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TD5 help required


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Hi guys,

Posting here and not in defender bit as it is fairly urgent and td5, not truck related.

I have a td5 engine (15p)

I am currently on my way to Andorra but the engine has developed a fault, every now and again the temperature gauge will shoot up to red and go straight back down, although I loose some power for a couple of seconds. It then just sits at normal (just below half)

However driving along the gauge went to cold and stayed there until we stopped, I removed the plug from the temprature sender cleaned the connection and re attached the gauge is now sitting at normal again but still doing the shooting to hot thing!!

Ideas please?

We will stop in Andorra so I can get parts from LR there I was thinking temp sender?

Thanks, Jason.

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If there is no water loss then yep sender unit most probably , could be a chafe in the sender wire touching to earth somewhere . A laser surface temp gun would be a handy thing to have ....also good for checking gearbox/ trans box/ wheel brg running temps too

Have a good trip



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No water loss, I have just purged the top hose and no air, so looks like either the sender or a wire fault have looked at the loom and no visible issues.

Can someone please post the part number for me please as internet not great where we have stopped.

Thanks, Jason

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is the gap between the radiator and intercooler packed with mud? heard of this exact problem on a tdci, i realise they're very different but could be something to check.


I have checked the rad this evening, and apart from the normal crud it was clean, I think th ac rad filters most of the mud.


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Looking in my 110 parts cat, could be err2081.....has a grey plastic shroud around 2 terminals, screwed into the front of the head. There seems to be different elbows for ' to 10p engines' and 'from 10p engines', but only one number for the sender.

Looks like the inlet manifold and injector filter also have temp senders???!!!

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The ECU drives the gauges as well as controlling the running - which tends to indicate a fault between the sensor and ECU (inclusive). The fact that it is intermittent generally indicates the problem is electrical.and on the whole, such problems are not with the sensors themselves, but the interconnections between them and the ECU.

An effective, semi permanent fix is the following:

Check the earths as suggested above. Remove them from the body, clean the contacts, cover with petrolium jelly and re-attach.

Pull apart any connectors you can find (best to do all of them that you can easily get at because if one is affected, the others will not be far behind). Clean the interior with solvent or ideally electrical contact cleaner then fill the interior of both halves of the connector with petrolium jelly, making sure it gets in to all the crevises. Heating the jelly so it's liquid and pouring it in works well. Once it's cool, push the two halves together so that the jelly extrudes out between the seals.

This fixes the injector harness problem as well. I did it to mine 3 years ago and have had no recurrance of the problem.

The problem is caused because both water and dirty oil are conductive and they cause the ECU to misread what a sensor is saying. The jelly is not conductive and provides additional insulation between the connections in addition to preventing the oil/water getting in there in the first place.

I would try this before you replace anything.

Replacing the injector loom does not permanently fix the problem - it just staves it off for a few years. Petrolium Jelly is cheaper, easier and seems to last just as long!


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Thanks guys,

In Andorra now cleaned the plug last night, alas to no avail injector loom good changed under a year ago no oil there, I haven't moved my ECU yet I checked the earths last night and they are good on the metre but will run an earth to them, I have also checked the loom and fuses this morning nothing obvious.

It shot to red today and stayed there Stopped switched off checked engine not that hot considering the load, hill and ambient turned back on back to normal!!

My next step is to see if I can get a new sensor, and see what happens.

Thanks again, Jason.

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Thanks everyone for their help, news from the front is positive. The last two days have been spent off road, in the heat pulling the trailer up some big mountains without issue so it looks like something fixed it, what? I guess I will never know as fettled so much.... The Defender rolled onto 100k yesterday so was maybe having the last of her teenage spats?


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Hi hope the fault is sorted?If not check the relays under drivers seat.Cant remember whick one it is, a black one i think,but make sure all the terminals are tight on the relay.Had this problem a few times causing the same fault.Good luck Dave

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Well I spoke too soon we started the track home yesterday the defender drove well up some very big hills, we ended the day at a great little camp site by a river enjoyed a nice cool swim and a fantastic meal at a local restaurant, all was good and we got up this morning with the intention of only doing a few hours and then enjoying the day!

Before we set off I checked the fluid levels and to my surprise the oil was half way up the dip stick! Checked again in the faint hope I had got it wrong, no chance. Took the rocker cover off but couldn't see anything. Dropped some oil from the sump and got part of my answer, the oil smelt of Diesel!

I therefore either have leaking injector rings or a cracked head, a call to ADAC and 45 mins later it is on the back of a truck on the way to a garage for 'tests' we will know after 14:00 what will happen.

On the bright side it's a nice campsite and the sun is out!!

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Well the verdict from the garage is that one of the injector seals has gone and they have changed it, they have taken the truck for an hour test run, checked the oil which is at the correct level and are now leaving it overnight to check again in the morning.

Hopefully it will then come back to us and we can go home, I will book it into my garage if/when we get there and have the head tested, a full service and all of the injector seals changed then see where we go from there.


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You should check after about 300Km, I did that when the garage checked and changed the seals,

after replacing the head once. Already th elevel was above max and smelt of diseasel. So my Disco

is now on it's 3rd head, and only done 112.000Km. :(

Wish I had kept my 'unreliable' 4.6 V8 now.

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When I had my TD5 disco, I had the problem of increased oil level in the sump too, and it smealt of diesel. I can't remember now if at the time the temp guage played up first, but I was away on holiday having just towed our caravan upto North Lincs. The TD5 in our case was down on power and the coolant level had dropped a little too. Ours turned out to be a cracked head. Just outside of warranty too!

Hopefully it is just the seals for yours Jason.

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