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Everything posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. I believe he may now be trading as Ministry 4x4 Limited on ebay (mins4uk16). He has also been removed from one of the Facebook groups he was active on. See picture for the innocent till proven guilty, although I would add at least one person has stepped up to say he hasn't received the roll cage he paid for 5 weeks ago by bank transfer ....
  2. Currently trading as Everything Land Rover Ltd, ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/elr-01594834824/m.html
  3. That may have come to nothing as he was advertising again after that Ross.
  4. There's a dodgy used engine dealer on eBay as well, he never supplies the engines just happily takes £1500 a time off customers. One victim was told by the bank that he'd had 3 payments of £1500 that week already ..... so it's obviously worth their while. Muddy/Will there has been some success in recovering victims money by pursuing the receiving bank using the anti money laundering rules. The guy that goes by the name of Jack Buster (on facebook) claims to have a 100% recovery rate. He's currently not accepting new cases due to a backlog but will start again in a couple of months.
  5. That's the key part 'delivered', they will come up with 101 convincing reasons as to why you can't come and see it and they have to deliver it. All to get you to transfer your money to their account at which point you will never hear from them again. The price is low so you act quickly without thinking so you don't miss the bargain. You can of course get revenge on them, if you pretend you are going through with the purchase get the bank details from them. Then you can report their bank account which will get suspended and may lose them previously scammed money. Obviously if you are going to do this use a throwaway email address and false name. These listings are nearly always on stolen ebay accounts, you'll see an account that normally has never sold any vehicles will suddenly have 10 or 20 cars/motorhomes/boats for sale, that's another alarm bell. The accounts are normally stolen by dodgy ebay listings that have embedded javascript that does a redirect to a cloned eBay page on a different server which then prompts you to login again, but obviously you are giving your details to a criminal at this point. PS Don't feel stupid, you've still got 4K and they haven't
  6. If you frequent facebook have a look at this page https://www.facebook.com/groups/GroupEVSA/?fref=nf it will show you how much of a problem it is. There are a lot of people who have fallen for the scams and tend to lose 5000-6000 each. My guess is the one you looked at would have been around the 4-5k price.
  7. That car was listed on eBay on the 7th, 8th and 10th of feb so far, most likely a scam. I had 41 scam listings on eBay deleted today, it's quite an industry at the moment.
  8. Slight fag burn to the seat according to the description http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1998-LAND-ROVER-RANGEROVER-4-0-AUTO-LIMO-WHITE-Spares-or-repair-/291683486871
  9. Cheers for the update, looking forward to hearing how it's gone. If it hasn't worked you could try removing the ribbon cable completely (if that is possible) and then using a multimeter on the continuity setting to see if each conductor in the ribbon cable is unbroken. A small break may not be visible to the naked eye and can be caused by vibration.
  10. Ya learn something new every day Cheers
  11. Interesting failure :-/ I wonder if Britpart have changed their CV supplier? I fitted a Britpart one 4 or 5 years ago and it looked alright and is still going strong ... (hmm where's that bit of wood to touch?)
  12. Ask him what his company is called so you can look into it..... Also seems a strange listing to make private, guess he doesn't want you to find out who else bought one .....
  13. I'm sure I read that in the UK GPS speedos were not legal as the only speedo in a vehicle, might be worth checking what the score is in your neck of the woods Norm.... unless of course you are leaving the original in place.
  14. I'd hazard a guess that if you remove those 3 screws on the back that you can pop it open, you'd then be able to see if there is moisture/corrosion on the main board. Looking it the pictures in the pdf from the thread that Ralph linked to it does appear there is a flexible ribbon cable present as well so this could of course break like the one mentioned earlier in this thread. Pop it open and take a few pictures.....
  15. He does mention he has another vehicle you can get the parts from ....... then it will have just the correct chassis number
  16. Hello sir, without knowing the instrument in question it is possible it is a broken cable but it may also be caused by damp, even if you have dried the instrument out there may be some corrosion present on the circuit board. Photos can be attached to a message thread using the more reply options button and would probably help.
  17. I do wonder how much he paid for it? He says he paid a suitably high price .....
  18. This might fail on the cheap bit ...... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Series-One-Diesel-86-CHASSIS-NUMBER-ONE-1957-first-one-off-production-/231831870957
  19. You can PM me if you like, click on the envelope icon at the top of the page.
  20. Reading the East Coast Rover pages about mileage fraud on NAS Defenders it would be reasonable to assume that the only place the mileage is stored is within the speedometer head unit. The mileage anti tampering protection of storing in the ECU is a more modern thing and I doubt present in your vehicle. If your failure is the display and caused by the broken cable then the mileage in your head unit will be correct and still clocking up as normal, you just can't see it. It will be possible to read that out even if the head unit can't be fixed, it will be stored on a small eeprom soldered to the circuit board that I have the tools to read here.
  21. There are almost as many what if's in this world as there are conmen and fraudsters
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