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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. That’s what has started to happen in Germany - infection rates rising again in line with the restrictions being relaxed.
  2. I hadn’t seen the guidance - thanks. Any pointers to where I can find it please? I read somewhere that the furlough spend was £8bn - I’m not sure if that’s in total ? To give some context: There are already a fair number of people who have become unemployed, though compared to the total spend across state pensions, health related benefits, and working age benefits this only represents about a 1% swing. The total cost of all of those is in the public domain and is about £160bn - with the majority of that being state pension.
  3. I saw that in a few places - just not anything from him or HMT that confirmed it? I do think it was a confused message tonight - He says: “So, work from home if you can, but you should go to work if you can’t work from home.” But how many people have jobs where they can maintain 2m from everyone ? I think people will take this to mean head on out - and just like where we had social distancing before the lock down, I would expect it to not work. How do you maintain distance when there are too many people there?
  4. Is furlough being wound up in July official ?
  5. And that search recommends ...... 😳 https://www.tayna.co.uk/car-batteries/northstar/nsb-agm65/
  6. That’s encouraging Mike - just need to find one that fits...and I’ve just found this, which should help: https://www.tayna.co.uk/tools/battery-wizard
  7. Very educational read this for me - thanks everyone . It’s a shame red tops have dropped in quality ... I have a ‘Super-Batt’ in my series - which I’m not too impressed with. It can struggle to crank the 200tdi if left for a while - and when it was cold it struggled quite a bit. Even with regular use it can be a little slow - and reading reviews shows people saying they often perform well below their stated figures. The main thing it has going for it is that it fits. I’d like something with a higher CCA figure that’s compact - which pretty much only points to the Optima. However I have hesitated as I read similar of accounts to those above of their quality dipping ... The scale of what I can fit seems to be around 300L 200w 180h I could almost join the experiment and try a Varta AGM E39 start stop plus - it’s only 278, 190, but 190mm high. 70ah and 760 CCA
  8. Has this been posted ? https://yrmit.co.uk/workshops/defender-discovery-1-rrc-coil-spring-to-series-axle-leaf-sprung-conversion-front-rear/
  9. Great to see you posting again Jeff - take heed of the message to slow down. 😊
  10. It’s looking ace James - the only thing I’d question is the location of your toolbox ? if you are working on the bench that will be nice - but if you are on the drive working through the main doors, won’t it be a pain in the ass to squeeze down the side of the 110 and get right to the back of the garage ? I put my tools by the door for that reason - not far when I’m in the garage and not far when I’m not.
  11. The link from Sigi is good.... Have you a photo of your set up ?
  12. I have the 300 manifold and turbo on a 200, works well.
  13. Can you still get the fake cappings ?
  14. Hello ! Have you fitted the trailing and leading shoes in the right place ?
  15. Nice video update from their CEO on their website here: https://ineosgrenadier.com/quarterly-update?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=organic_social&utm_content=interview_dirk&utm_campaign=leadership_interviews I really do wish them every success.
  16. The 1.2 works quite nicely on my remapped Td5, though without that extra umph I think it would be just as you describe.
  17. Ahh - sorry. I was meaning find out what pins from the server pins I could feed into the distribution board. I was googling the pin out diagram for it. I’m learning ! What you’ve shown there though looks much simpler. I’ll do more reading.
  18. Wow 😮🤩 brilliant ! I see what you mean about the server psu’s : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124069902425 connect that up to the ATX board and I’m in business 👍🏻
  19. Could you pick up the Front or back of the screw to the right of your boost gauge? It would be quite a natural place to glance to - and very convenient for charging. There should be an angle you could have where it wouldn’t obstruct your switches at all.
  20. Ooo - they do a bigger one: 240v - 12v Transformer rated for 20 - 105W Energy Consumption, Comes with 6-Way Socket and 2 Metre Input Cable https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0060HJ580/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ZtZREbMATYM3C
  21. Thank you! Yes - that kind of thing. Perhaps needs more than 4.9a in total - but that’s good. What did you search for ?
  22. Like that but that has a few more terminals - and a bit cheaper would be good !
  23. Is there such a thing as a 240v to 12v transformer that you can plug a number 12v things into ? Like a multi plug or a distribution box? I want to fit a few 12v lights around the bench in the workshop - a 12v bar light in the blast cabinet and a couple of 12v spots over my pillar drill and bench sander etc Does such a thing exist ? eBay searches have shown transformers with more than one terminal - but they are meant for inside of things like strip lights I think and take the 240v to just screw terminals too.
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