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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. IMO I don't think you can beat having a spotter or getting out to look. Doing that will build experience at reading the ground too. The inclinometer won't tell you if your chassis or axle is about to hit something, or how you are in relation to a cross axle, or take account of rocks or steps. The ground tends to be too uneven for an angle of body lean to be the definitive guide to clearance or a safety limit.
  2. Regrettably though there still appears to be a growing breed of ambulance chasers... and it is this that probably makes up the volume of claims.
  3. That's too flattering I was just in front ! It was a great day out though
  4. Don't forget the 1 day interloper - a Td5 90 !
  5. That's a good idea because it would hold against the tension of the pedal spring.
  6. That's a fair point - though I believe a lot of modern turbos can work upto 30 psi, which is way more than the motor could cope with.
  7. I think you get better readings if you can fit the gauge into the inlet manifold rather than the pipe work.
  8. You can adjust the actuator rod to set the wastegate to let it go up to around 20 - however if it goes over that the ECU, through controlling the map, cuts it back to reduce the pressure. I believe it can also go into 'limp home mode' from over boost. I'm not sure what you can safely go up to with a box, with diesels having such high pressures anyway I think the risk is greater. Where is Porny these days?
  9. I read it was about 15 - with the ECU cutting back if it reached 20.
  10. Thanks James. A friend of mine came out laning with me in his td5 with his nanocom plugged in giving real time readings ..... neither of our temp gauges moved at all - the whole trip. But at the top of a hard climb in low box his nanocom said his temperature was 107 degrees. So I'll leave the factory sender talking to the ECU - but fit an inline gauge to give me a genuine temp reading.
  11. I'm looking at replacing the temp gauge in my td5 - as its fed through the ECU and doesn't give a genuine linear reading. So thanks for the seller suggestions retro - plenty for me to look at for a temp gauge and inline sender. Though I am also considering using an earlier Defender unit to try and keep the look consistent.
  12. OK - Yes please! How can I send you the postage?
  13. That shield has a couple of brackets riveted to it that aren't standard and looks like its been extended forward with an extra plate - also if you look at other pics on that photobucket account its had some welding done on the exhaust flange and a different turbo fitted
  14. I have a 99MY Td5 ..... What is the Electric Library ? do you mean microcat?
  15. I could do Lancaster to Manchester ....
  16. How is this going ? I'm still in hope for a subsequent Td5 one!
  17. I'm not sure there is any substitute for years of neglect..... but if you paint it with cellulose and build it up in thin coats and then don't cut it back - it will look a bit flat and rough. Or if you paint it on a really hot day it will dry 'too' quickly and look a bit past its best.
  18. I'm sure an adult will be along shortly, but are they not self bleeding ? have you left it running with the lid of the tank?
  19. Starting like that you've got a fighting chance at keeping the rust at bay .......
  20. It does look good The only thing that puts me off is the number of vehicles.
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