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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. Thanks for that - it's not mentioned on the Peak Park's website but I think it'd be a bit ambitious with a standard Jimny in the group anyway. The PDNP's site does show that Hollinsclough is closed though, which saves us a drive over there... For reference: Peak District National Park Authority - Sensitive Routes
  2. Planning a day out for 3x LRs and a standard Jimny over the holiday period, we'll start with Stanage and then head generally west and then south. Are there any TROs we should know about, particularly on Roych Clough or any of the lanes above Ladybower?
  3. Just pickingup an old thread, I've always suffered the same problem, where grease squirts out around the nozzle rather than flowing into the nipple. Usually I resign myself to replacing the UJ six months after the nipple stops taking grease. Today I picked up a pointed conical adaptor for a couple of quid from Cromwell, it pushes the ball bearing in and seals on the conical face. If grease escapes, push harder - simple! Makes a mucky job easier, which means I'm more likely to do it!
  4. I'm using plain pipe and had the devil's own job making the pipes stay on, especially at 2bar as I was learning to control the VGT. A bead of weld around any (steel) pipe will work as a flare, but I've opted for three jubilee clips on each one instead, which seems to be holding ok. If you do trim the pipe, stuff some rag in there first to stop yourself filling the i/c with cutting swarf. Ideally, blow compressed air into the other end to dissuade it?
  5. If you do some maths and multiply the pressure rise by the volume flow, you'll find you need lots of power - that little shaft in the middle of a turbocharger is delivering some serious kilowatts, just with a small torque and big speed! And Mr Watts - I'm watching you
  6. Don't RR steering boxes leak like all the others then?
  7. Jerry - I don't know much about tooth belt drives but the first step is to understand the power and speed requirements of your pump - this will tell you the width of the belt you need, you'll certainly need this to spec your system.
  8. I'm using the standard bogbrush cooler without issues. If it was ok for LandRover's powertrain development towing 3 tonnes through the Sahara behind a Discovery, it should be fine behind my Ninety doing some green lanes. I can see the need if you've got a 'ooge V8 putting megawatts into the torque converter for half an hour while the truck's stood on end, but surely for most users it's not the problem it's perceived to be. I have no science to back this up and I don't even monitor the trans temp on mine, but the oil's not burnt so something's working!
  9. I have a strip of the sticky-back LEDs mounted in my hardtop, on the underside of the "internal gutter" above the back door. It's plenty bright enough for camping trips: I noticed that Dalai Llama had a three strips of LEDs inside his 110CSW (two along the back, one across behind the front seats) - very very effective at lighting up the inside but it did look like he was growing weed in it...
  10. Following a failure 'in the field' I am aware of people who have just crimped the pipe over to hold pressure and driven home on three working brakes - be aware that if this is a front wheel it will snatch the steering somewhat. I will stress that this was a get-you-home - if you have to ask the question, you probably already know the answer...
  11. If you find one at a sensible budget in the Bristol area, I don't mind poking the chassis and laughing at someone else's half-effort at modifications... A V8 would be lovely but I think Tdi is probably safer on your budget.
  12. Don't heat the gear lever to bend it to a more convenient shape. There's a rubber bush in the bottom near where it bolts to the splines on the gearbox - ask me how I know
  13. Depends what kit it is. I reckon I would have spent £1k on my VGT conversion if I'd paid market rate for the turbo or manifold, so add a margin onto that and supply some ancillary bits and it could represent a sensible price. I'm not saying it's a sensible purchase, it could have cost him that much to put it together. The wonder of eBay is that he only needs to find one person who thinks it's worth the price. If he finds TWO people, happy times!
  14. Paul - reading between the lines, did you get stuck in Tesco's car park? First step is to get the winch under load and start measuring some voltages - what's the battery voltage with the system charging? What's the voltage across the winch terminals? Is there a voltage across the solenoid? That should help you identify where to look next.
  15. Looks like Retro has found the answer ... and we call ourselves offroaders!
  16. The back of my truck's not very photogenic, is it? I might ask you for a few full-size versions of some of those; likewise I've got a couple of good ones of your truck which I can email across.
  17. I suppose the question is, would my mother as a "reasonable" person drive into a swollen river? I suspect the answer is no, but a judgment along these lines could affect our hobby and many others - my mother doesn't think its reasonable to dress up in a human condom, tie yourself to a piece of fibreglass and head out to sea in a storm but plenty of people go windsurfing and there are civilians in the lifeboat service who'll risk their lives to retrieve you if it all goes wrong. The crux of the question for me is, does a 17-year old understand that a river crossing is dangerous?
  18. But a reasonable, competent driver (eg my Mum) can keep a car between kerbs and maybe even control a skid on the road, but managing a car in heavy flowing water is surely a special skill - and one you only learn by practice? He should have kept out if he thought the car would tip, but that's pretty obvious afterwards. It depends what he did (if anything) to aggravate the situation.
  19. Mark - I've got a 24-spline centre for a Disco1 / RR / Defender diff in the garage if it'd help - I know you're in a hurry to get the car back. I could courier it to you by Wednesday?
  20. Here's some of my photos - they're pretty self-explanatory, apart from the shot of Si with his "darts player's salad", and the shot of three blokes in the dark explaining why they would cross the swollen river, with the eddies on the surface and a steady flow faster than walking pace, but they've just changed their tyres / rewired their radio / don't know the area etc... Best part of the weekend: the entertainment value of the CB, which I only threw into the truck as an afterthought on Friday morning. Low point of the weekend: being caught up on the Wayfarer by a massive group of Jap offroaders - they were queued away around the corner, in a ridiculous size group. I saw them on the way home too, as I headed out of Bala, and they give the rest of us a bad name. As I said earlier, thanks to everyone involved for playing their part but particularly to Chris - I owe you a pint. Edit: I've put a , and since I'm pressing the buttons, I get to pick the clip where I don't get stuck
  21. Just enjoying a late lunch in Bala. I'll put some photos up later (sorry Headhunter I do mean you) but just want to say thanks to the navigators, gate-openers, translators and our not-organisers for getting it together and making it a great weekend!
  22. Well, the hotel bar works as expected, and Si has already thrown a pint over the barmaid...
  23. Well Chris, it looks like there are enough group leaders - or else nobody wants to be in my group! I'm happy to take whoever turns up as an overflow group, or just join another lot if there are still no takers. We'll be leaving Bristol about 4pm tomorrow, and we're booked in for evening meal. Really looking forward to a relaxing and fun weekend.
  24. Group leaders - the trip can't go ahead without anyone willing to point the way. I don't have a set of maps yet (and with good ol' Royal Mail I think I might have to go to seek some from a shop during the week) so: I'm willing to lead a group, with this proviso for everyone following me: My Ninety is twenty five years old It's only done 1000 miles in the last six months, so it's a bit of an unknown quantity It's probably going to break down George will be map-reading She normally uses TomTom to get to work Using a map for George usually means obscuring at least one mirror and half the windscreen. She tends to have a sense of humour failure when people laugh at her I don't always follow her directions anyway if I think she's got it wrong We'll all need a sense of humour to get to the end of the day Think of it more as a convoy with a floor show than a laning weekend and we'll get along fine.
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