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Everything posted by Lara

  1. SERIOUS SAFETY ISSUE HERE !!!!!!!! No gloves ! And I do not see a winch cable sail, are they going to use one? or have they nicked it for their bed? Lara.
  2. ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON !!!!!!!!!!! Before answering you need to think of the whole engineering problem and not just a little part of it, 12.9 will snap rather than bend yes, but by the time it snapps the load would be so high that an 8.8 of 1.5 times the diameter would have already gone to heaven. a little bit of info is dangerous, Matey should be beaten thoroughly Lara.
  3. I've met Petergg but as I go around with my head up my arse most of the time it is hard to see who I am talking to anyway Lara, Good job I can touch type (not)
  4. Do you by any chance habe a mechanical AND electric fan? I have known the mech fan to keep the electric one turning and thus turning the fan motor into a low voltage dynamo, just enough to excite solenoids etc. Lara.
  5. Was there on Friday all day 9am till 9pm, Wet and miserable but can not blame the organisers for that. Sunday afternoon, weather was good, morale a lot better, Clothes stands packed up on Friday as stock was being ruined, can't blame them either! It seems to me that the only real criticisms I can find rest firmly on the head of Billing site it's self! None of the security / gate staff new anything, or seemed to care one little bit about what was going on, no one gave a toss whether you had a car pass or not, or even a ticket! They let anyone in and had no concern what so ever! Looked like they were Mildly miffed off with either the showground owners, or their jobs or both, some little Hitlers occasionally picked on someone trying to get from the camp site, over the bridges to the show ground and gave them a hard time before just letting them through anyway Toilets as clean as possible considering the conditions. Flooded stands ignored and no attempt made to help, (this SHOULD have been done by LRM) some people went out themselves and arranged hay bales to be delivered, not hard for the organizers to have done this! But on the whole not much different than previous years, would not say it was any worse or better just different in different areas. The biggest thing I would do though is use as litte Billing staff as I possibly could. Lara.
  6. Absolutely! The king of bad taste and tack! Lovely guy who tries so hard to be a gentleman but just can't get his head round "taste" Lara.
  7. I hope you are kidding The H1 is a lardy desert truck only good for following tanks! Very big, Very fun, But totally useless in any normal situation, it has a reasonable capability but it's shere size screws up any hope of realistic use. H2, Now just don't make me laugh! carp at everything except making the driver / owner look a prick Even got stuck in a silly little mud slope that a series went up! Driven both, The H1 was fun, The H2 made me ashamed to be seen in! Lara.
  8. Yep! Not knocking this rebuild in any way as it looks good but it's always good to know the exact CR even if it's just to settle your mind if you have future problems etc. I have made some monumental cockups in the past just guessing CRs and they cost me several sets of pistons once Never again will I fall down on that one Lara.
  9. Isn't it a better idea at this stage to remove a head and calculate the CR properly? Shame to mess up a good rebuild at this stage for 30 minutes work. Lara.
  10. Not read it yet Pete, Was a cracking event though wasn't it. You going next year? Going to drive mine down like you did Lara.
  11. Just a very lucky boy Lara.
  12. Tested this on my rolling road, 2.5" inch tube through the cab and up the rear truck cab (about 6ft all told) had no power problems with a TD5 showing 185 bhp. Much to my surprise. 3" looks good though Lara.
  13. You are very welcome. We can even talk Hydraulic winches over a beer Lara.
  14. Nige, Get your tunnel booked and come over here for a weekend, Stay at my place which is next to my work. I will have you welding easily as good as the next man by the time you leave on the Sunday afternoon. I guarantee it! I have taught all of the guys who work for me and a little one on one tuition followed by an afternoons solid practice will have you looking like a pro. PM me. Lara, Sorry for the quality of the image, it is the only shot I could find of my welding at 11.15pm but if you can download it and blow it up you can see my ally welding on the rad.
  15. Makes me remember how bloody spoilt I am Good to be reminded some times. Lara.
  16. First thing to ask is why you are welding over Zinc? Zinc inclusion seriously affects the integrity of your welds, grind it off first! then clean everything to perfection and you will not only notice that the welding fumes are negligable but your welds will be about 100% better quality. Cheap fix. Lara. P.S. I am allergic to Zinc Oxide so make damn sure it is all clean before I go near it
  17. Thanks Rich, But were good at pollishing over here, that's all Lara.
  18. Quick answer, Unless you run it almost neat, in a petrol powered engine adding your Glow plug mix will probably do nothing very interesting. (depending on % Nitromethane / Methanol mix) Big Nitro mixes. If used in a large enough quantity to make any difference and you managed to make it run, then it would either burn your pistons up very quickly through a seriously lean mix or detonate your engine to pieces or both. To get it to work reliably, your engine would need to be built with this specific fuel in mind and setup correctly. Don't mess unless you can afford plenty of rebuilds. Lara.
  19. Not quite Jim, You don't accidentally go shoplifting or nick a car now do you? Police don't often leave a diamond ring on the pavement and then hide round the corner ready to nick you when you pick it up now do they? The argument made by calling it a Tax is that the money could be spent on HONESTLY trying to make road safety better and not just using it as a revenue source. Lara.
  20. I tart up old cars and try to persuade people to pay me for it. Lara.
  21. Fantastic result guys !! A mega well done ! Hope the guy Jez kissed survives, Imagine being saved, only to find out Jez was snogging you Lara
  22. The information I listened to the other night showed that the human race as a whole contributed to only 2% of global warming AND that the friggin Rainbow Warrior uses 780 times more fuel in a year than a TDi Defender driven for 20.000 miles a year 2.500.000 litres per year would you believe and they have the cheek to complain about us Let them have it! Lara.
  23. Not read everything on this post as I am a bit short of time lately but have the following to say. We come into contact with a lot of cone clutches in the pre-war car field and we try to remove them as fast as possible! In general they are horrible, with more reasons for not working than I can count (and I can count to at least 100 ) Dirt is a major problem, and if using metal to metal, someone is sure to try to use it while the vehicle is moving, Seizure is 100% guaranteed. Drums work ok, discs work great, why do we need a cone? if you want to reduce the dia, add another caliper to the disc and reduce the dia. Lara.
  24. Hi Lewis, Yes, any electronics catalogue will list 12v adjustable pressure sensing switches, RS for example. OR Micro Dynamics make one specially for automotive turbo use. I think Demon Tweeks list them. Best regards, Lara.
  25. Hi Marsie, Manifold was made by me, Am making a new one for mine as am changing the turbo to a hybrid VV + wastgate unit, Not going to sell them but Simon is going to do a feasibility study as soon as he has his fitted and running. Lewis, Absolutely right but not hard to get a boost sensitive switch to control the solenoids for you if you want. Mechanical is better though in my opinion. Watch this space Lara.
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