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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. When you said C4 - I thought you meant one from 1987 at first. I got all excited for moment.
  2. I didn’t see it - I have read something about it though. In no way endorsing it - but ‘ethical sourcing’, as it’s termed in Procurement, is more complex than it initially appears. Initially companies that took on a conscience around where they spent their money just withdrew from exploitative industries - but that proved to have unforeseen negative effects. For example some child labour is the only income into large extended families, and cutting that off was catastrophic. So the whole thing moved into a different approach - of paying more, but not so much to unbalance the local dynamics, but most importantly demanding better conditions and even providing education and support into those families.
  3. I think on the recycling Tesla are on it - they have tons of R&D going into the recycling of batteries. Its the mining with child labour in Africa that seems to be making them dirty at the moment.
  4. This short article has some interesting info in it: https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/land-rover/356450/jaguar-land-rover-files-ps302-million-loss-q2-2021 It includes losses due to a world wide semi conductor shortage An all Electric RR in 2024 The new Defender being their main seller Plus they have been buying Emissions credits from Tesla !
  5. Purple … Here’s a quick picture of mine, though I just have the 12v outlet - not the USB type that would be easier to access.
  6. I have a pair of OEM speaker grills in the back (though not wired in) - they have space for a 12v usb on the top. I think they are very similar to the MUD ones? Also depending what year your 90 is you may already have a chunky purple permanent 12v wire in there going spare… Another option is that I’ve seen USB sockets come in small enclosures that you can mount onto things, you’d still need to resolve the wiring, but that’s another alternative.
  7. Thank you 🙏🏻 Thingiverse looks amazing …. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:84223 It’s custom parts though that I think would justify my ownership of one - so I’m going to start investing time into Sketch-up and see how I get on. Thanks for the info and encouragement
  8. It’s for the Defender rather than the D2. I could replace it - and thought on it, partly what’s putting me off is effectively throwing away the new aftermarket one I’ve just fitted - and also I’m not sure how confident that a genuine or OEM one would be to the original quality. I’d been looking at this kind of thing : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Universal-Extra-Quiet-6-Stainless-Steel-Silencer-Muffler-Box-With-Extra-Baffles-/112677916229?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  9. I wondered about that - but having found out how rubbish a pattern part silencer could be - it made me think a replacement centre section would be the same. I also like the fact that it’s stainless and won’t rot …
  10. It’s become more ‘rawty’ if that’s a word - so louder in the cabin - but it will also be much louder outside too. I might be missing something there though …?
  11. My Td5 has a straight through centre pipe, and with a factory rear section and it’s little silencer was really quite quiet. I’ve replaced the factory rear section after it rotted out and now with the aftermarket replacement in it is much noisier… So I’m thinking of cutting my centre pipe and clamping a stainless silencer in there - but I’m concerned that these separate silencers may not do much silencing ? Can anyone recommend any smallish 2.5” stainless silencers or brands - that do take a decent amount of noise out please ?
  12. Fill them with a sealer, filler, put a rivet through or if they were drilled and tapped you could get a couple or grub screws ? Whatever you fancy ?
  13. I bought one and stashed it away the same as you - except I bought the one with the spigot for exactly the reasons you’ve described … I wasn’t confident it would seal against my wing. I think the pipework would still need to be excellent though - and the drain in the airbox would need looking at. I’ve also come to wonder how much of my electrics would have died by the time the water would have got through a poor seal against the wing?
  14. Another vote for milliput. You can even fix broken bones with it !
  15. 😂😂😂😂 My tree is tougher than your tree ?
  16. I think if it’s crinkle finish it does both 🏆
  17. Thanks for sharing ! I love stuff like this 😊
  18. Have you heard from daughter #2 ?
  19. Interesting about the hedge - I’ve had some big storms here before and it’s never affected the tree enough to coming anywhere near taking my chimney out… the only thing that is different is my neighbour has put a massive fence in. It’s like Colditz, and I wonder if that’s funnelled the wind. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  20. Great news 😀 You wouldn’t think that such a small amount of play could amplify to that degree.
  21. How has everyone got on with the storm? I’ve been fortunate - the 80” is having to live outside whilst the garage is being built, and I found some big timbers and roofing sheets had come down within feet of it - but it looks fine. I’ve lost a couple of fence panels and it’s brought a small tree down on my other garage - it his the chimney for my stove, so never hit the garage roof. Though quite spectacularly it levered the stove up and shoved it into the wall inside. No mean feat, as it’s a pretty bloody heavy cast thing.
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