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Turbo began making unhappy noises


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The 300Tdi turbo on my hybrid has begun to making unhappy noises when I'm going through the gears. This is not all the time but all the same it has begun to. When I'm building up the rev's to close to 3000rpm the turbo whine gets louder than normal, then when I I shift gears and when the turbo winds down there is a pronounced whistle nearly like a dump valve sounds with a note of scratching at the end.

So the assumption is that the turbo has seen better days, the guy that I bought it from said it has only 180000km on it but with it's rather short life in the hybrid I'm willing to say that most likely has 380000km on it. :angry2:

Searching on the interweb I see that a person can buy a rebuild kit that replaces all the internals : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281968527907?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Has anyone here tried one of these kits? Is it worth the time to rebuild my turbo myself? OR is my prognoses with the turbo wrong?


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Have a look in the intake snail for evidence of the vanes hitting the casing too . There should be a small amount of play in the bearings which is taken up by oil pressure when running , but it does sound like you have a split/loose hose or a hole in the I/C .



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  • 3 weeks later...

So I thought that it was solved. To be honest a few short trips and all seemed well. A run into the big city today and the turbo began making that famous whistling sound when I lift off the go pedal. There is pressure to the injector pump so that side of things are working and I blew out the air filter for good measure but still the whistle. All the clamps and hoses are now in near new condition.

Would a leak maybe at the manifold gasket or maybe at the blanking EGR plate cause this whistle? ...........

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I would guess the only reason it could whistle on throttle reduction is turbo lag causing higher boost in the induction system as the pistons and valves slow down, allowing less of the compressed air in, in exactly the opposite way of turbo lag on acceleration. That would suggest an air leak between the compressor casing and the head, though where is anyone's guess. I would be suspicious of the o-ring between the turbo's compressor housing and core sections, which will be exposed if you remove the compressor housing. Other likely candidates are the manifold gasket and a holed intercooler.

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Today I removed and inspected every hose to the turbo system and everything is as it should be. The EGR blanking plate has no leaks nor does the manifolds. Checking movement in the turbo, there is little movement in/out but when moving the center shaft up and down (6- 12 position) there is several mm movement and it feels rough. I'm of the thought that the turbo is on it's final leg therefore I ordered a replacement cartridge today.

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I bought one of those cartridges and it looks to be of good quality. The supplier has a good reputation and their turbo's do to, time will tell.

I removed the turbo today and here is how it looks:


The fin's are shot on the exhaust side and there is little damage on the fin's to the intake side.

Removing the 4 bolts that hold the half moon clamps to the turbo, well as luck would have it 3 sheared off! Tomorrow I'll try to remove the threaded portion of the bolts and reassembly.

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Is it a kinugawa turbo?

I used a couple of their cartridges over the years and they seem fine. I also put one of their 360degree bearing rebuild kits into a T28, which even though everyone says you can't rebuild turbo spindles without rebalancing them did another 15000miles before I sold it

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