with money.

But should be possible.

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No i didnt inform Volvo France. I have a contact at Volvo Sweden who others in the same situation have used to obtain a letter of authorization to change the motor to x type. Stating that the vehicle will still comply with regulations on braking etc. This does not state when it was done, it could as easily have been the same diesel as i exported it from Finland with as far as CT will know.

My main issue is will France accept a vehicle coming from Finland (EU) already declared as diesel without the Mine/DRIRE checks?

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IF the chassisno. refers to a diesel engine, you're half way there because changing the fuel type is almost impossible to do.

Volvo France will have to issue a (partial) CoC. That willl cost you about € 180. Not sure if you will get it as this type was not really common in Europe but you could try to find somebody in France with the same vehicle..

Depending on age etc. you have a few options, one is a CGdC (Carte Gris de Collection) but this all, again, depends on what, if any, paperwork Volvo France will issue. Don't tell them about the changes - just apply for the CoC and see what happens and take it from there.

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I have looked into the CGdC, it was my first plan. But no modifications are permitted, the vehicle must be as it left the factory.

I was under the impression that CofCs are not available for any car older than 1995.. I will try anyway, thanks.


Yeah CoCs are only issued for vehicles first registered after 1997. Vehicles from 1978 to 1997 can apply for a National Type approval form, but that still doesnt help me.

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I've no experience of CG Collection at all, ever. My 2€ cent's worth is that it perhaps will come down to the GVW on the original paperwork. Importing stuff over 3,5t GVW to France seems to usually (always?) involve an actual physical inspection (by the manufacturer not the DRIRE) and generally results in quite a few annoying/expensive mods being required. I don't think, if you're over 3,5t, that Volvo would fail to notice a mercedes engine. BUT, if your paperwork puts you at 3,499 kg or less GVW it could be that you're good to go - provided that your model is one one that's been previously imported here... I'd try calling/mailing Volvo, tell 'em the chassis number and see what they say.

Under 3,5t + engine change diesel->diesel: very doable :)

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