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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Freelander are different again and I am not sure about Freelander 2 20" Stormer alloys going on your Series, RT?
  2. I'd go with something really really really south, so I can go to it Might be the only one there of course
  3. Now it looks like a cheapy T-Max
  4. Isn't there a slight release of torque when it clicks though?
  5. Ta All that would be needed would be delivery to the company's container agent in the UK, it will cost me peanuts to get here after that as the freight goes on volume not weight
  6. Newer 90s with the tank in the rear use a plastic tank, so you could go down that route though it would be a lot of work and have its own drawbacks.
  7. Well if Will doesn't want it I will give it a darned good go One of the next things on the "round tuit" list is a bigger spade for mine but the round tuit list doesn't get much attention these days since the director of programmes took control the garage already has a Southdown guard awaiting modification to fit the vehicle, a Safari snorkel, a hands free kit which looks like a biatch to fit, and some bits for my boat that need doing, not to mention fixing the roller door which I reversed through (don't ask) finishing the fence I haven't touched for 2 years blah blah blah I see the PP is available with a wider 16" spade from the UK agent. Did you ever try a wider spade Nige?
  8. Land Rover used to ship all the vehicles with about 50psi in all the tyres just to stop that very problem, and there was also a bulletin quite a few years ago about one particular sort of tyre (Goodyears I think) "flat spotting"on vehicles in hot countries if the vehicles were in storage for a while. I've even noticed it on my Discovery, if the vehicle is parked up for a week or two, you sometimes get a bit of a wobble in the steering for a while but it soon goes away. Crossply tyres are much worse, I drove a vehicle with a set of General SAG xply 7.50s on a few years ago and I thought the damn thing had square wheels on, it had been sitting for a couple of weeks, but after a couple of miles it was fine. I guess it's why they used to say you should jack up vehicles that are in storage...
  9. A good idea in some ways but who would/would not be able to add to the list? What if there were a rush of orange stooges who all say that certain types of spring are wonderful, that would be one example that springs to mind Could be a bit dangerous IMHO and regulars to the site will soon form an opinion on who is well thought of (or not) just from the recommendations on the site.
  10. I don't, but I am sure knowing what vehicle/engine it was for would be quite helpful to anybody who might
  11. I would have said steering damper but you have ruled that out... and the next thing I would have said would have been swivel preload. Have you had the wheel balance checked?
  12. Well if you ever want to get rid of it.... I can give it a good home....
  13. VWP have big blanking grommets, we got a load from there a while back for work. You could either drill a hole, or drill an oversize hole in the big grommet and fit a small grommet in the middle.
  14. hinges, or just the screws? don't remember ever seeing whole hinges in stainless.
  15. http://www.straightforwardsupplies.co.uk/a...d_Recovery.html Neither had I - but it looks like I built it (not intended as a compliment )
  16. Perfect justification for using a 4x4 for the school run Mind you I'm not sure an X5 or a Merc Portakabin-class would be much good in deep water anyway
  17. PM sent to simonr, thanks x-eng website seems to be broken at the moment
  18. Hello & welcome It used to be a problem on old Range Rovers but I can't say I have ever seen it on even quite old Discoverys. I guess some of the UK trim specialists might do a replacement, but the cost of shipping something that size to you would be pretty horrendous I expect. search Google for "discovery headlining" and you get this among others http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk/rimmer/land-ro...-trim#Headlinin but the price will make you choke I expect I don't think it has ever been a big problem on Discoverys so there isn't a lot of need for aftermarket ones
  19. Erm on a north american model the steering wheel will be on the other side the dash assy is completely different on LHD vehicles I am afraid
  20. Welcome No it is a permanent fault code, it doesn't re-set after a number of drive cycles (or at least my one didn't - 1996 Discovery V8)
  21. Ta, that tallies with the only time I have "seen" a PRT which was on the Top Gear Discovery 3 test, when they were winching that out it just seemed to plough a shallow furrow across the surface even in what I assume was peat. Harder type surfaces don't tend to be so much of a problem round these parts though There don't appear to be any other UK pull pal sellers, at least not that I can find on Gurgle...? Edited after seeing Daan's reply - that is a problem with all the the spade type anchors I think, if the spade ends up below the surface they are a b&gger to shift! I tie a rope to the trailing edge of the spade on mine, if I think it is going to go under (which it usually does round here)
  22. Somebody here has seen my KittyGripper ground anchor and is looking at getting something similar. The pull-pal distributor claims to be here http://www.blitz4x4.org.uk/pull-pal.htm has anybody dealt with him? just a bit wary of the "could you just put my payment through this other business" bit! Alternatively does anybody have any experience of the "Portable Rescue Tree" - I see it is sold by the company who cannot be mentioned but I really wondered if it was any good. I know the PP is ok as the KG is based on this but I don't think I have seen any real world reports on the PRT on the forum - any thoughts please? It looks smaller to store. He doesn't want one of the solid ones (as also sold by the company who cannot be mentioned) because of the amount of space they take up.
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