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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. If you get a 70 series imported to the UK in RHD its 48k to 58k.
  2. Jamie - how big would you say the market would be for a super basic spec ?
  3. Oh wow - it’s bigger than it looks then !
  4. Great ! Very unusual tent ? I’ve not seen one like that before in that size.
  5. Is it strong money? What can we compare it against ? Base spec 5 door land cruisers start at £45k
  6. I used to rebuild a lot of Japanese motorcycle calipers - Nissin and Tokiko. The pistons had some sort of Titanium Nitride coating on them and they pretty much never got stuck from what I remember.
  7. My first reaction was how fast he seemed to be going, then I got sidetracked by how inaccurate the journalism was.
  8. Wow, look at this text in the article : He didn’t overtake …
  9. Mine look like that. Regardless of the budget constraints you mentioned- it all looks brilliant !
  10. Those plastic pieces look very handy! ..
  11. I was in ours last night - no sign of one there … I wonder if it’s regional …
  12. Is this about the right price for AP ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/294135315137?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wKXHYALHTTO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=8IVqfH45Rgq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Unbranded callipers are of course a fraction of the cost.
  13. I’m considering just replacing the callipers - but perhaps putting some stainless pistons in the new ones.
  14. Mine has an up-and over door and switching to side hung doors should be enough. The up and over has a small gap to the door lintel, then the thickness of the door, then the lock and handle and opening bars that sit below it. I’ve forgotten the measurement now - but going to side hung doors gets rid of all that, and that’s enough for me to get in. Mind you … I am thinking of taller tyres 😳 I’ve only just joined the dots on that thinking. Bugger
  15. The brakes on my 90 are rubbish - but I think some of the pistons are seized. It’s the next job.
  16. Between Nottingham and Leicester ? Loughborough, Melton Mowbray way ?
  17. I take the valve out of my back tyres on the Series, it’s very quick and lowers it enough to go from won’t fit to comfortably going in. With the compressor it’s not too much hassle to blow them back up either. Longer term plan is to change the garage door.
  18. Sorry - it’s like following a show you love, when you can’t wait for the next episode.
  19. Two big things off your list now 😊 Cross Member next ?
  20. I hadn’t thought about doing it myself 🤔 Places like Frosts do kits don’t they .. good call, I’ll have a look.
  21. Does anyone know where I might be able to get just a handful of aluminium parts anodised?
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