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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. With the classic car market being worth 5.5billion a year in the UK alone, I can see there being delays. Added to which the oil companies may see a potential loss of revenue as an issue. Maybe the yoghurt knitting pseudo-hippies will stop using cars as the easy target and go for the big polluters like ship and aircraft
  2. Pete Rowe used to run hybrid axles in his big block comp safari motor. IIRC he used DANA 60 side gears and special half shafts built to Dana 60 spec. He would be worth talking to The guy to talk to about Toyota internal is this bloke http://www.seriestrek.com/ also does nice OM617 conversion stuff
  3. I've been interested to note that my local LPG converter - hugely respected and one of the best in the UK - are moving away from LPG conversions to modern engines; mainly due to the number that fail comprehensively. I don't know if it's simply the LPG conversion or other factors As for Diesel, I look at this way. 1). I don't live in London, I don't visit cities unless I have to - and then it's by train. 2). Haulage companies will still need diesel for many years to come 3). 80% of my fuel usage in my own vehicle is Biofuel - not Bio-diesel 4). My work mileage (at present) is via company car 5). Worst case scenario I have the Mpi
  4. stalls at about 7.5k lbs - works well with a snatch block. Might just have enough grunt to get you out of trouble Very useful for dragging small logs, boats, annoying children, big dogs
  5. Asked DVSA for an interpretation not 3 weeks ago - they said 'oh yes they are' but only if not having them causes an accident'
  6. I will admit to throwing my toys out of the pram with the ARC some years back (about 25). I simply changed clubs. I joined MORC and the AWDC, then EDORC. I tend to think, having been on the organisation side many times that if you don't like the rules, get off your backside to get them changed, or leave and join another club. I loved competing against non LR stuff - so much so I sold my LR. For me RTV was always first and foremost and when I couldn't compete is my first hybrid, throwing a tinkle was the only option for my mental health. My years with the three clubs mentioned were the best trialling I have ever done. Especially with the group I tendied to 'chum' up to. It's worth noting that Scrutineers especially, are very rare commodities. The MSA has no proper Scrutineer programme for 4x4 events like Challenge or Ultra 4x4. In fact there was no scrutineering done at the King of Britain at all. Interesting situation if you read the rules. This forum is about being technical - may it's time for a few clever folk to step up to the plate. I would also suggest the British Motorsport Marshals Club could do with some fresh blood - again worth a punt
  7. I always admired those RTV drivers that could work around the regs. Taxi steering boxes, Austin rims, Transit springs, a little grease here, a tweak there. To me it's as much a skill as building a one off vehicle. Reminds me, I must finish the Auverland
  8. Exactly - hoofing gert tyres and axles don't make an a good offroader, unless you live in The Former Colonies
  9. I still reckon RTV is the highest form of off road motorsport. It's not about the vehicle. it's about the driver
  10. If I wrote filler, I deserved every bit of negative comment for it. My favourite time was back in the days of Off Road Motorsport. I wrote a column called 'Thoughts from the toilet' reviewing magazines...
  11. Peter and Eileen Crichton - still going strong 200k or more now. Truly lovely people The features editor is meant to proof read the articles - they don't employ a proof reader; although when I wrote for them, my wife (who is a proof reader) used to proof read my stuff The first time I took a series gearbox apart (and put it back together) it was using a guide form LRO - back in about 1992
  12. Nice response JU - actually hits all the points square on
  13. Magazines have gone downhill in the last 15 years LROi Lite (also known as LRM) claims increasing reader numbers; this is not backed up by the ABC I stated that the following factors would have a big impact on readers a lack of club level motorsport coverage Too much pointless trend setting Regular coverage of illegal or badly built vehicles (but not Daan!) A lack of 'finger on the pulse' on the industry Lack of basic knowledge - "journalists" who simply had no idea Reliance on the advertiser to support the mag and not the reader Excess Photoshop - too many pictures that resemble other planets An attitude to what made a Classic that was too attuned to the specific interests of the Editor And other stuff
  14. During a rather heated Facebook PM discussion the other night, I was asked to provide reason for my comment (to two magazine editors) that they 'need to sort out their issues and stand up to the plate' I was asked to justify this comment; and so I have drafted up a response and a justification; with evidence I'm interested in how, the collective 'You' would like to see the magazines change for the better - preferably in only a few sentences
  15. EDORC are still about - just not as much. Norf Devon LRC (if you can get hold of them) Somerset and Wilts Trial (a lot) Devon and Cornwall - bunch of nutters, they'd race snails if there was nothing else Brissle and West South West Terra-Tagging (bit Redneck, but a laugh) Challenge Sarfwest Dorset LRC - trials Some other Redneck boys in Vitara's and Bobtailed Disco's
  16. I'd agree with Dave. Local clubs in our area are strong. Lots of RTV, CCV, Terra-Tagging et al. Most of it isn't in LR products though. Series stuff has got too expensive to bounce off the geography. Not enough old Disco's anymore. Early 90's etc are two valuable. So it's mostly Suzuki's Mitsi Pajaero's. The local Land Rover clubs are still two of the most competitive in the country - in both trials and Comp Safari. Yup - it's still strong Greenlaning is about as good as it has been in the last 10 years. Miss-use is down. Councils are still skint and carp; but Glass has done good hard work to open up an excellent (but tough) network What we are lacking is P&P. There is a massive shortage of P&P down here; 4 in the whole West-country - of which 2 are on the verge of going bust There's a big rise in high level escorted laning trips - lots of money, but some are worth it - especially if you are a novice
  17. He was... Up by Belper. He built the cage for my Suzuki SJ and then extended the cage on the Auverland back in the early 90's. Just a nice bloke. RIP
  18. I do like an MB... I don't know the 1000, used the 1300 and 1500 at various times in forestry, so I know the 352; uses under piston oil spray to cool the pistons, same as the early 617. Also done a load of spraying with an old 900
  19. Yup - used them - nuff said Now more importantly, tell me about the MB Trac
  20. Hi Steve, wasn't implying you were! Craig Jones who runs the company is a hell of a nice guy; and very helpful. His dad has worked in the coatings industry for 40 odd years and he helps out as consultant. It's a small business but they want to expand, so if there is an area they don't cover, or a product that they don't sell, it's worth ringing up for a chat I would also suggest contacting Andrews Coatings in Wolverhampton for Rustoleum and other similar products - they are very helpful
  21. They were - that's how the business started but they are now selling a range of stuff and developing new. The guy that runs Buzzweld is a sound bloke and worth discussing stuff with - he will always take the time
  22. What he said Also clean the connections son the starter, clean the optical senor doohickey on the flywheel and check the earth again
  23. I still carry scars from Spinifex - which isn't actually real Spinifex (a coastal grass sp), but is actually something called Triodia wiseana (or similar sp). It's nasty stuff I'm no fan of Cooper tyres at all - I find they crack up really quickly - especially on the side walls. Bridgestone is the preferred fitment for Toyota aid vehicles - got to be about right then... Edited to say: Except Cooper AT3's which I'm sure are made by someone else as they are brilliant
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