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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. I have used por15 with no issues in the past but it's normally been outside. By the sounds of it your only option would be enamel/oil based paints. Mike
  2. I like that alot. Practical size nicely built. Mike
  3. Most marine gearboxes are either ludicrously heavy or very expensive. Mike
  4. Some pressure is normal along with a light mist. However chuffing and/or a plume is not. Generally it's either a head gasket or rings. A compression check will confirm which piston then I'd pull the head off if the head gasket looks fine then it's probably rings. Mike
  5. I'll just leave this here. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334580255807?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ppGdFmaXQf-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=rj9sNdGlTqa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY (I sent it to fridge earlier ) Mike
  6. I fished a Halfords style top box out of the skip at work this week. Previously I've had a fien saw and a Makita battery skill saw out of there one needed brushes the other the speed controller out of the buggered one I already had. Mike
  7. To be fair respooling the 525 is no problem in 4th or 5th you just get a little shaft whip. It's paying out that's a pain when the freespool is buggered it's fine when it's working. I tend to winch in 2nd sometimes 3rd if the load is lighter but it isn't that slow and the fact it doesn't stop or really slow at all makes up for that. Mike
  8. The ibex rear tank is 3mm stainless and I've put a 6mm steel tank guard under it just to be sure. Mike
  9. Personally I'd fit it as is try it and see what you don't like and what you can live with. Drive assist is nice but I doubt you'll need it as much as you think (you do need to be better at winch gear placement without drive assist). Mike
  10. Having used both a PTO 525 and ep9/X9 for everything fridge does I'd say the advantages of one are the disadvantages of the other. If I had the choice I'd build a PTO winch like daans for the ibex with a normal PTO winch as a close second. Mike
  11. Sorry to hear your news. Now you have to get a wiggle on and finish Sid Mike
  12. Whilst I agree with the sentiment and try my best to use correct spelling and grammar. I think publicly shaming people is not the way to do it, a simple PM with an offer to change or allow it to be changed would suffice. I am thick skinned enough to not care what people think and don't take offense but others might not be so inclined. End of subject! Mike
  13. It certainly seems to be performing as it should.............. For now. Seems to be smoking less too. Mike
  14. https://www.thebushcraftstore.co.uk/outhaus-landie-tent-41911-p.asp Or a army scorpion fox tent might be worth a look. I've used the latter several times both hung off my truck and free standing with the aid of some extra poles. Mike
  15. Can you get enough together with others to fill a 20ft/40ft container then split the cost. Mike
  16. Fairwell Les you will be missed. Mike
  17. At least we now understand the sudden interest in finally fitting the H14. Mike
  18. Assuming a hydraulic H14 runs at similar speeds to a PTO 525, they're not as bad as you think. I run ours loaded in 2nd gear and there's probably not much between it and a 12000lb lowline. In fact the only reason I don't run it loaded in a higher gear is the shaft starts to whip. My point is whats the problem with running it in a higher gear? Unless you do something very clever your unlikely to be able to match wheel and line speed (not that you really need to with a H14) so why not just fit as is. Mike
  19. Well I've swapped the head tonight but haven't had chance for a good run (it'll get one on the way to work in the morning) but fingers crossed it seems ok. I have found the crack in the other head so that's good I have something to pin the problems on but a shame the heads a right off. The crack is the vertical line above the valve stem and just to the left of the valve guide in the picture. Mike
  20. Yeah that was my thought I guess the previous owner just changed the belt and didn't check them. Not worried as that is the engine I'm going to rebuild anyway. Mike
  21. They don't need to be perfect, but I recommend really close. Mike
  22. Pulled the head off the low oil pressure engine last night and gave it a quick clean up ready to go on. Worryingly three of the push rods on that engine were bent but it ran fine bar low oil pressure. I'm pretty sure I've not had that head off before but did check the valve clearance a while ago. Mike
  23. I believe you need to fit the pistons too. The bottom line is I have a 200 fitted, I like the 200, there's a 200 in the wife's 110, the 200 has better mpg than anything else, the 300 is not enough better to warrant the agro and I don't have the money to do a conversion of any type. So I'll be repairing and keeping a 200 TDI. Mike
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