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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. You should be aware that you get what you pay for with engine rebuilds.... I guess a cheap option might be an engine out of a crashed vehicle? No idea what the going rate is for one of those, over there. Bit of a lottery though as you are buying blind...
  2. All coming out of the closet now it seems! Maybe we should have a "yachties forum"
  3. No because it works both ways so on a hot sunny day you will fry your brain
  4. Yep. "Extreme" must be something that is in the top 1% of its field. For example, in terms of ugliness, we would be talking perhaps John Prescott or anything made by Bellargio Bathtub or Moglite would be things that I might rate as extreme because they are fantastic and different and desirable. A 90 which has collided with the Scrap Iron Racing window display, I would not rate as extreme, even if they managed to get the whole catalogue on there (might need some stronger springs boys). In fact I would say that anything that can be built entirely from off the shelf components is unlikely to rate as "extreme" unless there is some real ingenuity involved?
  5. What's the better there will be a surge in sales just before they stop making it I must admit I've only used it once and it didn't work, but it was trying to repair a split beer barrel and I'd already tried everything else I could think of, none of which would stick If all else fails you could make a bracket to clamp the plug in, a bit like what holds a 300Tdi injector in place
  6. IIRC years ago on the farm Dad used to have some sort of instant metal repair stuff called "Durmetal" which he swore by for all sorts of things though I have no idea if it is still made.... Also how about JB Weld? They reckon you can use it for cracked engine blocks I guess the high temperature would be what would break an Araldite bond? Edited to say yes they do - Durmetal
  7. Ah well I am only about 2 min drive from my work so it's a lot less hassle! Likewise, I have never yet found it open....
  8. Powerboating, then, is like standing in front of a cold fire hose ripping them up faster Anybody who is thinking about it and hasn't already, should take a look at the RIBnet forum lots of good advice and knowledgeable people on there, a bit like a nautical LR4x4 really Just don't make your first question "These Leeway ribs, are they any good then, or not?" it's the Ermintrude of the rib world
  9. It will be the stupid c clip because my 1995 90 had one of those, think they came in at the start of the 300Tdis. There is a knack to getting it off which I usually forget in between the times I strip down a door and spend an hour swearing at it instead....
  10. And likely to end up with the car getting crushed if caught, I think?
  11. They are just held on with plastic poppers and a couple of rivets that you can see from the inside when the door is open (in the corners). You will break most of the poppers getting them off so get some new ones before you start! There is a proper tool for levering away trim panels which breaks slightly less of the poppers (so only about 2/3 of them instead of 3/4...) but a big flat bladed screwdriver is as good as anything, just get it under the edge of the trim and work your way around, lifting it a bit at a time.
  12. You don't need sea legs with a rib just sit down, hang on, and scream if you wanna go faster
  13. I hate to say it and I might have to go and moderate myself but I agree Here's mine and it's even got mud on it, and it runs Land Rover wheels on the trailer I've hardly been anywhere in the 90 since I had my boat ..... would have been out on it today if it wasn't for the fact I'm bed-ridden from the nose down (obscure Blackadder quote)
  14. Mmmmmmm that is very nice I have entered the delights of RIB ownership seven months ago and now about to enter my first summer with it which I am thoroughly looking forward to B) The only thing is ... I know what my fuel bill is like (115hp 2 stroke outboard) so I'd hate to think what yours will be but I bet it goes like stink, what's the top speed of one of those things with all 520 ponies neighing?
  15. "Did I lock the office door when I left work" is usually one of mine....
  16. There are (were) some photos of Piglet on David Bowyer's website under the Dyneema section, his site is down at the moment though, I just checked it.
  17. Usually on the Td5 is goes the other way, you find the airflow output reading from a duff AFM drops slightly (c.20% on the one I was looking at last week) but not enough to trigger a fault code, and the engine is lethargic. The reason it will be doing what yours was, is because the engine was thinking that more air was getting into the engine so increased the fuelling accordingly, and while there was no more air to burn the extra fuel, overfuelling does give extra power up to a point, though also extra smoke as you found out. Much the same as turning up the fuelling on a 300Tdi without doing anything else. It's an interesting twist on the idea of "chipping" a vehicle and one I'd never thought of, I wonder if you could "fiddle with" an AFM maybe by inserting a variable resistor in the circuit somehow and giving yourself a "power control" in the cab, that would be quite cool
  18. That's a bit naughty! Sold as "one careful owner" then are they?!
  19. I thought it was the powder ones that usually go phut due to the powder taking on a cement like consistency at the bottom of the can? I am pondering what to get for my boat and think AFFF will probably be the answer in case of engine fire. I am also going to carry a bucket though since there is an ample supply of extinguishant all around in that environment
  20. In my case it's the first HP thing I have ever had that doesn't still work! right back to my old Deskjet 500 from about 1990 which is still going strong. Joking aside it isn't worth chucking the screen away for as on a light coloured background it is hardly noticeable, just going to be annoying when photo editing etc. Thanks for the generous offer but I'll use the airfare myself and come and buy another one I think anyway still got 2 17" CRT screens so no immediate loss of computer expected just yet.....
  21. The other really cool thing is that you have hot water in your windscreen washer jets bet not even a Merc S-class has a hot windscreen wash B)
  22. It disappeared for a while, a little while ago, now its back again but fainter than before maybe I'll put my fist away for the time being and see what happens...... Sometimes I buy things locally too but when they are mostly getting on for twice the price that you can buy them while on holiday, you can actually accept a certain failure rate and still be "in the black"... it is still ruddy annoying though. For example my HP 8250 printer (bought from the same Comet store at the same time) £75 (which was cheap, most places were £100) and I got the VAT back which made it even cheaper. Nearest equivalent here was about £175! Does anybody on here work in the IT repair business, any thoughts on what I could look for? Ta
  23. Cheers. Yeah they won't though, I have dealt with high street stores in the past and they are all w****rs when it comes to warranty claims. If you bought it in store they helpfully say "bring it in to the store you bought it from" then if it is like the DVD recorder I had to bring back last year, they take one look and say "oh no we can't do anything about it in store you need to contact the manufacturers" then you end up spending 4 hours on the ruddy phone to the manufacturer who then passes you to the repair agent who then says they need an authorisation number from the manufacturer who then passes that to the repair agent and then you have to send it off for repair which will be done without fail in five working days Sir except it ends up being three weeks so you miss the shipment sending all your other stuff to the container packers so you have to bring it back in your luggage and nearly get stung for about £150 excess baggage. Etc etc etc. And then they send you a bill for repairing it and get told to F off in no uncertain terms! By the time that lot had finished I swore three things 1) I will never buy anything from Dixons ever again 2) I will never buy anything made by Pioneer ever again 3) I will never try and take anything back to UK for a warranty repair If I can't fix it myself I'll just have to put up with it, if I post it back over there it will almost certainly get smashed in transit anyway, either going there or coming back. These things always come in threes. So that's the DVD and the monitor, I guess my new outboard will be the next ****ing thing to blow up
  24. Funnily enough the water cooled fairleads crossed my mind as well
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