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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. Always found that the EDC lump goes better if set to the timing marks then moved forward on the pulley adjusters a tadge... But you need to get your management faults sorted first
  2. The CDL is a tool so like any other traction aid, pre-empt the loss of traction by reading the ground. Iain I would say you are doing it right
  3. Those nice Foreign Johnnies at Mercedes Benz offer the 461 in 6x6 off the line as what ever you want... much better engine range as well AND it has TUV approval
  4. Good company to deal with - bought a winch bumper form them a while ago -; since bought a couple more. The powdercoat is carp though...
  5. I would rather eat my own brains than fit STTs Nothing but bad experiences with them. Especially lower side wall cracking. Poor in deep mud. Awful wear in hot climes. Loud. I prefer Maxxis 764's
  6. Chris can you let me have a list of lanes you do end up driving and maybe a one line report - please Also please avoid the UCR at Hackpen Barton as I'm having a few issues with the landowner and some rather destructive 'laners - also the pool there is about mid windscreen deep at the moment
  7. A few years back a chap who worked for the same company as I did was killed by a 'CE' approved product being used by another chap. It was a nasty accident with a product we had not been happy with - so unhappy that I had banned the use of it on the contract I was working on. When this chap was killed I was asked to help out run the internal investigation. The first thing I did was to check the details of the CE approval. It was fraudulent. Simply a stamp made by the foreign manufacturers and a bit of cheap printing. I had a long chat with those in the know, who explained that so many fraudulently stamped products come into the UK every year it's impossible to stop them all - generally they are found only when someone is hurt or killed. I've read the C&U docs. I know IVA/BVA. I also know what the MoT man is required to look for by law. Most weeks I get to see RTC results up close and I know and respect a number of the SOCO/CIT guys from 6 different forces. So I'll stick with what the law says and I'll not risk me, mine or others lives in the fruitless search for yet another piece of bolt on cr&p that generally only makes money for the seller... The fact that this saves me many of my hard earned £'s is a bonus. I think taking a chance on something like this is more than just stupid, I think it is more 'just' than a crime... Oh and never think telling the insurance company has any legal weight - that doesn't sort out what is legal or not. It means nothing. Insurance companies don't know the law - it's like expecting an MOT man to pick it up; he isn't tasked with that job. The job of making sure your vehicle is legal is your alone
  8. I measure the diffference between just the Osram WIndbreakers and running the relay feeds (with standard cheap bulbs from Halfrauds) and it was quite a suprise. Running relasy is worth every penny. Adding the Windbreakers is worth the cost. All in all I spent less than 30 quid on everything I needed to do the job. The heat has not had an issue - it's a few degrees higher using the infared heat gun doofa. The 200 Tdi Disco has worse standard lighting than a tired 1965 Series 2 88" running a dodgy generator and wiring scourced from old household stock. From standard headlight bowls I now have equal visual range to a set of LED headlamps - and I don't get the sudden LED cut off either. I also run a set of 8" Rally Giants with 55w bulbs as a back up (for Night Nav events) - a tenner off the 'bay
  9. If anyone did want to ask me for advice on what to drive and what not to; or lanes that I would rather you did not drive, I can be reached at Somerset.rep@glass-uk.org Yes I know it says Somerset, but I cover Somerset, East Devon, North Devon and Mid Devon for GLASS
  10. I'd love to Old Chap but it's not a weekend I dare ask for a pass as I have a BAMA nav rally later in the month
  11. I can't cut n paste on here but having wasted yet more of my life browsing construction and use regs then talking to a nice chap from VOSA, this is the basic bit An 'E' mark can only be issued to a product that is a like for like replacement. LED Headlight mounts have the E mark as they are a like for like replacement for a headlight unit. Bit no LED bulb can be a like for like replacement so if 'E' marked it is fraudulent. So your mount and lens are fine it's the lighty bit. I've also been advised that an enormous number of Asian made products coming over to the EU have fraudulent CE/TUV and E marks Matey from VOSA said - "fit the blessed things, just don't have an accident where we get involved as we will prosecute and your insurance will be void so you will also get a criminal prosecution form the Police; also don't get pulled into a VOSA check site as we will use it for a prosecution because we need the money..." In reality they really aren't that much better than a decent conventional set up
  12. Chris, as the GLASS Rep for Devon, feel free to give me a shout if you need route info... Still on the same old mobile number
  13. Theres a simple little bit that asically says something along the lines of replace like for like or get your writs smacked. If it didn't come with LED's out of the box, hard cheese, you don't get to fit LED's Because I'm not a troll but I do worry about folk admiting to breaking the law on public forums, I thought I would simple warn against it - this moves the liability firmly back into the court of the original poster and not into the conjoined mass mind of the forum... I would suggest you simply read the relevant bits of the C&U regs then come back with a nice hard core, un troll like argument for the use of LEDS... If Jason can prove that it's all ship shape and Brissle fashion, then find a great price for the units then fair do's to the guy and good luck with his night driving If he can't prove it's Spotty Dog, then it's best to fit them but not tell the membership of an international forum, just in case...
  14. Without meaning to Troll in anyway, less I get banned by Nige - but still being negative. If you fit LED headlights (or any type of LED bulb) to a 110 you break Construction and Use Regs. Most rule/law breakersd are easy to get away with but headligths are less so. If you want lots of light, just go down the relay route and fit some Osram Night Breakers in Wipacs... All legal then, no matter what
  15. We go to Sweden and Finland regulalry One of the best bits of kit I found for pennies was the old Kenlowe Hot Start - the one I have on the 200 is an 88degree unit. It was a doddle to fit and and works very well at keeping the block warm... I also used aluminim coated bubble wrap as a sandwich in the head lining and other places
  16. If you have 3.5k to spend, get a Discovery 2. If you don't do big miles get a V8 Jeeps are made by Chrysler and as such are expensive on parts and on labour. They also break relatively easily unless the previous owner has maintained and loved them Toyota's are overpriced in the UK and they do break Nissan Patrol's don't break but they disolve G Wagens - for your budget forget it, although they are truly amazing; for example I know of a solid '83 plate with a NAD Auto in going for 3.5k. A new bumper is 1200quid! I bought a D2 to fix and sell on. I fixed it and then SWMBO drove it. Now it's a keeper; and I love it... Although the blessed compressor failed the other day and cost me £363 in VAT
  17. It is for 'wick' lubrication and it makes for longer lasting and more abuse... Also allows it to damp the vibrations that will snap a wire core rope (a bit). Strength is only slightly less as well. I like it because I use my winches for a lot more than just dragging my vehicle around a bit of boggy woodland...
  18. Greased string rope is the dogs... Makes for excellent winch rope
  19. I have a 'standard' D2 ES - so air/ace/18" wheels. It's been chipped a bit and had some stuff done to make it more driveable. It handles like a dream for a 2.3tonne bus. You have to work hard to lose it in the wet....
  20. I run Maxxis 764's - the new style - on the Disco 1. Superb tyre - far better than the KM2 all round I've got AT2's on the D2 - nice on road and not too bad off The Mighty G has Fedima copies of SAT's on in a 7.50 stylee - almost unstoppable off road but on road and early 4x2 petrol engined G can be somewhat bowel lightening on any form of tarmac
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